
Vie come boulder in Halls Gap Area

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1 - 100 di 270 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Northern Wonderland Range Socrophiliac Buttress
15 Little Pinnacle

Likely not a 1st but anyway

Boulder 8m
Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Pinnacle Track Boulder
? Scallops

Start as for Man Overboard, bust horizontally left and get left hand to descent side pull, launch right hand to where your left hand was on thank god the kids are gone, then left hand up to good edge, bump left hand again to monster rounded jug, right hand stretch directly up to good hold, then pop right again and balance your way through the top out. First two moves feel like a v2 then v0 to finish.

Tracciata: Guy Moore

Boulder 3m
V2 Old Greg

Start matched as for Man Overboard, but continue traversing left and top out on the left of the prow. Watch out for dodgy broken rock.

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2014

Tracciata: Rowan Jordan, 1 Nov 2015

Boulder 3m
V1 Man Overboard

Start Matched on the big juggy flake under the roof, move up & left through sloper to funky rail, then up and right through overhang on good holds to a bit of a spicy top out.

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2014

Tracciata: Jayden Andrea, 1 Nov 2015

V4 Free Willy

Three quite fun moves! Sit Start with funky pockets on the left under the Juggy Flake. Figure out how to pull of the ground then move to the jug, and (dynamically) up and right to a sloper on the lip of the overhang. Top out directly with a gnarly mantle!!! Don't be temped to escape left to an easier top out. Can be started deep in the overhang on crimps at about V6 (V6 FA: Oliver Tobias Bug?)

Note: Community feedback prompted grade change from V3 to V4.

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2016

Boulder 3m
V2 Axolotl

Start on jugs on the right of the main overhang, climb straight up to a surprisingly spicy top out slightly to the left. Can be started on crimps deeper in the cave if you feel like adding a move or two. Please don't break your face on the top-out, you have been warned...

FA: Penny Bradshaw, 2014

Boulder 3m
V3 Finding Nemo

Start as for Tug Boat but traverse left past Axolotl on small but decent holds, rise up and continue left around overhang to top out as for Man Overboard. Guaranteed to get a pump happening.

FA: Chook, 2014

V2 Tug Boat

Sit start basically under the boulder with hands on big incut rail. Go up through sloper and crimps to topout at the tallest point on the boulder.

Boulder 3m
V0- Warming up

Start on the centre of the easy wall. Go up and left and finish in the jug flake on the top left of the face.

Boulder 2m
VB Spotting the kids

Middle of wall, topout on jug to the right.

Boulder 2m
Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Humpback Boulder
V4 Humpback handcrack

A deceptively tricky handcrack. Done with gloves at the grade, would be a bit harder without, and may require more skin that you are willing to give.

FA: Joel Wilson, 2019

Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths The Beanstalk Boulder
Project 1

The steep overhang 6m left of The Beanstalk is marked by a thin seam, followed by a necky headwall high above a back breaking boulder. Will go, but it will be hard and terrifying.

Project 2

The thin, high seam 3m left of The Beanstalk may be climbable.

V5 The Beanstalk

The all too obvious seam up the west face.

FA: Oliver Miller

V4 Ant Man

Just right of the corridor (in front of a tree) are some vertical seams dropping down from the top of the boulder. Climb them from a stand start.

FA: Oliver Miller

V5 Tweedle Dee

Start just right of Tweedle Dum, head left and up to the high rails and top out.

FA: Oliver Miller

V5 Tweedle Dum

From a stand start just left of the tree in the middle of the face, climb the vertical seams on side pulls.

FA: Oliver Miller

V7 Jumping Jack

Just right of the tree in the middle of the face. From the edge and side pull, climb the seam above.

FA: Oliver Miller

V3 Spinal Tap

Stand start above a covered hole at the right end of the face. Climb the short face above.

FA: Oliver Miller

Boulder 4m
Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Alchemy Boulder
V10 Alchemy Boulder
Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Blockhead Boulder
V10 Blockhead

Doesn't look like much but packs in some hard technical climbing. From a desperate sit start off side pulls climb the boulders nose past increasingly sloping holds.

FA: Oliver Miller

Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Ceramics Boulder
V2 Red Bellied Black

Our advice would be not to make this your first V2. The easy line up the middle of the face 2m right of the tree, finishing just left of the crack at top.

FA: Oliver Miller

Boulder 5m
V5 Ceramics

Stand start on large jugs on face and move up through side pulls and crimps to a committing crux high off the ground. Rent a spotter or 3.

FA: Oliver Miller

Boulder 5m
V7 Copperhead

Start on obvious chalked rail (half a metre right of Ceramics) and work your way up the arête to a committing few moves up high.

