
Ascensioni in The Black Bay che possiede Informazioni sui passaggi

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1 - 100 di 288 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Falesia Qualità Arrampicatore Data
25 Month of Sundays Trad mista 25m, 5 Mountain Quarry
Richard Woodman
Lun 20 Feb 2006
Hard slopey crux. Not climbable in winter.

25 Month of Sundays - con Ronan Trad mista 25m, 5 Mountain Quarry Buona
Sab 2 Mag 2015
Bloody hard and terrifying. It needs a good clean. Pulling through those roofs is super difficult... if you make it that far. Maybe you do need a month of sundays to climb this thing.

25 Month of Sundays - con Kate Trad mista 25m, 5 Mountain Quarry Pessima
Sab 5 Mag 2018
Urmagawd... Why did I jump on this again. I hate it.

24 Vombatia - con Marc, Gwyn Hughes Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Kym Campbell
Dom 7 Feb 2016
The low crux feels very hit and miss, hopefully I can find a more static way to get through it. And then there's that filthy sloping ledge below the anchors, which will need some work. Other than that, it's just really pumpy. Providing you hit the dyno. At least it's fun.

24 Vombatia - con Gwyn Hughes, Kym Campbell Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Buona
Dom 7 Feb 2016
Had a super low psych morning for me. Felt weak and not in the game. Headed to RF instead for some training.

24 Vombatia - con Ben Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Buona
Mar 9 Feb 2016
Managed to dog up it this morning. That first big move still feels 1 in 20 to me, but everyone else seems to cruise it! Top moves to anchor feel pretty fine now, just need to be able to get in a good rest before the roof.

24 Vombatia - con Gwyn Hughes, Marc, Chris Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Kym Campbell
Ven 12 Feb 2016
Some progress on the low crux, but it's still far from a sure thing. I also found a way past the slopers at the top, though conserving energy is going to be key for putting it all together.

24 Vombatia - con Chris, Gwyn Hughes, Kym Campbell Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Buona
Ven 12 Feb 2016
No joy on that bottom hold. The rest is okay.

Have decided to quit on the static approach and to work on sticking the dyno instead.

24 Vombatia - con Marc, Gwyn Hughes, Kym Campbell Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Buona
Ven 12 Feb 2016
Yeah I got on it too [3]

24 Vombatia - con Marc, Chris Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Kym Campbell
Dom 14 Feb 2016
Sent. Fun, well protected climb with some big moves and a tricky finish that feels scary, but is pretty safe really.

24 Monday Weak - con Ashley Felton Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Kym Campbell
Dom 14 Feb 2016
First look. Didn't get too far. Sure is crimpy.

24 Vombatia - con Kym Campbell, Chris Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Dom 14 Feb 2016
So stoked to get the send on this today, on my fourth visit. Such a fun route with a few really cool moves. Especially great to get it after the first move was such a heartbreaker for me for so long.

Now ahead of schedule for ten 5.12's in 2016! Two down, eight to go!

24 Vombatia - con Ashlee, Marc, Kym Campbell Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Buona
Dom 14 Feb 2016
sent it first go but fell clipping the anchor, so I did it a second time just to convince the critics. Perhaps soft.

24 Monday Weak - con Ashlee Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Dom 14 Feb 2016
This is a great climb! Get on it before the sun turns it into a hotplate though.

24 Monday Weak - con Kym Campbell Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Ashley Felton
Dom 14 Feb 2016
Dunno if making the third clip counts as "working". Worked out one move, though. Will be a good sequence.

24 Monday Weak - con Ashley Felton Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Kym Campbell
Gio 18 Feb 2016
Second look. Got a bit further. Good crimps and bad crimps and not much else so far.

24 Monday Weak Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Dom 14 Feb 2016
Crimpy/balance moves, got to the 3rd bolt on lead

24 Monday Weak - con Ashley Felton Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Kym Campbell
Gio 25 Feb 2016
Horrible toprope/aid/dog effort to get to the top, truly lamentable climbing. This is certainly doable, but not the way I was climbing tonight.

24 Monday Weak - con Kym Campbell Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Ashley Felton
Ven 26 Feb 2016
More practise. More like, "Fingers Weak", this one

24 Monday Weak - con Ashlee, Mark E Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Dom 28 Feb 2016
Happy to snag this beauty. It's a fight!

