
Vie come trad in Roadside Crag

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Goldfinger Wall
13 Doddle

The slab.

Start: Start about 50 metres up and around left from 'Goldfinger' Wall, towards the back of the crag is a short slab.

FA: Hugh Foxcroft & Peter Megens, 1983

Trad 13m
10 Goldilocks

The thin crack in the middle of 'Goldfinger' Wall has a problematic layback start leading to energy-sapping jugs.

FA: Brian Fish, Michael Collie, Russell Crow & Craig Nottle, 1983

Trad 17m
23 Wrong Side Of The Crate

If you haven't got a bed to get out the wrong side of.

Vague line 2 metres right of Goldilocks.

FA: Chris Shepherd, 1983

Trad 15m
17 Brownfinger

We have all used the occasional tree for assistance but this climb is half over by the time you're out of it. Climb the curving tree right of Goldilocks until it is possible to step onto the wall beneath a break in the bulge. Climb over the bulge and continue diagonally left.

FA: Robin Miller (solo), 1983

Trad 15m
19 Lebanese Goldfish

Enjoyable crack at the right-hand end of "Goldfinger Wall".

FA: Craig Nottle, Brian Fish, Russell Crow & Michael Collie, 1983

Trad 16m
Roadside Crag - Main Face
9 Vestigial Remnant

Worthless leftover. Down on the main face, at the left side is a black wall just left of an undercut section.

Take the groove on the left side of the black wall, heading slightly left to stay out of the gully continuation.

FA: David Lia & Cafriona Prictor, 1980

Trad 40m
11 Dead Ignorance

Wandering, with loose blocks. Start a metre or two right of Vestigial Remnant, 1 metre left of the beginning of the undercut section. Up diagonally right for 10 metres then go left a little to a flake on the right edge of the black rock. Up and right to finish through loose-looking blocks. Scramble off with care.

FA: Peter Treby & David Lia, 1980

Trad 40m
15 Collector's Item

Some people will do anything to get their name on a crag. A more direct version of "Dead Ignorance". Start 3 metres right of Dead Ignorance and go straight up the buttress right of the black wall. Finish just left of a large prow.

FA: Craig Nottle, Russell Crow & Brian Fish, 1980

Trad 40m
18 Rainbow Road

Not quite the offwidth one is expecting; not at all bad. Originally done in two pitches.

Start in much the same place as Collector's Item, a couple of metres right of the left end of the undercut section.

Move up then go right just above the undercut to gain the lowest and leftmost of the diagonals. Steep climbing leads to an exit right into a guano-stained niche (belay on first ascent). Follow the line above with good moves around the bulge.

FA: Dave Gairns & Chris Baxter (alt), 1983

Trad 40m
23 Another Roadside Attraction

Good climbing with a fingery start. Start at the pocketed scoop 6 metres right of Rainbow Road. Difficult climbing through the pocketed scoop. Above, move right into the diagonal right of Rainbow Road and follow it.

FA: Tony Marian, Craig Nottle & Robin Miller, 1983

Trad 40m
23 R Peace, Love And Happiness

Serious, contrived crux section can be avoided.

Start: Start at the next clear spot at the base of the cliff, 10 metres right of "Another Roadside Attraction".

  1. 20m (-) Up to belay just left of an easy corner system.

  2. 18m (23) Go up the thin corner for 2 metres then straight up the wall with shaky protection. It is far easier and more natural to move right and then back left with many runners.

FA: Mike Law & Mike Stone, 1983

Trad 38m, 2
19 Making Movies

Excellent climbing along the largest of the diagonals.

Start: Start 2 metres right of "Peace, Love And Happiness".

  1. 20m (19) Go up until it is possible to start a rising leftward traverse. Surmount the bulge and continue to a stance above loose blocks at the base of the diagonal proper.

  2. 20m (19) The diagonal crack. A step right at 15 metres avoids a hard section.

FA: Mike Stone & Dave Gairns, 1983

Trad 40m, 2
14 Mae West

Start: Start 10 metres right of "Making Movies" at the right-hand end of the undercut, 12 metres left of "English Heatwave".

