
Hohe Reute



Access issues inherited from Nördlicher Frankenjura

Frankenjura has an established zone concept regulating whether a rock is allowed and if yes, how:

For seasonal closures of crags, see:

For bouldering, check first: Especially, no publishing of boulders, and no bouldering after sunset.

Seasonal closures for protected birds. See here: Closed crags

Additional information: IG Klettern closure list

Zoning concept

  • Zone 1: NO climbing
  • Zone 2: climbing on existing routes
  • Zone 3: new routes possible

Please respect signs and zoning.


Drive to Spies. Only few meters after sign village "Spies" turn right to parking site (49.6353633, 11.4066468). From parking site, walk east on a forest track. Pass below a house.

Ethic inherited from Nördlicher Frankenjura

  • The limestone is soft – please clean your shoes from dirt in order to avoid polished handholds and steps.
  • Don't toprope directly through bolts – use your own material.
  • Clean chalk and tickmarks with a brush.
  • Don't leave toilet paper.
  • Pick up rubbish.
  • No unnecessary noise.
  • No camp fire and bivvy.
  • Park considerately (tractor should be able to pass also at the weekend).
  • Smoking in the forests is forbidden from March 1 until October 31 by law.
  • No publishing of boulder blocks.


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FA: H. Treuheit, 1953

FA: E. Egge & F. Girrmann, 1935

Erster Haken steckt sehr hoch. Griffe vor dem ersten Haken sind loose. Ggf. Clipstick verwenden. Oben kein Umlenker sondern eine Abseilöse also Abseilgerät nicht vergessen denn Ablassen geht nicht.

FA: Rudolf Buchner, 1967

FA: Torsten Schierz

FA: Rudi Bülter & Rudolf Buchner, 1977

FA: DAV Lauf, 1968

FA: Touristenclub Eibseer, 1932

Vom 1. Haken "Klein aber fein" zum Haken vom "Ostpfeiler"

Direkt zum 2. Haken von "Klein aber fein"


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Thu 27 Jul
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