
Routes in Barbican Wall

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Showing all 44 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
Unknown year
20 Stormbringer-Rapier Combo
Trad 48m South-Eastern Grampians
19 Mutinous Dog

A good first pitch which is a bit fierce near the top where the aid was originally used - it was originally graded 18 with the aid. Roland rarely bothered to upgrade things when he freed them. So this has been undergraded at 18 for decades. The upper pitches wander to get to the top. It is possible to find abseil trees but many of these are a bit suspect after the fires.

Start: Takes a thin seam/crack line R of Morgan [altho' it is possible to start Morgan at the same point]. Faint initial.

  1. 18m (19) Up over blocks moving R at 7m to fine groove [PR] up this to ledge.

  2. 18m (11) Up a couple of meters then traverse L to arete. Up wall passing loose flake and thin crack to ledge.

  3. 12m (10) 'Arete' to ledge

  4. 15m (12) 5m R and up corner.

FA: Mike Stone, Chris Dewhirst & Ian Ross [var] Bob Connell, 1973

FFA: Roland Pauligk, 1975

Trad 73m, 4 South-Eastern Grampians
17 Rapier

The corner pitch is ok but the rest of the route is worthless. Most of this route (as with every route at this cliff) is on very poor rock. Usually combined with the 'Direct Finish'.

Start: A scrubby blocky line leading up to an obvious attractive corner about 8m R of 'The Pirate'. Marked with an X

  1. 35m (17) Up to corner, sustained climbing up this to the roof then L to ledge.

  2. 16m (15) Intimidating traverse back R into corner and across its R wall. From the ledge climb the wall above to a roof.

  3. 8m (14) Traverse L to lip and up.

FA: Peter Watling & Rick Potter [var], 1973

Trad 66m, 3 South-Eastern Grampians
14 Scurvy

Once you get past the lower 15m of broken rubbish this a surprisingly good old fashioned steep route. The rock is a bit frail in places.

Start: Right of 'Algiers' is a big buttress split by a major chimney/crack line. 'Scurvy' takes that line.

  1. 15m (10) The aim is to get to the big tree below the crack on the major buttress without handling too much shattered rock. Possibly best to head up near 'Algiers' and traverse R to the tree.

  2. 25m (14) The awkward V groove to ledge.

  3. 20m (14) R and up steep crack with some exciting sections to ledge. Watch for loose holds.

  4. 14m (10) Easy wall from back of block.

FA: Michael Stone & Chris Baxter [alt], 1973

Trad 78m, 4 South-Eastern Grampians
16 Peg-Ieg

A worthwhile multi pitch adventure. The first route climbed on the cliff. There is apparently a grade 19 variant that can be climbed on on P2 but I have no idea where it goes.

Start: R one of 2 V corners 25m R of 'Storm'

  1. 20m (14) The corner to overhang, out R to arete and up until you can traverse back L on a slab. Up little corner to belay. Take care avoiding loose blocks on this pitch.

  2. 24m (16) Corner to roof, L to enter steep crack, up to belay on L.

  3. 20m (14) Up line.

FA: Chris Baxter & Mike Stone [alt], 1973

Trad 66m, 3 South-Eastern Grampians
11 Yard-arm

This route and the Scuppers are both around 50m, but the cliff here abouts is around 70m high. I assume that both routes reach the terrace at the top of the 'Three Sailors of the Armageddon' buttress which is about 50m high [TSotA abbs off a tree at 40m]. There is a steep narrow buttress behind this terrace taken by P3 of 'Barbertucky'. Either side of this buttress are steep gullies which can be reached by scrambling down the gap behind the terrace. Abseil trees are available in these gullies [50m x 2 ropes]. Or a roped pitch on the R would lead to the top pitch of Scurvy.

Start: Two bays [approx 60m] R of the MoW block is a buttress with a distinctive large block sitting in front of its R edge. About 6m L of this block. Initialled.

  1. 17m (11) Up corner to overhang and up L to line. Up to corner.

  2. 36m (11) Corner turning roof on R.

FA: Rein Kamar & Bob Connell [alt], 1973

Trad 53m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
17 R Man Overboard

The second pitch is sustained, dirty and on something less than rock. You have been warned.

Start: 7m R of Peg-leg

  1. 16m (13) Up line past distinctive [and terrifying] perched block to just R of corner. Poor belay in manky rock.

