
Red Tail South





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FA: Robin Barley & Howie Richardson, 1993

FA: Robin Barley & Howie Richardson, 1993

FA: Robin Barley & Brian Wyvill, 1994

FA: Robin Barley & Nick Barley, 1996

FA: Greg McBride, 1993

Crack to the left of "Facility" that turns into more of a normal climb mid way through.

FA: David Way, 1993

FA: John Cote, 1993

Start on the rock to the left and traverse right into the crack. climb over the corner into an easy trad climb.

FA: Dan van der Torre, 1993

FA: Dan van der Torre, 1993

FA: Dan van der Torre, 1993

Set: Hugh Lenney

FA: Genevieve Lenney, 1997

FA: Hugh Lenney & 1993, 1993

Set: 1996 & Sean Dougherty

FA: Audrey Perry, 1996

FA: Hugh Lenny, 1993

Follow the obvious crack on the far left of RTS over the cruxy overhang into a large offwidth crack. one bolt protects the crux.

FA: Dan van der Torre, 1990

FA: Howie Richardson, 1998

Starts on the ledge above Tradition or Basic Black (sub sector would be Pragmatism). From the ledge, climb up the tree for 2m then reach back and transfer back to the wall. Clip and then crux move up the face. Ascens slabby dirty slopers (not hard) to an amazing finish on easy big roof !

FA: Hugh Lenney, 1993

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Author(s): Rich Wheater

Date: 2015

ISBN: 978-0-9877796-5-6

With 300 routes, 600 boulder problems and a handful of fine alpine objectives, Vancouver Rock Climbing provides comprehensive coverage of the diverse climbing scene around Vancouver, Canada.

  • Provides detailed coverage of Howe Sound, Caulfeild Sea Cliffs, Cypress Falls Park, Cypress Mountain, Grouse Mountain, Lynn Valley and Deep Cove
  • Includes full-color images and maps, descriptions of conditions and approach notes for each climbing area
  • Each climb description tells you what gear to use, how many bolts there are, a difficulty rating, the pitch length and where to start and end

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Thu 27 Jul
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