
Roque de Imada

  • Grade context: FR
  • Photos: 1
  • Ascents: 2


Tambien el Roque Imada se encuentra en Paisaje Protegido de Orone y la escalada está sujeta a autorización.

Roque Imada is also in the Orone Protected Landscape and climbing is subject to authorization.

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Created about two years ago




Torre clásica con fácil acceso y rutas agradables.

Hay un libro de la cumbre en la parte superior, instalado por Rüdiger Steuer el 1.5.2003. Para el descenso, Falk Heinicke instaló una línea de rappel con 3 rápeles en 2005, ver topo.

Classic tower with easy approach and enjoyable routes. German area and route description at Rüdiger Steuers website. Also with a topo. Also listed in this german database.

There is a summit book on the top, installed by Rüdiger Steuer on 1.5.2003. For descent a abseil line with 3 abseils was installed by Falk Heinicke on 10.8.2005, see topo.

Access issues inherited from La Gomera

Roque Cano y Agando necesitan oficialmente un permiso, que algunos escaladores ignoran.

Roque Cano and Agando oficially needs a permit, which some climbers ignore.


(28.078440, -17.240210)

Estacione antes de la primera curva cerrada a la derecha y camine por un sendero tenue 100 m hasta la roca.

Park before the first sharp right bend and walk a faint path 100m up to the rock.

Ethic inherited from La Gomera

Como en todas partes: mantenga el área limpia y proteja el medio ambiente.

As everywhere: Please keep the area clean and protect the environment.


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First easy (1) then harder (3).

1 2 15m
2 2 30m
3 4a 15m

P2 1 bolt, P3 1 bolt(ring). Picture.

FA: Rüdiger Steuer & and friends, 1984

1 4a 15m
2 2 30m
3 4a 15m

P1 1 bolt.

FA: Falk Heinicke, C. Riemer & A. Riemer, 2005

P1 1 bolt, P2 7 bolts. First ascent was clean, they bolted it later.

FA: Falk Heinicke & X. Heinicke, 2010

East Arete. P2 5 bolts, P3 1 bolt. First ascent with less bolts, 3 bolts were installed later.

FFA: Günter Priebst, R. Steuer & F. Schmidt, 2010

Según el [sitio web de Rüdiger Steuers] ( hay "posiblemente 1-2 rutas de escaladores españoles en la cara norte. Según Falk Heinicke hay son "más rutas alrededor de 6a / + y 6b".

According to Rüdiger Steuers website there are additional to "Nordostwand" and "Horrorrinne" "possibly 1-2 routes from spanish climbers in the north face. According to Falk Heinicke there are "more routes around 6a/+ and 6b".

FA: Martin Biock & R. Steuer, 1984

in the north side

FA: Hermann Froidl & Zehner, 1999


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