  1. 20m (14) Use a tree to gain the face. Continue up, then tend left to join a left-leaning, wide crack. Follow the crack to a recess.

  2. 15m (14) Move left for 3 metres and go up the diagonal cracks through the overhanging wall. Immediately travers right and move up a little to a good ledge.

  3. 30m (-) The juggy wall leads up right to the top.

FA: David Lia & Peter Treby, 1980

Trad 65m, 3
17 Mae West Direct Finish
Trad 40m
18 Space Invaders

Move steeply up the wall to confront the purplish-coloured overhang with a crack through it. Pass the overhang and climb the juggy but tiring wall to a large ledge. Easily to the top.

Start: Start 5 metres right of "Mae West" and 5 metres left of "Pebble Finish"

FA: Peter Martin & Hugh Foxcroft, 1983

Trad 60m
19 Pebble Finish

An airy route taking the left arete of the huge corner.

  1. 20m (-) Up the arete and the face on the left to a ledge.

  2. 30m (-) Diagonally left and then up to a good ledge.

  3. 18m (19) Diagonally right to a weakness in the bulge. Up and over.

FA: Mike Law, Chris Baxter & Mike Stone, 1979

Trad 68m, 3
16 English Heatwave

The huge corner near the right end of the main face. Some doubtful rock.

  1. 20m (16) The blocky chimney leading to the base of the corner.

  2. 50m (16) Up the corner, steeply at first then more easily to an overhanging chimney that leads to a ledge.Move left and finish up a short corner.

FA: Peter Treby & Peter Watling, 1978

Trad 70m, 2
20 Split Second

Portable belays take note.

Start: Start as for "English Heatwave".

  1. 20m (-) The blocky chimney of "English Heatwave".

  2. 25m (20) Go right and into the alcove. Climb rightward through the bulge and up to belay in a corner on the right below roofs.

  3. 10m (20) Go left 3 metres and over the roofs, just left of the widest point.

FA: Mike Law, Dave gairns & Chris Baxter, 1983

Trad 55m, 3
21 William Gripper

Start: Find "War Is Hell" and start 3 metres left of it; that is 2 metres right of "English Heatwave".

  1. 25m (21) Climb up into the shallow corner and follow it to the left side of the roof. 'Layback' through the roof and up right to belay on the arete.

  2. 25m (19) Pull through the bulge on the arete and go diagonally left through the cave roof system. If your forearms are pumped the roofs can be avoided.

FA: Mike Law, Ian Ravenscroft & Chris Baxter, 1983

Trad 50m, 2
20 War Is Hell

So-so. Everything is two grades harder than it looks.

Start: Start 5 metres right of "English Heatwave" ata steep orange face with a roof and corner line.

  1. 25m (20) Climb up the right side of the orange roof and up the corner-line to a ledge on the left.

  2. 25m (18) Go out left and up a corner-line to a ledge on the left. Or, easier,go right and up the line and easy stuff.

FA: Mike Law & Ian Ravenscroft, 1983

Trad 50m, 2
10 Peregrination

Moss city.

Start: Start 5 metres right of "War Is Hell", 10 metres right of "English Heatwave".

  1. 30m (10) Straight up moss to finally belay on small ledge.

  2. 20m (-) Move right for 5 metres and continue straight up on jugs to terrace.

FA: Peter Treby & David Lia, 1980

Trad 50m, 2
12 Crankers Wamp

Start: Start about 5 metres right of "Peregrination" where a short crack slants up left through steep rock.

  1. 20m (12) Up the crack and then left a little to a thin vertical crack which is followed to a good ledge on the right.

  2. 20m (12) The weakness diagonally left for 15 metres. Traverse out right to front of buttress, veer up and right to the top.

FA: Chris Baxter & Sue Matthews, 1983

Trad 48m, 2
12 Swinging Couples

Start just right of "Cranker's Wamp" just before the rock becomes much smoother. Climb the faint groove, tending right to the top.

FA: Chris Baxter & Sue Matthews, 1983

Trad 40m
19 Bored Of Discipline

Looks reasonable.

