
Schwäbische Alb




The Swabian Jura offers numerous possibilities for sport climbing and belongs - together with the Elbe Sandstone Mountains aka Saxon Switzerland and the Franconian Jura - to the outstanding low mountain ranges in Germany when it comes to climbing.

The 'upper Danube valley' offers the best climbing possibilities and the highest walls. Other areas with good climbing possibilities are located in the 'Blaubeuren area', in the 'Lenninger Valley' and in the 'Ermstal Valley'. The individual guides over the numerous larger and smaller rocks are described in several climbing guidebooks. On the Ostalb the rock formations of the Rosenstein near Heubach and the Eselsburger Tal are among the best known climbing areas. The steep rocks at the ruin Reußenstein near Neidlingen are also a popular place for climbing. In the Swabian Jura area there are hundreds of climbing routes up to difficulty level 10.

Source Wikipedia

Checkout Jörg Zeidelhacks video medley of hard routes in the Swabian Jura. It gives a great overview over the rock and landscape:

Access issues

Climbing has not been permitted everywhere for several years. The Nature Conservation Act of Baden-Wuerttemberg includes the rocks among the so-called §24a biotopes. In principle, entering these biotopes is not permitted. In recent years, the nature conservation administration and the climbing associations have succeeded in defining the areas that can be climbed and the climbing bans for the entire Swabian Jura. Some rocks are now closed all year round, some climbing bans only apply seasonally during the breeding season of certain bird species (e.g. eagle owl or kestrel).

Source Wikipedia

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Thu 27 Jul
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