
Vie in Crankshaft Boulder

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Tutti 30 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
V0+ Grey Arete

Steepest part of grey arete left side of left wall, standing start from jugs via the fingery crack.

Boulder 3m
V3 Left Wall

A few variants sit starting off the obvious chalked Holds around left from Waterboys. Climb straight up then off right to jugs (easiest) or drift left up face towards arete. A harder variant (V4ish) heads hard left from the start heading towards juggy flake via a couple of crozzly slimps.

V3 Leftshaft

Start as for Left Wall moving right and up to exit as for Crankshaft.

Boulder 8m
V1 Waterboys
Boulder 3m
V2/3 Waterboys XL

Climb Waterboys, upon arrival at the finish/lowering jugs heave up to gain and exit via the flake system as for Vague Corner.

Boulder 10m
V2/3 Sit the Waterboys

Sit start to Waterboys via a dino from the steep juggy rail.

Boulder 7m
V3/4 'Boys Light Up!

Start as for Sit the Waterboys finish as for Waterboys XL. Alternate sit start variants from Left Wall, Pushrod and Head Gasket all around the same grade and quality.

Boulder 7m
V2/3 Lavender

Start as for Sit the Waterboys moving up and leftish to finish via the easier section of Left Wall.

Boulder 6m
V2/3 Watershaft

Start as for Sit the Waterboys moving right and up to exit as for Crankshaft.

Boulder 8m
V3 Pushrod

Sit start from the two pockets moving up and leftish via jugs to mantle the bulge direct, exit as for Crankshaft.

Boulder 5m
V3/4 Head Gasket

Sit start from the pockets as for Pushrod to jugs, next moving up to and right traverse the juggy rail before a tricky mantle up the steep central gully just left of Crankshaft. Exit direct or move right and up via Waterboys XL for the extra half grade.

Boulder 5m
V6 Crankshaft Traverse
V4 Crankshaft
Boulder 1m
V9 Crankshaft Overdive

All the business on Crankshaft (traverse) then a couple of tough moves to gain the start holds of the 3 move V8 corner.

Artificiale 5m
V8 Crankpression

The line a few people have claimed as Vague Corner, though almost completely independent and also very good. Start low on the prow right of Crankshaft crack and compress straight up using slopers either side. No use of the crack itself.

V8 Vague Corner

Just right of 'Crankshaft' crack without using that line at any stage. Same first couple of moves as Crankpression to obvious RH sloper but then stay in the line of the corner to finish. Devious and sharp.

V4 Str'ight Wall

Sit start on low rail of right wall as for Grandstand, from the pocket take a hardish left along the crimpy diagonal rail to jugs, exit up as for Waterboys XL/Vague Corner.

Boulder 5m
V4/5 Str'obe

Climb Str'ight Wall to the jugs, reverse Waterboys and finish via the hardish left arete variant of Left Wall for the extra half grade.

Boulder 17m
V3 Grandstand

Sit start matched on the low rail of right wall dead pointing up good holds to finish direct up the slabby bulge and groove.

Boulder 5m
V3/4 Thirst Corner

Start as for Grandstand to the finger jugs then low traverse right under the bush into and up Corner Arete, Pumpy!

Boulder 9m
V3 Drifter

Cool lowball climbing as for Grandstand/Thirst Corner continuing low right traverse to exit via ramp and slopers.

Boulder 7m
V0/0+ Corner Arete

Straight up the bulging arete right side of right wall trending left to exit via central groove, stand start from the crimp steps.

Boulder 5m
V0 #3 slabby crack on Face of boulder behind

Beautiful incident cracks to high finish. Descent same way or over back.

Boulder 7m
V4 Blunt Arete L of the Crack

Arete left of crack on boulder behind crankshaft.

Boulder 7m
VB+ Floral Crack (Descent)

NW face and crack right side starting next to tree.

Boulder 4m
V0/0+ Tree Crack

NW face and crack left side starting left of tree.

Boulder 5m
V0 Horny Slab

Right arete and horn NW face right of Floral Crack.

V0/0+ Horny Chimney

Left arete South face up to horn exiting high right via the chimney

Boulder 5m
V1 Garage Mantel

South slab right of arete left of tree to mantle and ascend the chimney direct.

Boulder 5m
V0- Tree Crack RHV

Start at Floral Crack move left and up finishing via Tree Crack.

Boulder 5m

Tutti 30 vie visualizzati.

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