




Beautiful crag facing south and east. South has shorter routes and easier grades. East is long sustain, technical on 10b to 12s. Great climbing!


10 minutes from upper parking lot. Follow the signs. First two signs to the left and you get there.



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Crappy slab on far left

FA: Peter Rassmussen, 2009

FA: Aldo Brando, 2009

FA: Peter Rassmussen, 2009

The stepped roofs just right of Banana Caliente.

FA: Aldo Brando, 2009

FA: Aldo Brando, 2009

Bolted crack line to the right of Nemesis. Moves right at the top.

FA: Aldo Brando, 2009

FA: Jon Jones, 2009

FA: Aldo Brando, 2009

FA: Peter Rassmussen, 2009

FA: Ian Stewart-Patterson, 2009

Up the middle of the dihedral on the far left end of the south wall.

FA: Ian Stewart-Patterson, 2009

FA: Ian Stewart-Patterson, 2009

FA: Aldo Brando, 2009

FA: Robin Barley & Gordie Smaill, 2010

FA: James Moore, 1997

FA: Gary Wolkoff, 1992

FA: Robin Barley & Gordie Smaill, 2009

FA: Rick Cox, 1992

Start up Ready to Strike to the second bolt, then head right, following the roof system.

Up the crack feature a few metres left of Chamelon

FA: John Fantini, 2010

Continue from anchors onto thin face climbing with a short, yet intricate crux sequence.

About 10m right of Ready to Strike. Climbs through the stepped roofs to a belay at the base of a crack.

Step off burnt stump to start.

FA: John Fantini, 2010

Start as for Penny Pincher, but continue on bolt line up and left until it reaches base of crack system. Climb crack on gear, being careful not to fill your finger pods with gear.

Steps right at bolt 3 of Viper

2m left of Gran Fondo

Starts up the arete on the RHS of the wide chimney

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Author(s): Rich Wheater

Date: 2015

ISBN: 978-0-9877796-5-6

With 300 routes, 600 boulder problems and a handful of fine alpine objectives, Vancouver Rock Climbing provides comprehensive coverage of the diverse climbing scene around Vancouver, Canada.

  • Provides detailed coverage of Howe Sound, Caulfeild Sea Cliffs, Cypress Falls Park, Cypress Mountain, Grouse Mountain, Lynn Valley and Deep Cove
  • Includes full-color images and maps, descriptions of conditions and approach notes for each climbing area
  • Each climb description tells you what gear to use, how many bolts there are, a difficulty rating, the pitch length and where to start and end

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Thu 27 Jul
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