  2. 36m (17) Up corner and R face searching desperately for anything resembling solid rock. Dont even think of falling off.

  3. 23m (14) Corner to roof, R and up chimney to second roof. Exit L and up crack. Not a bad pitch really.

FA: Chris Baxter & Keith Lockwood [alt], 1973

Trad 75m, 3 South-Eastern Grampians
10 Vegie's Cannon Balls

Wandering and uninspiring

Start: 35m L of 'Queequeg'. A flake crack leading towards yellow overhangs.

  1. 15m (10) Up flake crack to ledge below big chimney/crack line.

  2. 12m (12) Up line about 6 meters then traverse R around arete to flake line.

  3. 16m (12) Up

FA: Chris Baxter & Chris Dewhirst, 1973

Trad 43m, 3 South-Eastern Grampians
15 Queequeg

A long overlooked route with interesting climbing on all pitches. A good easier multi pitch adventure.

Start: Near the bottom of the L wall of the gully L of Morgan is an obvious jagged flake crack [unclimbed]. Head down about 20m L of this to a L facing chimney corner.

  1. 23m (13) Scramble up to and up chimney corner to overhang, chimney to large ledge on top of pillar.

  2. 16m (15) Step R off ledge and climb overhang. Up steep line to large ledge.

  3. 14m (15) The delightful crack.

FA: Lyle Closs & Keith Lockwood, 1973

Trad 53m, 3 South-Eastern Grampians
11 The Hornpipe

Looks awful

Start: Chimney just R of TD

  1. 33m (11) Chimney to stance under roof on R.

  2. 30m (11) Up chimney.

FA: Chris Baxter & Keith Lockwood [alts], 1973

Trad 63m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
16 Morgan

The top 2 pitches are quite good, the first is just a way of accessing them.

Start: The track hits the cliff just R of large steep gully. This route takes the L edge of the main cliff just R of the gully

  1. 35m (10) Follow broken corners and blocks heading up to a prominent tree below a short corner with overhangs.

  2. 17m (16) Up around overhangs in corner and up crack to ledge.

  3. 20m (16) Up the line with an awkward bulge

FA: Keith Lockwood & Lyle Closs [alt], 1973

Trad 73m, 3 South-Eastern Grampians
15 Ramrod Arete

Start: 12m R of MD, the faintly initialled crack/groove on L arête of The Pirate wall.

  1. 15m (14) Poor rock to start, then up to overhang, then wall above to stance.

  2. 20m (12) Corner to roof, R, up and back L to arete. Up to stance on L

  3. 33m (15) Up arete, then slightly L and up to old rusty peg. Above this follow shallow crack/seam up pimply rock to ledge. Up easily on bocks. [This pitch originally headed into dirty gully on L]

FA: Chris Baxter & Bob Connell [alt], 1973

Trad 68m, 3 South-Eastern Grampians
16 The Pirate

A good sustained and varied first pitch, the second isn't too bad either but not in the same class.

Start: A steep flake 4m R of RA [about 15m R of MD] Initialled.

  1. 24m (16) Follow the flake up and R to a vertical crack which leads to a ledge.

  2. 35m (13) Up and R to small roof, pass this on the L. R and up.

FA: Peter Watling, Keith Wadsworth [alt] & Ross Vining, 1973

Trad 57m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
14 Yawl

The cliff here abouts took quite a hammering in the fires [it was probably always a bit unstable]. Once you get more than about 10m up everything is dangerously shattered and unstable, some VERY large stacks of blocks are just perched waiting to go.

Start: 6m R of MO

  1. 23m (14) From chipped initials climb corner then up slightly R to ledge below prominent corner.

  2. 20m (14) L corner crack and on past blocks to foot of P3 of MO

  3. 23m (14) As for P3 MO.

FA: John McMahon & Kevin Lindorff [alt], 1973

Trad 75m, 3 South-Eastern Grampians
9 The Scuppers

Looks like it covers some pretty awful territory.

Start: Just R of the distinctive block.

  1. 17m (8) Up broken vegetated rock to ledge. Up shattered crack to overhang, R and up to ledge.

  2. 33m (9) Up line on poor rock passing L end of roof.

FA: Peter Watling & Keith Wadsworth [alt], 1973

Trad 50m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
18 Storm

The first pitch, whilst indirect, is quite good with steep interesting climbing. Double ropes will help avoid rope drag. Unfortunatley P2 is pretty ordinary.