24 Monday Weak - con Ashlee Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Sab 16 Apr 2016
Just for giggles (I actually nearly go it too!)

24 Monday Weak - con Chris Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Sab 16 Apr 2016
Need to get stronger...

24 Monday Weak - con Paul Donovan, Ashley Felton Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Kym Campbell
Gio 1 Dic 2016
Haven't been on this for ages, but I took up pretty much exactly where I left off last time, i.e., sucking badly. Short, but tough.

24 Monday Weak - con Kym Campbell, Paul Donovan Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Ashley Felton
Gio 1 Dic 2016
I can do pretty much all the individual moves on this, while fresh. The trouble is stringing them all together.

24 Vombatia - con Paul Donovan, Oscar Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry
Jiri Stastny
Mar 6 Dic 2016
you definitely work for the grate. Nice dino there though...

24 Monday Weak - con Paul Donovan, Oscar Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry
Jiri Stastny
Mar 6 Dic 2016
stylish moves on little crimps, very nice...

24 Monday Weak - con Paul Donovan Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Kym Campbell
Gio 8 Dic 2016
Starting to come together. If all goes well, in a session or two I might get the dog. Might as well aim high.

24 Monday Weak Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry
Ven 9 Dic 2016
First try today... send will have to be for another day though.

24 Monday Weak - con Ashley Felton, Paul Donovan Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Kym Campbell
Gio 15 Dic 2016
Closing in on the dog. Things are looking up.

24 Vombatia Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry
Glen maras
Dom 8 Gen 2017
Gotta get some strength and endurance, heavy pull throughs with some good holds.

24 Monday Weak - con Mike, Richard Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Kym Campbell
Sab 21 Gen 2017
Got the dog, so that's progress. It should happen sometime.

24 Monday Weak - con Gwyn Hughes, Paul Donovan, Ashley Felton Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Kym Campbell
Gio 2 Feb 2017
Another dog. Happy to blame the temperature, humidity, recent rainfall and phase of the moon for not getting the tick this time. I mean, who can climb in these conditions?

24 Monday Weak - con Rebecca Trigger Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Kym Campbell
Mer 1 Mar 2017
Deja vu

24 Monday Weak - con Ashley Felton Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Kym Campbell
Ven 3 Mar 2017
Deja vu

24 Monday Weak - con Rebecca Trigger Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Kym Campbell
Gio 30 Mar 2017
2 more dogs, incrementally better than those that have gone before. Doesn't feel far off.

24 Monday Weak - con Paul Donovan Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Kym Campbell
Dom 2 Apr 2017
Yeah, I could send this any time I want, I just really like dogging it for some reason.

24 Monday Weak Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Classica
Shahid Chew
Sab 1 Apr 2017
Got to crux and fell. Hopefully get the red point

24 Vombatia - con Chris, Jorge Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Bruno Alves Buzatto
Lun 10 Apr 2017
That dyno is really cool, but there is a lot of work for me to do in the move after the second bolt, before I even get to the dyno on a clean attempt...

24 Monday Weak - con Paul Donovan Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Kym Campbell
Gio 20 Apr 2017
I don't want to talk about it.

24 Monday Weak - con Paul Donovan Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Kym Campbell
Gio 29 Giu 2017
You'd think I would know better. But you would be wrong.

24 Monday Weak - con Jiri Stastny Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Izzy Burgoyne
Ven 9 Mar 2018
Be taaaaaaaaal

24 Vombatia Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry
Tom Wiltshire
Dom 16 Dic 2018
Should go next session! Clipping requires faith...

24 Vombatia Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Mer 23 Gen 2019
Didn't dyno to the jug just below the overhang like example videos on youtube, instead just treat it like a slab problem if you have some length. Also there is a nice knee bar that can help relieve some tension before you go to the nasty sloper before the final bolts.

24 Vombatia Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry
Cameron Harvey
Dom 10 Mar 2019
A few delicate hand/foot placements in the middle then need to be brave for the final moves over the roof

24 Vombatia Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry
Gio 28 Mar 2019
Real tough, super sustained, i wish clipping the anchors felt safer. Would be good to get this but i probably wont get back before the bay get wet.