FA: Oliver Miller

Boulder 5m
V3 Broken China

The slab L of the tree up the back of the Ceramics boulder. Start just at the loose looking flake down low.

FA: Matt Brooks, 8 Mar

Boulder 4m
V1 Fragile things

The R arete of the back of the Ceramics boulder, R of the tree, 3m of Broken China. Worth a pad or two to fill the landing.

Boulder 4m
Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Mars Attacks Boulder
V8 Fireline

In the cleft right of Mars Attacks is a diagonal pencil seam. Climb the seam from a stand start via several desperate moves - watch your back.

FA: Oliver Miller

V8 Mars Attacks

Climbs the blunt prow of the spaceship boulder from a sit start.

FA: Oliver Miller

Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths First Blood
V11 First Blood

Sit start on small side pull edges then up with difficulty compressing heinous slopers on the awesome prow/arete (slightly left of line in printed guide)

FA: Simon Weill

V9 Second Blood

The line in the print guide, which is not how Arnie climbed First Blood. Start as for FB but shoulder up out of the flake to crap then better sloper pockets in seam to regain upper flake.

V7 Third Blood

Sit start on left hand arete (be careful of the edge now) traversing right using the lowest holds before finishing up First Blood.

V2 Bronze Medallion

Sit start on the left side of the boulder and climb the arete to top out. Careful of the drop off.

V12 Silver Platter

Just left of the right end of the boulder is a scaly purple streak. Climb dimples to the shallow pocket, from where you make a big move left, finishing up the scoop.

V5 Venus In Fur

Just another high quality, high and mighty, terrifying highball. 3m above the main track is a high purple jug. From this climb the slab and seam above.

FA: Oliver Miller

V8 S&M Arete

The blunt arete on the track with a dihedral corner is climb from a stand start off a flat top jug.

FA: Oliver Miller

V2 Cilice

Left of S&M Arete is an easy runnel that is climbed from a stand start.

Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Rick & Morty Boulder
V2 Helluva Miller

Climb the juggy face right of arete from a sit.

Boulder 3m
V8 Rick & Morty

The right arete doesn't look hard at first blush, but closer inspection reveals few holds. From a stand start balance up to a relenting finish.

FA: Oliver Miller

Boulder 4m
Old Dogs

Start as for 'Helluva Miller' and head directly up rather than escaping right.

FA: Simon Weill, 2023

Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Bath Shark
V6 Layer Cake

Stand start just right of tree, finishing via a desperate mantel.

FA: Oliver Miller

V7 Shower Snake

From the same start as Bath Shark, climb left and up to a hard mantel.

FA: Jimmy Campbell

V8 Bath Shark

Short and punchy. From a sit start on slopey edge and side pull, follow the prominent seam to a slabby exit.

FA: Simon Weill

V6 Twin Fin

Climbs the right arete. Start on the faux tufa and follow the vertical seams up the blunt arete to top out.

FA: Simon Weill

V3 Slabtastic

The slab on the back (just right of the arete) may need a bit of a clean before you wobble up it.

FA: Simon Weill

Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Bakelite Concept
V11 The Bakelite Concept

The beautiful cracked face is deceptively hard. From the stand start climb the face past a very hard deadpoint.

FA: Simon Weill

V6 Plastic Facts

From the start holds of TBC, climb the diagonal rightwards.

FA: Oliver Miller

Boulder 3m
V2 Eye Of The Tiger

Good warm up. Sit start on low jugs down and right of the start of TBC. Climb up and right.

Boulder 3m
Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Bear Necessities Boulder
V6 Baloo

Sit start on crimps, head left and up through gaston and crimp to a high top out.

Boulder 6m
Bear Necessities Project

Sit start on crimps, head right and up via very hard and shouldery moves.

BoulderProgetto 6m
Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Courtyard Boulders
V0 Duck's Nuts

Start on the chalked crack just to the right of the V3. Head straight up.

Boulder 5m
V3 Bee's Knees

Sit-start on sloping rail. Trend up and right using slopers and eventually jugs.

Boulder 5m
V1 Cat's Meow

Tricky start, eases as you go. From a sit start on the finger jug, climb up the juggy wall.

Boulder 6m
V2 Running Commentary

Sit start as per the V1, then head up and left to top out.

FA: Mike Hitchcock, 2015

Boulder 6m
V3 Running Commentary Direct

Sit start with chalked-up LH pocket and RH gaston.

FA: Mike Hitchcock, 2015

Boulder 5m
V1 Rowey's Traverse

Bridge between the boulders to establish feet on the rail for v5 problem and the larger boulder. Use the big holds along the crack to traverse the boulder and finish on the V0 at the other end. Finish is the hardest part.