Start: 6m R of 'The Hornpipe'.

  1. 39m (18) Climb blocky wall to roof traverse L under it to small corner. Up to next roof, swing back R around arete and traverse R to foot of crack in small corner. Up this to tricky exit R [crux].

  2. 27m (14) Up dirty corner using cleaner R wall where possible.

FA: Chris Dewhirst & Chris Baxter [alt], 1973

Trad 66m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
19 Man o' War

An exciting battle up a steep line with a lot of suspect rock. Quality of protection is limited by the quality of rock it is in. A good route if you are prepared and capable for old school 19 on questionable rock.

Start: A large steep yellow wall up and R of the ramp leading to 'Mermen'. It has a couple of obvious cracks up it and MoW takes the LH one. Scramble up to its base, careful as the ground is a bit unstable around here.

  1. 35m (19) Up wall to ledge then steep crack.

  2. 15m (8) Wander up to top.

FA: Ian Ross & Mike Stone, 1973

Trad 60m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
15 The Doldrums

Start: The R arete of The 'Rapier' bay.

  1. 40m (15) Up arete to obvious overhang. R, up wall, then back to arete and up to ledge

  2. 14m (15) Skirt overhang and up.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Peter Watling [alt] Jean-Philippe Weibel, 1974

Trad 54m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
21 Son of a Gun [and DF]

Good looking line liberally decorated with poor rock and a sand pit. Enjoyable if you are capable and prepared for oldfashioned 21 on questionable rock. The 'Direct Finish' is the way to go. Both described finishes are 21.

Start: The crack R of MoW

  1. 35m (21) Up little corner to overhang, step L and up crack to overhang [DF goes boldly up from here]. Hard step L to another crack, up to roof.

  2. 15m (10) Step down L then up veering R

FA: Michael Stone & Chris Baxter [alt] DF Roland Pauligk mid, 1975

Trad 50m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
19 Mutinous Dog

A good first pitch which is a bit fierce near the top where the aid was originally used - it was originally graded 18 with the aid. Roland rarely bothered to upgrade things when he freed them. So this has been undergraded at 18 for decades. The upper pitches wander to get to the top. It is possible to find abseil trees but many of these are a bit suspect after the fires.

Start: Takes a thin seam/crack line R of Morgan [altho' it is possible to start Morgan at the same point]. Faint initial.

  1. 18m (19) Up over blocks moving R at 7m to fine groove [PR] up this to ledge.

  2. 18m (11) Up a couple of meters then traverse L to arete. Up wall passing loose flake and thin crack to ledge.

  3. 12m (10) 'Arete' to ledge

  4. 15m (12) 5m R and up corner.

FA: Mike Stone, Chris Dewhirst & Ian Ross [var] Bob Connell, 1973

FFA: Roland Pauligk, 1975

Trad 73m, 4 South-Eastern Grampians
20 Rapier Direct Finish

Steep and exciting, originally graded 18!

Start: As for P2 of 'Rapier' Straight up the overhanging corner and cracks above.

FA: Tim Beaman & Roland Pauligk, 1977

Trad 15m South-Eastern Grampians
21 Cat o' Nine Tails

Great atmospheric climbing, with dubious rock and gear. The tree used to start it may have perished in the fires.

Start: 5m R of SoG

FA: Michael Law & Chris Baxter, 1980

Trad 42m South-Eastern Grampians
17 Storm Variant

Start: As for 'Storm'

  1. 25m (17) Continue up L into V corner above roofs where 'Storm' traverses R. Belay on ledge on R after V groove.

  2. 33m (14) Traverse R to 'Storm' and finish up this.

FA: Hugh Foxcroft & Peter Martin, 1982

Trad 25m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
21 Stormbringer

One of the better routes of the crag on some of the better rock, but not the "superb" the guide describes it as. Be prepared for some committing moves.

Start: As for 'Rapier'

  1. 30m (22) Start up 'Rapier' then go straight up vertical corner capped by overhang. Pass this on R and power boldly up wall to shallow corner, step L to nose.

  2. 18m (20) Up wall to ledge, finish up 'Rapier' DF

FA: Peter Martin & Simon Carter, 1990

Trad 42m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
10 R Mermaids

Very shattered and unstable since the fires, best avoided.

