
Via in Remains Of The Day

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17 Remains Of The Day
1 17 20m
2 15 28m
3 16 28m
4 16 30m
5 13 30m

First bolted route as the track begins to dip.

Due to nesting peregrine falcons, this route should remain off limits from August - November.

  1. 20m (17) - The most difficult moves on the route are found in the first few bolts which is always off-putting to some. But get through here and you're away on a grand adventure. 7 FH's to rap station.

  2. 28m (15) - Step off right and down to ledge as for Carborundum Chimney first pitch. Traverse part-way across ledge and climb easy wall to high FH. Follow the FH's with good, fun climbing through some drummy rock to rap station below steep wall.

  3. 28m (16) - It's all systems go straight off the belay up the steep wall passing several FH's but it soon eases to a naturally protected crack and short chimney. On to spooky tree-covered ledge and rap station.

  4. 30m (16) - Easily up to the left of the belay to high FH but keeping right of arete to stance below steep wall. Crank your way up on good edges passing several FH's to rap station.

  5. 30m (13) - Good vertical face climbing on natural pro up the intermittent crack to a slabby finish passing 2 FH's and an old rap station to newer one on the next ledge up.

FFA: Ross Ferguson, Gareth Llewellin & Bill Strachan, 2007

Trad mista 140m, 5, 22

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