
Vie in South-East Mt Difficult Range del grado selezionato

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Tutti 9 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Forrest Rock
13 Upstanding

Buttress 80m left of left end of main cliff. Best approached by walking up the gully left of Carry on Regardless then following the cliff line left. Takes the prominent slabby arête of the buttress providing pleasant climbing with a FH at the start. Finish at the ledge and abseil anchor.

FA: Philip Armstrong, Christopher Armstrong & Jerry Maddox, 2006

Trad mista 25m, 1
13 Carry On Up The Chimney

Revolting first pitch leads to nice exposed chimney through big roof.

  1. 30m Major chimney line right of the Codds Flat buttress to ledge below overhangs.

  2. 20m Chimney through roof.

  3. 10m Easy buttress right of gully.

FA: Philip Armstrong & Jerry Maddox (alt), 2006

Trad 60m, 3
13 Lemon Rind

Start at the arete just right of The Rumpo Kid. Up past 2 fixed hangers to finish up a short shallow groove on the right. Pull over the bulge to the lower offs.

FA: Philip Armstrong, Kathy Matic, Peter Cody & Bernie Whitelock, 27 Feb 2023

Trad mista 18m, 2
13 Melon Peel

Start 2 metres right of Rumpo Kid. Up the right edge of the face, small cams are useful.

FA: Peter Cody & Sam Walmsley, 2006

Trad 25m
13 Bladder Buster

Starts just right of “Don’t Wet Yourself”. Follow low diagonal for a few moves on big holds. Up face of wall to cross DWY at half height. Continue directly up, following left orange streak until able to step left to ledge, just under the big roof.

FA: 2024

Trad 14m
13 Alcazar

The buttress right of Carcassonne. Start 6m right of Carcassonne at a short detached flake/pillar. Climb the pillar then continue up the buttress past a FH to a ledge. Head up and left to the arete following this to a large ledge. Climb the short wall to a lower off point.

FA: Philip Armstrong, Peter Cody, Kathy Matic & Bernie Whitelock, 30 Nov 2020

Trad mista 24m, 3
The Watchtower
13 Vegan’s Divide

FA: Luke Baxter & Grant Baxter, 2019

13 Red Velvet

Tracciata: Luke Baxter & Grant, 2019

13 Bonga

FA: Luke Baxter & Grant Baxter, 2019

Trad 15m

Tutti 9 vie visualizzati.

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