Start: 2m R of Yawl

FA: Julie Anderson & Wendy Hazell, 1990

Trad 35m South-Eastern Grampians
19 Three Sailors of the Armageddon

Looks good, and rather unlikely for the grade. As it is a Peter Martin route it is possibly under graded.

Start: As for Yardarm

FA: Peter Martin, Aidan Banfield, Ken DeForest, Tony Keeble & Chris Wright., 1990

Trad 40m South-Eastern Grampians
21 Mutinous Dog Direct

Straight up wall to roof [crux] and up to belay on L. Find a suitably stable abseil tree or continue up the original route.

Start: As for P2 of MD

FA: Peter Martin & Simon Carter, 1990

Trad 15m South-Eastern Grampians
19 The Pirate Variant

Good climbing, technical and sustained. Protection is mostly small stuff [RPs useful] and is fiddly to place.

Start: As for P2 of 'The Pirate'. Head up and R to flake above overlap. R to thin crack and up steeply.

FA: Nick Tapp & Mike Totterdell, 1991

Trad 18m South-Eastern Grampians
21 I'd Rather Be Sailing

Dramatic second pitch.

Start: At the distinctive block on the ground. Climbs the left side of nose 5m right of TSOTA.

  1. 18m (15) Up and over overlap into scoop. Step R and up to flake crack following this to ledge on R.

  2. 17m (21) Step L and up to horizontal break. Up and left on series of dirty breaks.

FA: Stephen Hamilton, Gary Lyons, Nick Tapp & Mike Totterdell, 1991

Trad 35m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
17 Solitaire

Looks good and rather hard for the grade.

Start: 5m R of the Pirate

Left at overlap on to block. Up and right to finish up thin crack.

FA: Wayne Maher, 1992

Trad 20m South-Eastern Grampians
18 Ocean Rain [a variant start to The Doldrums]

Up L side of TD arete to ledge at 5m. Then up to take overhang on its L.

Start: On the L side of the Doldrums arete

FA: Wade Stevens & Mark Poustie, 1998

Trad 16m South-Eastern Grampians
18 Stormbringer Lefthand Variant

Start up Stormbringer but pass overhang on left (not right). Up and right on wall to rejoin Stormbringer where it steps left.

FA: Mark Poustie & Wade Stevens, 1998

Trad 12m South-Eastern Grampians
19 Harbinger

A combination of 'Stormbringer' LHV and 'The Pirate Variant' to give a good sustained grade 19 route.

Start: As for 'Stormbringer'

  1. 25m (19) Up 'Stormbringer' to overhang, move 2m L to arete. Up to overlap then veer R up wall to recessed triangular ledge. Up to stance on arete.

  2. 20m (19) Up to overlap, hand traverse L to rest under prominent pulpit feature. Steeply up L to dimply ledge under roof. Step L and finish up 'The Pirate Variant'.

FA: P1 [Stormbringer LHV] Wade Stevens, Mark Poustie. Complete route Wade Stevens & NiNa Cullen, 1998

Trad 45m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
The Perfect Storm

I haven't found a description of this. No idea about grade or quality. It tackles an impressive wall above P1 of 'Storm'. There is a diagram that includes it in the VCC SE 'Grampians' update vol 2.

Start: As for 'Storm'

  1. 39m (-) As for 'Storm'.

  2. 30m (-) Going by the diagram it heads out L past a bolt then up past 4 more bolts going through a roof near the top.

FA: Unknown, 2000

Unknown 69m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
18 Algiers

Bushy start but the upper half is quite fun.

Start: 10m R of the distinctive block. Stay on rib to avoid bushes heading for the thin crack in steeper head wall. Follow crack stepping R to tackle the final bulge. Move R to finish up Scurvy or traverse L to find a tree to abseil off.

FA: Philip Armstrong & Jerry Maddox, 2006

Trad 28m South-Eastern Grampians
17 Henry Barberque

Start: This buttress is up at the top R hand side of the gully R of the Man of War block. It is distinguished by a wide crack up the front and prominent overhanging cap stone. We abseiled down its front [40m] from beneath the capstone to access it. 'Access' from below, up the gully, would be very unpleasant.

  1. 15m (5) [roped scrambling] From the foot of the buttress head up short walls and gullies on the R edge of the buttress to belay below an attractive L leaning flake crack.

  2. 12m (17) 'Steep' L leading flake then out L to belay on front of buttress.

  3. 15m (14) Crack to capstone.