Start a few metres right of "Swinging Couples" at a short slab-corner.

Go left and up to the top of the slab, then step right and go up the line.

FA: Mike Law & Dave Gairns, 1983

Trad 40m
22 Dirk Strutter

Two hard sections and some obscure moves.

Start: Start 2 metres right of "Bored Of Discipline", 1-2 mteres left of the next obvious break.

Go up a thin face through an area of weird 45-degree strata and then up a fine line on grey rock with a hard sit-down(!) move. Now easily on.

FA: Mike Law & Dave Gairns, 1983

Trad 35m
21 Winter Chills

Apparently Mikl was leaving this for the foxy team. Sadly, they didn't make it and it was left for Terry to claw past their chalk a year later in bitter weather.

Start: Start 2 metres right of 'Dirk Strutter' at a break in the overhang.

Climb the break in the overhang and step right into the left-leaning corner. Climb the corner to easy finish.

FA: Terry Tremble & Kieran Loughran. Winter, 1984

Trad 30m
21 Dum Dum Daze

Pumpy. Dangerous to second as it parallels the hillside for a time.

Start 2 metres right of "Winter Chills"

Go diagonally right up the corner and around the roof. Layback the delicate flake leading left and up.

FA: Mike Law, 1983

Trad 32m
15 Slow Hand

Climb diagonally left below the overhangs until you can pull through on jugs. Go up easily to the final bulge where things pep up a bit.

Start: Right of "Dum Dum Daze" and left of the descent chimney, a slab slants up left.

FA: Chris Baxter, Dave gairns & Sue Matthews, 1983

Trad 30m
23 Heavy Bruceing

Pretty pumpy. Sort of like 'The Gallery' without the fixed gear. About 80 metres up the hillside is a steep wall.

Start 4 metres left of "Pump It Up". The remains of an old fireplace may still be visible here.

Climb the wall, moving right to within 1 metre of Pump It Up below the final bulge. Pull over the bulge and hand-traverse left to the corner. Now motor out the 3-4 metre roof.

FA: Mike Law, 1983

Trad 17m
21 Pump It Up

Really steep and good.

Go straight up to the notch at the right-hand end of the roof.

FA: Mike Law, Dave Gairns & Chris Baxter, 1983

Trad 17m
Lizardry Outcrop
21 Old Bones

Left of the main corner system is a compact orange wall. Start on nose below an obvious break in the bulge at half-height. Pull up[ right then back left onto pedestal. Tackle wall then continue up and over crack in bulge. Easier climbing leads left and up. (The obvious finish up the break in the arete has atrocious rock and poor protection)

FA: Michael Hampton & Geoff Butcher, 1994

Trad 18m
14 Lizardry

Climb up the weakness in the wall to a ledge. Step right and go up the corner. Traverse 2 metres right just below a loose block and then go up to where you can escape or climb a left-leading flake into the crack above the roof and go up this crack.

Start: Start below and just left of a corner on the right wall of the big corner.

FA: Bill Andrews & Peter Watling, 1979

Trad 23m
17 Cold And Flu

Slope up the wall and climb the bulge. Continue up the wall and finish directly over the top overhang.

Start: Start 4 metres right of 'Lizardry' below a cracked bulge at 4 metres.

FA: Terry Tremble, Kieran Loughran & Paul Vlahovic. Winter, 1984

Trad 23m
Roadside Prow
15 Sink The Slipper

Climb steeply past good horizontals to orange turret. Step left then up to finish.

Start: Start on the left side of the south face, just right of orange prow.

FA: Peter Campbell & Jamie Serle, 1994

Trad 20m
12 My Beautiful Laundrette

Climb the right side of the wall right of 'Sink The Slipper'.

FA: Peter Campbell & Jamie Serle, 1994

Trad 18m
20 Remains Of The Day

Quite sustained and steeper than it looks.

Start: Start on the next wall right and uphill from Roadside Prow.

Climb seams on left side of wall until an awkward move right gains a finger crack. Up to horizontal, step left and pull up on good edges. Buckets appear soon after.

FA: Michael Hampton & Geoff Butcher, 1994

Trad 20m

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