
Nodi in Emily Gap

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Emily Gap

Emily Gap is the first gap East of Alice Springs and is a popular picnic spot for tourists and locals alike. The climbing is pleasant, generally slabby, and offers easy single and multipitch climbs with good protection on most climbs. A sense of adventure is required due to loose rock, and wandering nature of the climbs. A helmet is highly recommended. The waterhole (if full) also offers a great place to cool off on hot summer days.

M&M Wall

More difficult climbing than the rest of Emily, this wall offers sparse protection and solid climbing on solid rock, and often hidden incut holds.

M&M Wall
14 Milk, Milk Lemonade, Round the Corner Chocolates Made

To climb please Email the ranger at with AT LEAST one day notice for weekdays and within Friday for weekends. Just state your names and preferably the wall you are going to be.

Emily Gap is situated on Aboriginal land, and is reportedly the most sacred areas in the Alice Springs region. According to legend this is the site where the giant Yeperenye Caterpillar emerged and created much of the local landscape. Climbing is recognised as a permitted activity in the Parks Joint Management Plan for Yeperenye Nature Park (which Emily and Jessie Gap are located in) for routes outside of the gap.

No climbing is permitted in the gap itself.

16 M&M's
  1. Start 5m right og the left hand end of the inset arch, climb the undercling crack and follow it righ towards the apex.

  2. Committing moves from the belay off right using the jug then easy diagonal traverse up and right to a small ledge. Belay here or continue 5m to a large ledge.

  3. Whatever you like - moving up the roof corner from large ledge is about a 15 and a touch thrutchy.

16 Candyfloss

This offers a different first pitch to M&M traversing the right side of the large arch up through the roof, about 1.5m from the apex. Sitting belay option just above the apex. From there the climb follows the M&M line for another 2 pitches

19 Mee-Gwitch

To climb please Email the ranger at with AT LEAST one day notice for weekdays and within Friday for weekends. Just state your names and preferably the wall you are going to be.

Emily Gap is situated on Aboriginal land, and is reportedly the most sacred areas in the Alice Springs region. According to legend this is the site where the giant Yeperenye Caterpillar emerged and created much of the local landscape. Climbing is recognised as a permitted activity in the Parks Joint Management Plan for Yeperenye Nature Park (which Emily and Jessie Gap are located in) for routes outside of the gap.

No climbing is permitted in the gap itself.

20 Pear Drop

To climb please Email the ranger at with AT LEAST one day notice for weekdays and within Friday for weekends. Just state your names and preferably the wall you are going to be.

Emily Gap is situated on Aboriginal land, and is reportedly the most sacred areas in the Alice Springs region. According to legend this is the site where the giant Yeperenye Caterpillar emerged and created much of the local landscape. Climbing is recognised as a permitted activity in the Parks Joint Management Plan for Yeperenye Nature Park (which Emily and Jessie Gap are located in) for routes outside of the gap.

No climbing is permitted in the gap itself.

20 Opening me Lunch Box

Runout start can be avoided by starting up GWTMT and traversing into line (same grade). Originally graded 19, easily worth an extra grade for the top section alone.

19 Gumby Wins the Meat Tray

Excellent and steep, sustained headwall. Starting 5m left of the left hand end of the triangle roof just below a piton at 6m. Up past the piton and trend back right to a block at the overlap. Pass the block on it's left before continuing past a 2nd pin and sustained climbing. Solid grade for 19.

16 Toyboy Shaves His Legs

Dirty, crumbly climb up the right hand end of the wall. Straight up, can be done in one pitch with a 60m rope. Wear a helmet! Good fun on the squeeze and jam on the boulder near the top.

19 Block Head

To climb please Email the ranger at with AT LEAST one day notice for weekdays and within Friday for weekends. Just state your names and preferably the wall you are going to be.

Emily Gap is situated on Aboriginal land, and is reportedly the most sacred areas in the Alice Springs region. According to legend this is the site where the giant Yeperenye Caterpillar emerged and created much of the local landscape. Climbing is recognised as a permitted activity in the Parks Joint Management Plan for Yeperenye Nature Park (which Emily and Jessie Gap are located in) for routes outside of the gap.

No climbing is permitted in the gap itself.

22 Lazy Sunday Morning

To climb please Email the ranger at with AT LEAST one day notice for weekdays and within Friday for weekends. Just state your names and preferably the wall you are going to be.