24 Monday Weak Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry
Cameron Harvey
Dom 31 Mar 2019
Probably my new favourite line in the Black Bay. Crimps galore! The crux is probably the 3 move sequence around 3rd which can be a bit reachy but I found it went pretty quickly. Sadly the state of my fingertips going into it wasn't quite good enough to link it this time but I'm excited for the next time I can get on it.

24 Vombatia Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry
Ven 5 Apr 2019
Couple more goes today clipping the anchors is still gross so i keep falling

24 Monday Weak Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry
Ven 5 Apr 2019
Should have got this. Nearly had the onsight then a hand slipped while resting after crux. Had four more attempts, progressively reaching lower and lower. I guess the lesson learnt is i need to rest more .

Aside from that, this is quality route, i wish the middle section was a bit longer would be classic

24 Vombatia Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry
Barak Watemberg
Sab 27 Apr 2019
Ascend coming soon!

24 Monday Weak Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Kyle Arkless
Ven 22 Nov 2019
Great climb! Went second go.

24 Vombatia Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Buona
Sab 14 Dic 2019
Too hot

24 Vombatia Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Buona
Dom 15 Dic 2019
Great conditions, silly fall at the top. Great climb.

24 Monday Weak - con Emdehn Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Sab 1 Feb 2020
Two lead attempts and a second to clean. super hard on the fingers, crimpy as. Need fresh hands!

24 Monday Weak - con Kym Campbell Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Classica
Dom 9 Feb 2020
Well chipped and bolted. Classy climbing. Did it in two-ish sections. Need to commit to linking it, climbing past the crux bolt to the jugs before clipping. May be scary.

24 Vombatia Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Buona
Dom 16 Feb 2020
Weak after bouldering

24 Vombatia Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Kyle Arkless
Mar 18 Feb 2020
Nice climb. Climb past the sloper to good holds above the anchor to clip. Happy days!

24 Monday Weak - con Emdehn Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Dom 1 Mar 2020
Ah man.

24 Vombatia - con Emdehn Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Dom 1 Mar 2020
Two cracks after 2 attempts on Monday Weak. Some good whips trying to clip the chains

24 Vombatia - con Emdehn Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Lun 2 Mar 2020
First go today putting draws on! Killer fun. 3rd attempt overall if you include two cracks yesterday

24 Monday Weak - con Emdehn Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Lun 2 Mar 2020
Finally sent on my second go today. Stuck the first crux after clipping the third then pulled the lip didn’t expect to send was going up to get the gear back

24 Monday Weak - con Trent Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Buona
Ven 27 Mar 2020
So cool to tick this! Got it on my first try this sesh, putting up the draws

24 Vombatia - con Michael Oldroyd Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry
Michael B
Lun 19 Ott 2020
Ripped off a 2 foot flake at the bottom trying to onsight this, luckily just about missed Mike belaying. After working out the moves to the top we took a crowbar to the bottom section. A scary amount of loose rock came off really easily, but there may be more. This definitely changes the start of the blank section as the footholds that were there are no longer.

24 Vombatia Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry
Jordan Colmer
Lun 23 Nov 2020
Can't get the first big move on this one.

24 Monday Weak Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Gravity is a Myth
Sab 1 Mag 2021
Sent clean leading this time, and placing the draws on the go

24 Monday Weak - con Kyle Saltmarsh Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Sab 6 Nov 2021
Beta finally sorted out. Let's see if it can go tomorrow....

24 Monday Weak Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Dom 7 Nov 2021
Only thing that went right was the pint after

24 Vombatia Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry
Michael B
Sab 13 Nov 2021
Took a while to work out a sequence for the bottom section. Had one lead at the end of the day and punted the last move.

24 Monday Weak Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Sab 20 Nov 2021
New high point to 4th - may have worked out the crux between 4th and 5th (but probably haven't)

24 Monday Weak Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Dom 5 Dic 2021
Two falls and all worked out now - should go next time hopefully

24 Monday Weak - con Lee Som Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Sab 11 Dic 2021
Why do all attempts feel so so hard but all sends feel so easy? 🤷‍♂️

24 Monday Weak Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Mega Classica
Yona Millner
Lun 13 Dic 2021
Damn this is a cool line. 2 attempts in an evening. Was getting a bit dark to see my feet tho. Next time should go

24 Monday Weak Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Mega Classica
Yona Millner
Gio 24 Mar 2022
oonga boonga. ill try it again sometime

24 Dura Vombatia Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Marco Zorzin
Dom 20 Nov 2022
Is this still considered 24 after the foot hold broke?

