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Tutti 2 vie visualizzati.

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Blazed Rock Main Face
13 Grumpy

Guide books describe this as "It makes you grumpy because it is harder than it looks". Consensus is that it makes you grumpy because it is harder than it is graded! Leaders should be confident at around grade 15/16 before tackling this climb.

Start: Start beneath the obvious chimney/offwidth (initialed) close to the centre of the face.

FA: Bob Connell & Bruno Zielke, 1970

Trad 31m
13 Arsenic Hour

Previously overlooked for good reason.

Start: Corner right of 'Gnome' then continue up and left on wall to ledge. Left arête.

FA: Campbell Mercer & Matt Walsh, 1997

Trad 30m

Tutti 2 vie visualizzati.

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