
Vie come trad in The Pagoda & Split Rock

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Tutti 26 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
14 Racketeer

Start: The first line from the lefthand end of the cliff. 4m left of ‘Payolla’.

Up crack and around roof to top.

Trad 10m
21 Payolla

Start: On the wall left of, and uphill from ‘Manicure’.

Up thin incipient cracks through bulge to good crack to top

FA: John Lattanzio & Mike Peck, 1982

Trad 10m
23 Gutterchild

Originally done with an aid rest at 23M0 but this was eliminated a week or two later by Lattanzio.

Start: 4m right of 'Payolla'

Up thin crack, traverse left to join base of a second crack. Climb this to the top

FA: John Lattanzio & E. Sharp, 1982

Trad 15m
16 Rope Learning

Start: 1m right of ‘Gutterchild’.

Up crack then step left around block near top, continue to top.

FA: E. Sharp & John Lattanzio, 1982

Trad 15m
15 Path of Destruction

Start: just right of ‘Rope Learning’, the slightly diagonal crack.

Follow the crack.

FA: Ed Sharp, John Lattanzio & Brian Birchall, 1982

Trad 12m
17 Diminishing Returns

Start: The rather unprotected groove 4m right of ‘Path of Destruction’.

Up wall and into groove to top.

FA: Brian Birchall & T. Ball, 1982

Trad 10m
21 Manicure

Start: The unmistakable clean cut finger crack right of ‘Diminishing Returns’.

Up the crack.

Trad 10m
16 Intermission

Start: 2m right of ‘Manicure’.

Up crack to top.

FA: T. Ball & John Lattanzio, 1982

Trad 10m
23 Kevin the Cane Toad

(eats chunder out of a dead tadpole’s bum)

Up the hair-line crack to the good ledge and bolt. Thence up, up and away.

FA: R. (Chunder) Chudliegh & T. Ball, 1985

Trad mista 15m, 1
20 I was a Tarwage Woof Woof

(Or Woz I)

‘You know it’s a good party when you fall off the roof”.

Start: 5m right of ‘Kevin the Cane Toad’ is a cave formed by a large block. Between the block and the wall of ‘Kevin the Cane Toad’ buttress is a short 3m, horizontal crack/roof, Step up to right end of crack. Go left.

FA: Greg Pritchard & Russell Chudleigh, 1985

Trad 5m
22 Boris the Mad Axeman

(gives Tonto a split personality)

Start: On the large separate boulder in the gully 5m left of Rumple foreskin’.

Straight up the slab with protection at half height.

FA: T. Ball, G. Pritchard & Russell Chudleigh, 1985

Trad 10m
21 Rumpleforeskin

Start: 3m left of the balancing table rock.

Muscle onto sharp flake, up incipient cracks to overlap and right-hand corner. Up corner and oat right past 2 bolts and up slab to top.

FA: Chris Bale, John Lattanzio & Ed Sharpe, 1983

Trad mista 45m, 2
22 Little Herpes

Start: Marked on the little cliff below the balancing table rock.

Up intermittent cracks to the top.

FA: Mark Colyvan, 1983

Trad 10m
21 Its a Sin to Tell a Lie

Start: As for ‘Sticky Deposit’.

Up the left-hand leaning crack, along the flake, past bolt runner, into the scoop, then follow the seams in the final headwall to the top.

FA: John Lattanzio, T. Ball & Chunder, 1985

Trad 30m
16 Sticky Deposit

Start: In the small alcove 15m left of ‘Higher Purchase’.

Follow the rightward leaning crack to offwidth and up to top.

FA: T. Ball & E. Sharp, 1982

Trad 30m
23 Cash in the Hand

Start: 2m right of ‘Sticky Deposit’.

Up fiercely overhung water streak, then up groove, trend right up slab to ‘Higher Purchase’, up this to top.

FA: T. Ball, John Lattanzio & Chunder, 1985

Trad 30m
21 Higher Purchase

Start: About 15m down right from the balancing table rock. A short left-hand corner.

  1. 15m Up corner to tree then traverse left to a tree belay.

  2. 20m (crux) Up slight corner and slab to overlap, follow crack to top.

Trad 35m
16 Higher Purchase DS

FA: E. Sharp, John Lattanzio & T. Ball, 1982

Trad 8m
19 Paranoid Delight

Less rope drag if done in two pitches.

Start: As for ‘Higher Purchase’.

Up corner as for ‘Higher traverse left then up slab to overlap, left, then up corner then right to join crack to top.

FA: John Lattanzio & T. Ball, 1982

Trad 35m
22 Sleeze

Start: As for ‘Higher Purchase’.

Up the crack and slab, trending right to a shallow corner. Follow this and sickle overlap to crack. On to top.

FA: John Lattanzio, T. Ball & P. Chudleigh, 1985

Trad 35m
19 Wild Cat Falling

Start: The leftward leaning crack 3m right of ‘Higher Purchase’.

Up crack to small ledge then follow corner to top.

Trad 40m
15 We Are the Boys

Start: On the lower tier of ‘The Pagoda’, facing ‘The Persian Carpets’. Start in an alcove at the lowest point of the tier.

Into alcove then out right to join crack, follow this up to offwidth (or up wall left of this) to ledge. Up wall into groove and up wall on right to top.

FA: E. Sharp & John Lattanzio, 1983

Trad 30m
17 Flowery Twats

Start: The obvious corner on the buttress (and visible from the left-hand end of ‘The Pagoda’).

Jam and bridge up to top.

FA: B. Fawlty, Mike Peck & Ed Sharp, 1982

Trad 10m
18 Oblivion

Start: The obvious offwidth splitting the east face of the boulder. Up jam crack to ledge, step left into offwidth and struggle upwards. (The only protection is stacked tubes and hexes!).

Trad 20m
16 No Scruples

Start: A short corner crack on the southern side.

Up corner crack, a step, then another corner crack followed by a layback.

FA: Al Stephens & Ed Sharpe, 1980

Trad 18m
15 Kinda Kute

Start: A sickle shaped crack below and right of ‘No Scruples’.

Follow crack, offwidth moves followed by jamming.

FA: Al Stephens & Rob Clark, 1980

Trad 12m

Tutti 26 vie visualizzati.

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