FA: Philip Armstrong & Jerry Maddox [alt], 2007

Trad 42m, 3 South-Eastern Grampians
17 Jolly Jack Tar

Something to finish the day on.

Start: 60m R of the Man o War block. Steep crack up middle of short block L of Yard Arm buttress. Watch for some loose blocks below the mid height bulge. Abseil descent from any of a number of trees.

FA: Philip Armstrong & Jerry Maddox, 2007

Trad 20m South-Eastern Grampians
18 Kheir-ed-Din

Start: Start at the foot of the chimney which goes up behind the Man 0' War block. Scramble up R on farily steep and loose ground from the foot of the Man 0' War face to access it.

  1. 35m (18) Scramble up the back of the chimney until it narrows at some blocks, chimney up and out 5m to gain the foot of the shallow groove on the R front of the chimney. Up groove to foot of major V groove.

  2. 16m (16) The steep clean groove.

FA: Philip Armstrong & Jerry Maddox [alt], 2007

Trad 51m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
17 Mermen

Takes a prominent crackline and gives varied climbing on sound rock.

Start: Originally started as for 'Mermaids', but this is not recommended. From just L of the Man o War buttress a L leading ramp heads up the cliff to a ledge with a large tree.

  1. 15m (8) Up broken bushy ramp to ledge below where rock becomes steep and solid.

  2. 30m (17) Climb shallow groove on the R. From top of groove step R to steep thin crack. Up this and the line above to ledge below short headwall.

  3. 10m (16) Stimulating seam up steep wall.

FA: Philip Armstrong & Peter Cody [alt], 2007

Trad 55m, 3 South-Eastern Grampians
16 Something Nautical

Be careful as some of the fire affected rock breaks unexpectedly.

Start: 'Small' buttress about 30m R of the 'Scurvy' buttress. Up short corner on L edge of buttress to overhang, step R onto front of block and up steep seam exiting R ward to ledge. Finish up slab on L. Move R to abseil tree.

FA: Philip Armstrong & Peter Cody, 2007

Trad 25m South-Eastern Grampians
17 R Vegie’s Cannon Balls Direct

Steep, loose and poorly protected. Takes the line that VCB must have set out to climb.

Start: As for P2 of VCB but continue straight up the wide crack. Poor rock and protection.

FA: Philip Armstrong & Peter Cody, 2008

Trad 22m South-Eastern Grampians
18 The Black Pearl

Quite good climbing up a series of cracks and flakes directly below the abseil descent.

Start: Start 3m R of the landmark flake on the L side of the gully. Below a thin crack. This is about 25m R of 'Queequeg'.

  1. 14m (14) Thin crack up prow of buttress to ledge.

  2. 20m (17) Up seam and L to R curving jam crack, up this to break [it is also possible to take the seam direct at about the same grade] then 2m R to crack, follow this to good ledge.

  3. 12m (18) Up the thin seams in the middle of the wall behind. This is roughly midway between 2 more prominent cracklines the L one of which is the lovely final pitch of 'Queequeg'.

FA: Peter Cody & Philip Armstrong [alts], 2008

Trad 46m, 3 South-Eastern Grampians
15 Ken Can't

Start: 10m R of 'Scurvy' below a big gully.

  1. 40m (10) Start up gully heading towards a large chimney/groove on the RH edge of the 'Scurvy' buttress. Up this groove stepping R onto a ledge with a large tree.

  2. 20m (15) Up the next deep groove with a steep finish exiting R to a ledge below the summit block.

  3. 8m (14) Step back L and steeply up to top of pinnacle

  4. 12m (10) Descend from block, cross to main wall and up.

FA: Jerry Maddox & Philip Armstrong [alt], 2009

Trad 80m, 4 South-Eastern Grampians
17 Barbertucky

A way up. The first 2 pitches make an OK easier excursion.

Start: As for IRBS.

  1. 18m (14) As for IRBS

  2. 30m (15) Crack and short walls above to large terrace at top of buttress. [Possible, and preferable, to scramble down L from here to a large tree and abseil].

  3. 28m (17) Starting from the gap at the rear of the terrace take the flake to the horizontal break on the steep buttress. Traverse steeply L and up to weakness. Continue to ledge at top of buttress then up short walls to top

FA: Philip Armstrong & Jerry Maddox [alt], 2010

Trad 76m, 3 South-Eastern Grampians

Showing all 44 routes.

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