Emily Gap is situated on Aboriginal land, and is reportedly the most sacred areas in the Alice Springs region. According to legend this is the site where the giant Yeperenye Caterpillar emerged and created much of the local landscape. Climbing is recognised as a permitted activity in the Parks Joint Management Plan for Yeperenye Nature Park (which Emily and Jessie Gap are located in) for routes outside of the gap.

No climbing is permitted in the gap itself.

Main Wall

To climb please Email the ranger at with AT LEAST one day notice for weekdays and within Friday for weekends. Just state your names and preferably the wall you are going to be.

Emily Gap is situated on Aboriginal land, and is reportedly the most sacred areas in the Alice Springs region. According to legend this is the site where the giant Yeperenye Caterpillar emerged and created much of the local landscape. Climbing is recognised as a permitted activity in the Parks Joint Management Plan for Yeperenye Nature Park (which Emily and Jessie Gap are located in) for routes outside of the gap.

No climbing is permitted in the gap itself.

Main Wall
13 Sundance

The exact location of this climb is unknown. The original description detailed the climb as starting from the sundeck in the middle of the cliff.

14 Cosmic Crack

This and following three climbs are on a large and obvious semi detached arch at the far L end of the cliff, about 200m L of the waterhole. Climb the huge crack up the L side of the arch to its apex, then over roof to nice face above.

14 Flake and Chips

Thin crack 4m R of CC, in the middle of the arch. Through overhang to join CC. Little to no protection at the crux about 7 metres up. Delicate moves will get you to the flake above where a size 4 cam will save the day. Not for the faint of heart as there is potential for a ground fall at the crux.

14 Evening Star

The R side of the arch, then undercling out and over roof to join CC

16 Morning Moon

As for ES for 3m, then step R and up overhang to lovely cracks above.

10 The Last Post

Main wall right of the Arch: Wide chimney 4m R of ES separating the huge detached flake and the main cliff. Not very well protected

  1. 23m Chimney to a large ledge.

  2. 13m Up wall to a ledge, then climb diagonally up and L to finish.

17 Cerebral Vortex

Nice climbing with bomber protection up major corner 7m R of the major chimney of TLP. Start 5m L of large pine conifer at nice curving flakes.

  1. 30m Up flakes, over small roof on R, and up into easy corner which is followed to roof and belay.

  2. 15m Traverse R below roof (poor pro) till you can breach roof and climb the layback slab above. For an easier climb, keep traversing R below roof, then finish up corner (12).

Two variants exist, and both pull out on to the face L of the major corner. Climb CV's crack to the start of the red slab and corner, pull out onto face and up to ledge.

10 Random Acts of Kindness

Start 10m R of CV on a ledge with a small conifer. Climb face and vertical crack to L leading ramps. Up to belay at piton.

14 Senseless Acts of Beauty

3m R of RAK is a thin crack. Up this to faces and mini-roofs to ledge, step R, up corner and straight up middle of the lovely face to top (poor pro).

15 Handle With Care

Good value. Major corner-crack and slanting roof 100m L of waterhole. Start at flat dirt spot (just R of a white ghost gum), below crack and large prominent corner.

  1. 45m Up crack to bush, then corner to slanting roof. Around this and up to semi-hanging belay.

  2. 20m Traverse 8m R till a weakness (directly below large tree) leads to large ledge.

Walk off L, or climb short wall above (Mark Rewi, 05/04/98).

11 Falling Apart

Aptly named. Start 2m L of large pine tree 20m R of HWC.

  1. 26m Climb small slab to ledge, then up vegetated ledge to large boulder. Step L, up over bulge to belay at R end of ledge.

  2. 34m Corner to slab angling towards large crack on R till large bush. Up L of this and face to large tree

9 Tipster

Start at the small brown gumtree and a white gumtree in the middle of the cliff (which one is the question!)

  1. 30m Up corner, past ledge to another corner. At next ledge traverse L and up corner to another large ledge.

  2. 23m Up corner at the L end of ledge, then traverse L until it is possible to go through break in the roof. Up wall to the top

12 Crown of Thorns

A full excursion to the very top of the cliff. Starts about 85m L of the waterhole, directly below large R facing corner that starts about 30m off the ground.

  1. 30m. Climb face and crack breaking through a small roof at 8m, continue up the crack and climb past a shallow chimney to reach a large belay ledge.

  2. 25m Straight up the fun R facing corner to finish at a ledge below small overhang.

