
Vie come trad in Halls Gap Area

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101 - 200 di 1,016 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Northern Wonderland Range The Lower Goon
10 The Voyage of Dum Tweedle
Trad 25m
13 An Attack of the Thunders
Trad 25m
13 The Harry Secombe Memorial Buttress
Trad 40m
15 Secret Men's Business
Trad 30m
16 Rounders
Trad 23m
19 Without Oxygen
Trad 23m
Northern Wonderland Range The Upper Goon
13 Moriarty
Trad 25m
13 The Invisible Acrobat
Trad 30m
18 Smiley's Rumoured to Have Done It
Trad 20m
9 First Men on the Goon
Trad 39m
11 First Men on the Goon Variant
Trad 42m
12 Goon With the Wind
Trad 46m
14 Sensual Caucasian Knee Dancing
Trad 43m
8 Pull Up a Bollard
Trad 41m
14 Bluebottle Blues
Trad 40m
16 A Quarter of Jelly Babies
Trad 40m
11 There Must Be a Cure
Trad 42m
16 Mrs Fitzsimmons
Trad 20m
8 The Flea
Trad 14m
11 Herne
Trad 13m
12 Lurgi
Trad 11m
15 Little Jim
Trad 23m
17 Insurance, the White Man's Burden
Trad 35m
16 John Snagg
Trad 31m
14 Thyne
Trad 39m
Northern Wonderland Range Signal Peak
15 Green Light
Trad 25m
12 Deshpatch
Trad 50m
17 Signal Failure
Trad 50m
16 Heliograph
Trad 45m
13 Dot Dot Desh
Trad 50m
Northern Wonderland Range Frenchmans Beret
19 Ginger, Megs
Trad 10m
23 Lightning le Magne

The striking line of the crag. Complex moves through pockets, crimps and pebbles on near perfect rock. Bring stick clip for the bolt off the deck with good gear the rest of the way. Size 4,3,2 cams for anchor up top work nicely if you’re creative.

NA: angus smith

FFA: JakeSouthen, 6 Nov 2022

Trad mista 11m, 1
11 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Trad 10m
15 Dutch Cap
Trad 10m
10 Small Change
Trad 10m
17 Cows With Guns
Trad 12m
17 Glory Box
Trad 12m
Northern Wonderland Range The Grand Canyon West Wall
2 Midwife
Trad 15m
2 Humidity Crib
Trad 15m
3 Nurse in Demand
Trad 17m
3 Expectancy
Trad 17m
3 The High Chair
Trad 15m
4 The Baby's Cot
Trad 15m
5 First Steps
Trad 15m
7 Light of Day
Trad 15m
4 The Dolls' House
Trad 25m
5 Dummy
Trad 22m
4 Dirty Nappy
Trad 22m
5 (Unammed 1)
Trad 22m
8 (Unammed 2)
Trad 25m
9 Babies' Bottle
Trad 25m
14 Bat Cleft
Trad 14m
12 Cannory
Trad 15m
17 Concave
Trad 18m
8 Cave Crack
Trad 12m
10 Cave Climb
Trad 12m
12 Equality
Trad 12m
6 Initiation (Iirritation)
Trad 10m
6 Kelly's Climb
Trad 15m
8 Bongo's Story Time
Trad 18m
6 Jacob's Ladder
Trad 20m
10 Razor Blade
Trad 17m
13 Nut Cracker
Trad 15m
3 Adobe
Trad 30m
13 Cross Roads
Trad 30m
13 Fading Heart
Trad 30m
15 Corset
Trad 30m
17 Raven's Lane
Trad 30m
Northern Wonderland Range The Grand Canyon South End
18 King Fern
Trad 16m
12 Maya
Trad 16m
11 Dirty Peter's Sink Hole
Trad 15m
Northern Wonderland Range The Grand Canyon East Wall
17 Wrinkle
Trad 31m
22 Tasting Freedom
Trad 50m
10 The Negro's Crack
Trad 58m
10 NC Variant
Trad 45m
18 Purple Hearts
Trad 30m
17 Pueblo
Trad 38m
20 Heartland Trad 42m
20 Black Widow
Trad 30m
13 A Spiced Chicken
Trad 38m
13 Aladdin
Trad 26m
20 Fire Stone
Trad 27m
16 Wild Horses
Trad 25m
17 Hotel California
Trad 22m
18 The Monkees
Trad 23m
24 Midnight Blues
Trad 24m
16 Hot Summer's Day
Trad 22m
5 The Chimney
Trad 10m
16 Californian Girls
Trad 23m
9 Helmet Hanger

A good mix of bridging and standard assent. Great for a beginner

Trad 25m
17 Good Vibrations
Trad 25m
13 Og
Trad 22m
13 The Wobble
Trad 21m
13 Gog
Trad 21m
13 Magog
Trad 22m
10 Tyrant
Trad 15m
13 Castelle
Trad 15m
Northern Wonderland Range The Underworld
18 Dick Tracy

Strenuous and exciting. Corner below roof near L end of cliff. Traverse R to arête. Steeply up and slightly L into groove and on.

FA: Stephen Hamilton & Chris Baxter, 1990

Trad 25m
17 Dan the Man

Tiered, R leading crack. Up short L facing corner beside block then traverse L to line. Up

FA: Stephen Hamilton & Nick Tapp, 1990

Trad 25m
12 To Strings Attached

Strong crack 3m r of brocken corner just R of DM.

FA: Chris & Sue Baxter, 1990

Trad 20m

101 - 200 di 1,016 vie.

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