
Vie come trad in Brown's Creek Gorge

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Tutti 4 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
16 New Romantic

The shallow box corner on the right side of the overhanging face.

FA: Wayne Maher & Graham Gittins, 1993

Trad 15m
16 Lizane's Valentine

Straight up wall, over ledge and wall behind.

Start: Start on the left side of small face at the left end of the outcrop.

FA: Graham Gittins & Wayne Maher, 1993

Trad 16m
18 Michele's Valentine

Diagonally out right and over bulge just left of arete. Over ledge then follow wall just left of arete.

Start: Start as for Lizane's Valentine.

FA: Wayne Maher & Graham Gittins, 1993

Trad 20m
15 Hawkerboy

Continue a further 15 minutes further up the creek from New Romantic to an orange buttress on right, about 160m downstream from the start of the gorge. Gr 089520. Total access time around 50 minutes. (There is another orange buttress about 60m further upstream, that is, about 100m from the start of the gorge.)

Start about 15m right of orange overhangs. Up right facing corner to large ledge at third height. Continue up corner, passing overhang by stepping left onto ledge then back into corner.

FA: Glen Donohue & James McIntosh, 2005

Trad 25m

Tutti 4 vie visualizzati.

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