FA: Jayden Andrea, 1 Nov 2015

Boulder 2m
V5 Sockdolager

Sit start on low flakey rail, pull up onto large flat rail and make tricky move left to sloper and top out.

Boulder 3m
V4 You Beaut

Sit start as with other problem on boulder then head left, Dyno to good crimp, delicate top out.

Boulder 3m
V6 Nautilus

Climb You Beaut to the crimp. Then make a big span left to the arete. Match and hold the swing before swarming around the arete to finish up the slab.

FA: Peter Reynolds, 18 Dic 2017

V6 Tsunami

On the back side of the boulder (left of where the 2 boulders rest against each other), sit start on the flat hold, up to slopers and short face.

FA: Olliver Miller

V1 Crack

Located on the backside of the larger boulder, near where the two boulders touch. Sit start the left crack.

Boulder 5m
Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Diagonal Laneway Boulder
V3 Diagonal Laneway

Great climbing on a solid line. Sit start on the jug at the bottom of the rising diagonal cleft, which is followed rightward to top out on the far right of the boulder.

Boulder 3m
V4 The Lannan Express

Start as for easy lane. RH to sidepull just above start jug, wind up and hit the diagonal. Finish up left. 1 mover.

Boulder 3m
V2 Easy Lane

The easy arete is climbed from a sit.

Boulder 3m
V6 Bad Boy Sandy

Just up the hill from Diagonal Laneway boulder. Start off big side pull and crimp, head up through spanny moves. Bit sandy but still worthy.

Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Immersion Boulder
V4 Diversion

Techy bridging that follows seams up the groove to the left of Immersion.

FA: Oliver Miller

V9 Immersion

On the east side of the boulder (facing downstream) is a blunt arete. From a sit start (the stand is a very good V8 in its own right) climb the edges right of the seam. Long moves lead to a tricky conclusion. Try not to ping off into the creek.

FA: Oliver Miller

V8 Submersion

Start on flat jug, use the seam to stand up and hop for a slopey hold. Topout is tall and mossy but easy.

V4 Death By Drowning

High and dangerous. On the back side is a short slab that leads to a sickle crack.

FA: Oliver Miller

Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Silver Linings Boulder
V2 Silver Linings

Sit start. Left hand and right hand on lower flake (somewhat hugging the boulder). Bump up left hand, heel hook right leg. Bump up right hand, heel hook left leg, then make your way up the boulder.

FA: Alvin Khoo, 15 Ott 2014

Boulder 5m
V4 Silver Linings (Right Variant)

Start as for "Silver Linings" before traversing rightward and up slopers and jugs.

FA: Jamie, Apr 2023

Boulder 4m
V5 Every Cloud

Sit start around R of SL on an obvious positive edge. Up L on the slopes and side pulls.

FA: Matt Brooks, 5 Mar

Boulder 3m
Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Stoplight Boulder
V1 Problem Banana

1 metre left of Stoplight Arete, sit start in crack and layback up corner. Fun.

FA: Jimmy

Boulder 3m
V6 Stoplight Arete Left Variant

Start as for Stoplight Arete but bust out left via under clings and up face.

FA: Jimmy

Boulder 5m
V10 Stoplight Arete

Sit start/crouched on slopey edges and up pinching up the arete.

FA: Oliver Miller

Boulder 4m
V4 And Then There Was Red

Classic. Stand start on small crimp edges, move left into corner and make a committing few moves up to large holds to top out.

Boulder 4m
Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Humping An Orca
V5 Humping An Orca

Balance up the slab.

FA: Ollie Tobias Bugg

Northern Wonderland Range Mackeys Peak The Secret Stash Boulders Fairy Tales Rock
V0 The BFG

The best rock you can take your non-climber date to climb on. On the downhill side on the blouder use large flake to traverse miles left to a topout on the far left of the boulder. Enjoy the view at the top.

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2015

V2 Witch Tits

Start as for The BFG on the large Flake, but climb up and over the obvious set of witch tits. If you fall you will need some sorcery to fix your broken legs.

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2015

Boulder 5m
V4 Princess and the Pea

Sit start on the magical pumpkin low in the cave. Make unlikely movements up and left past the love heart hold to gain a stsnce on a small ledge. Standard finish is here and climb left down. Alternate scary leg breaking extension goes into Witch Tits.

FA: Joshua Brown

V6 Tall Tales

Start as for Rapunzel on the magic pumpkin, but trend up and left with difficulty to the tallest part of the boulder. A tad contrived.