  3. 25m Up corner to roof, step L around the corner and up into vague crack. Up to vague crack and so to ledge - scramble the last 10m to top

4 Threllin

Wide crack/corner in gully just R of CT. When it degenerates to a scramble traverse R to just above a tree to gain chimney which is followed to top.

11 Diakon

Wide crack on the RHS of gully, just R of Threllin. Climb crack until it is possible to gain ledge on R (just before bushy tree). Up slab just R of bush to broken ground. Finish up slab above.

8 Vegetation

A vegetated scramble through history - bring your whipper-snipper? Vegetated crack just R of gully R of Diakon. Up through tree to below second tree which avoided on its L. Return to crack and up to bush which is also avoided on its L. When the line breaks into two, follow the obvious corner to the top.

6 Epiphany

Obvious companion crack-line just L of Wisecrack. Scramble to the start.

  1. 10m Up corner to tree, then R and up to ledge.

  2. 30m Up easy crack from the L end of ledge to another large ledge on R.

  3. 17m Continue up crack to top

9 Wisecrack

Locate large block at base off cliff (about 10m L of two gum trees). Scramble to the top of this.

  1. 36m Short jam crack up from the L side of block to ledge. Up into chimney until a large ledge is reached on R.

  2. 14m Continue up obvious line to belay on large tree.

6 Condign

Locate short slab behind the two gums R of Wisecrack. Climb instead the short vegetated corner on the L side of the slab (just R of the block). At ledge, climb crack above to gain a ramp leading R. From ramp, straight up chimney to enter a corner above from the R. Up to large chockstone, step R and continue to top

11 Sidestep

Starts at the E end of the cliff, by the gap and two gums.

  1. 14m Up crack just R of the two gums to where it bends R and step across onto narrow ledge.

  2. 15m Continue up (now heavily overgrown) corner crack to the top

Emily Left Side

Check with Parks and Wildlife before climbing. Climb East or West Wall but not in the gap. Climbing is currently banned on Emily Left Side (Krusty’s crack area) as Traditional Owners deem it to be within the Gap

Emily Left Side
15 The Empty Glass

Just L of the waterhole are two slabs, with an overhanging wall separating the two. This climb ascends the L one. At small ledge follow the obvious rising zigzag with some tricky moves to a good finger edge and what probably passes for the crux. Then follow centre of slab to top

17 Tin Pan Alley

This is the popular black slab to the R of the TEG. When the waterhole is high, this climb may be inaccessible. Otherwise a small sandbar leads to the base. Straight up middle of slab (tricky start). Poor pro, but can be toproped by climbing up the easy arete around the corner.

13 Crusty's Crack

Up the massive L corner crack, L of TPA, the final bulge being the crux.

24 Liquid Sky

A Strenuous and sustained crack 3m L of CC.

13 Who the Fuck was Emily

This climb is in the gap - please do not climb it.

East Wall

This area contains Vegetable Wall (the 'hardly worth writing up climbs', which is the short wall immediately in front of the car park and just R of the waterhole. And Carrot Wall, which is the prominent black slab, often used for abseiling from school groups and Emergency Services.

East Wall
10 Hardly Worth Writing Up

Slab and crack in middle of wall, passing rooflet.

10 Hardly Worth Riding Up

2m R of HWWU. Grassy groove, passing rooflet at three quarter height

12 Boys in Blue

This and the following five climbs are on Carrot Wall, the prominent wall R of the waterhole. Diagonally L up ramp to small ledge. Straight up corner past small dead bush at half height. Continue up crack to top

10 Blue Light Disco

Up crack in middle of buttress 8m R of BB, passing dead bush at half height.

14 Blue Healers

Up corner 4m R of BLD to join L trending crack after 4m. Past small tree to top.

15 Officer FIGJAM

Thin crack 4m R of BH at R end of cliff. Up 4m then step L into prominent corner crack and layback to top.

18 Fairly Obvious

A nice varied crack in a fairly obvious position (I hope you find that position).

12 Amaronthine

To climb please Email the ranger at with AT LEAST one day notice for weekdays and within Friday for weekends. Just state your names and preferably the wall you are going to be.

Emily Gap is situated on Aboriginal land, and is reportedly the most sacred areas in the Alice Springs region. According to legend this is the site where the giant Yeperenye Caterpillar emerged and created much of the local landscape. Climbing is recognised as a permitted activity in the Parks Joint Management Plan for Yeperenye Nature Park (which Emily and Jessie Gap are located in) for routes outside of the gap.

No climbing is permitted in the gap itself.

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