
Ascensioni di Golden Gaytime

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Tutti 2 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Mer 6 Mar 2024 - Blue Mountains
Lower Blue Mountains Mulgoa lookout Lookout Climbs
V8 Golden Gaytime Boulder 4m Molto buona
Alec Landstra
Yeah, leaving you pads and finding these boulders first is correct. Took me close to an hour. I found the sport route first (pretty obvious). From there head down the hill and to the right (facing out). The other boulders are about 75m away. I found them at 7:30. Quickly scrambled back up the hill and basically surfed the leaf litter back down. Fortunately managed to get it done underlining the 2 finger pocket. Worthwhile boulder, but I won't be back

Sab 20 Nov 2021 - Blue Mountains
Lower Blue Mountains Mulgoa lookout Lookout Climbs
V8 Golden Gaytime Boulder 4m Molto buona

Tutti 2 ascensioni visualizzati.

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