FA: Damo Taylor, 2016

Boulder 5m
V5 Rapunzel

Sit start low on the Magic Pumpkin, move powerfully up and right through the awesomely featured face to gain the top.

FA: joshua brown, 2015

Boulder 4m
V3 Rapunzel (Stand Start)

Stand start with holds above head height to avoid the hard first few moves of Rapunzel. Still great fun.

FA: Josh brown, 2015

V5 Peter Pantastic

Make the first few moves of Rapunzel, but before the topout traverse powerfully rightward a few meters and gain the top to the right side of the over-hanging prow.

FA: joel wilson

Boulder 6m
V3 Piker Pan

This is the stand start to Peter Pantastic. Start with decent handholds at or above head height, follow rightwards to top of Peter Pantastic.

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2016

Boulder 3m
V3 Jill

On the South facing side of the boulder. Sit start below off width crack (Jack), slap and climb your way up the rock on the right hand side of the offwidth. Actually quite fun movement.

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2015

Boulder 3m
V4 Jack

The horrible overhanging off width at the back of the boulder with "Jill". Sit start with your body in the chasm and work your way up and outta there! Don't break your crown.

FA: michael, 2016

Boulder 3m
Northern Wonderland Range Mackeys Peak The Secret Stash Boulders Juju Rock
V12 Mojo Juju

On the downhill side of the boulder, from far right traverse leftwards using the obvious sloping crack accross the overhanging wall and topout frighteningly at the tallest point of the face. Mega

FA: Oliver Miller, 2017

Boulder 8m
Project Ultra Hard

Start low in the centre of the steep overhanging face and magically float up the faux-holds that make this incredibly hard project. Was once tried by Finnish Powerhouse Nalle H. Very damn hard.

BoulderProgetto 5m
Slopes of Doom Project

On the downhill face of the boulder, on the left side lies this project. Start low with bad underclings, move up through difficult slopers to topout. Super aesthetic & mega hard.

BoulderProgetto 4m
V2 Licking Toads

On the South Facing vertical wall, at the Eastern end. Start on side pull jug, climb rails up and right to an awkward topout, followed by a long easy scramble to the summit of Juju Rock.

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2015

Boulder 3m
V3 Cocaine

On the South facing wall, traverse on obvious crimpy rail from far right to left finishing matched where the rail ends. A fantastic line for the grade.

FA: josh brown, 2015

Boulder 6m
V4 Overdose

Start at the end of Cocaine. Pull onto crimps, make a big move up to side pull. Continue up over bulge and slab with great technical movements.

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2016

Boulder 5m
V5 Cocaine Overdose

Link Cocaine into Overdose. Long, pumpy, powerful, technical, awesome!

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2017

Boulder 10m
V6 Underdose

Start low left of Overdose on small crimps. Make a few powerful moves up over small holds leading to the start holds of Overdose, continue up.

FA: Ollie Miller, 2017

Boulder 5m
V7 Trippa Snippa

The fantastic short ripple-textured wall on the uphill face of the boulder, far right hand side. Start with the crimps at face height and campus until you can put your feet somewhere useful before topping out right. This is also the easiest way off the Juju Boulder as its not far to jump to the ground from the upper holds of Trippa Snippa.

FA: Ollie Miller, 2016

V8 Contrivaband

From the big rock to the right of TFOTL, pull on and climb rightwards over small technical holds to finish above Trippa Snippa. Eliminate the juggy rail up high, stay low and techy.

FA: Charlotte Garden, 2018

Boulder 3m
V5 Fat Mans Land

The moderate variant to TFOTL, still very worthwhile. Step off the boulder on the right pulling onto the first major sloper of TFOTL and continue up.

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2018

Boulder 4m
V5 Fat Mans Land (gym climber variant)

Climb the best part of Fat Mans Land through the two perfect slopers, then shamefully escape right to the ledge because you hate highballs and you climb in a gym too much. Could also be started as for The Fat Of The Land, but if you're that strong and you escape right then you deserve a paddling.

FA: 2018

Boulder 4m
V8 The Fat Of The Land

The beefy main line of slopers going to the top of the uphill side of the boulder. Sit start on crimps and bad feet, climb up and right before big moves through the slopers and to the top.

FA: Ollie Miller, 2016

Boulder 6m
The Prow Project

Just left of TFOTL is this mega project on fire orange bullet proof rock. Stand start on obvious side pull hold, beast your way up and left through a series of small holds and powerful movements. Was an Ollie Miller project when he was a Grampians man. Estimated V14~ish

Boulder 6m

1 - 100 di 270 vie.

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