24 ~25 Vombatia - con Lee Som Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry
Dom 12 Feb 2023
Ewww. This will take some time

24 Monday Weak Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Lun 10 Apr 2023
Putting up draws. Nice to know I can still get to the anchors!

24 Monday Weak — 2 tentativi Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry
Henry McNamee
Mar 18 Apr 2023
Spewin nearly flashed it whilst putting draws on but messed up the mantle at the end ugh.felt pretty cruzy second go.

24 ~25 Vombatia — 2 tentativi - con Chris Greenem Sportiva 15m, 4 Mountain Quarry
Dom 28 Mag 2023
Gotta be harder than 24

24 Monday Weak — 3 tentativi - con John Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Dom 10 Dic 2023
Draw monkey session

24 Monday Weak - con brian Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Mega Classica
Ven 22 Dic 2023
First time back since 2021? Pretty good attempt,.first little Crux too shouldery

24 Monday Weak - con gesa, brian Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Mega Classica
Sab 23 Dic 2023
Too late in the morning slipped off 2nd crux. Next time 🥳

24 Monday Weak — 3 tentativi - con brian Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry Mega Classica
Dom 31 Dic 2023
Bummer getting so close, but keep making little errors in the micro beta. So close.

24 Monday Weak Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry
Renee Verhoeven
Dom 10 Mar 2024
Working moves. Really struggling after 4th draw. Moves feel far and I can’t find feet. Got through the move that I found difficult last time.

24 Monday Weak - con Meg Page Sportiva 15m, 6 Mountain Quarry
Henry McNamee
Dom 24 Mar 2024
Second lap

22 Crazy Horse Sportiva 16m, 4 Mountain Quarry Media
Lun 28 Gen 2013
Will red point this next time. Tricky moves!

22 Crazy Horse Sportiva 16m, 4 Mountain Quarry Buona
Sab 22 Giu 2013
Fcuked this up today

22 Crazy Horse - con Brian Tan Sportiva 16m, 4 Mountain Quarry Buona
Jean-Philippe Dumas
Gio 6 Giu 2013
2nd go

22 Crazy Horse Sportiva 16m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Dom 17 Nov 2013
Fun moves and climb. Was a bit too wet to finish today though! Maybe in a few weeks.

22 Crazy Horse - con Ashley Felton Sportiva 16m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Kym Campbell
Mer 10 Dic 2014
Onsight attempt - pumped out at the top overhang looking for a foothold that isn't there. Oh, hang on. It is there. Damn it.

22 Crazy Horse - con Ashley Felton Sportiva 16m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Kym Campbell
Mer 10 Dic 2014
Second attempt. The start is a bit insecure, but then it's cool moves on a variety of holds.

22 Crazy Horse - con Kym Campbell Sportiva 16m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Ashley Felton
Mer 10 Dic 2014
Take your time making the first clip, it's surprisingly nervy to make that step up.

22 Crazy Horse - con Kym Campbell Sportiva 16m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Ashley Felton
Mer 10 Dic 2014
A variety of technical and balancy moves makes this a really satisfying one to tick off. Got the two overhang moves dialled tonight.

22 Crazy Horse - con Kym Campbell, Joe Hewitt Sportiva 16m, 4 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Ashley Felton
Mer 4 Feb 2015
Fell on the last move. Bah.

22 Shut 'em Down - con Vincent Buegge Sportiva 16m, 5 Mountain Quarry
Michael Blowers
Gio 2 Lug 2015
Name is rather appropriate. Hard onsight and first bolt is in an awkward location making rope management hard, ending in less than stellar falls. Maybe another day.

22 Shut 'em Down - con Paul Donovan Sportiva 16m, 5 Mountain Quarry Media
Sab 19 Set 2015
It shut me down. Got scared at the third bolt.

22 Shut 'em Down - con Steve, Alex Campbell Sportiva 16m, 5 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Kym Campbell
Lun 28 Set 2015
Hard crux getting past the overhanging bulge to the 2nd bolt. This is going to take some work. After aiding past that, I found the rest of the route not too bad. Another very good addition to the quarry.

22 Shut 'em Down - con Ashley Felton Sportiva 16m, 5 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Kym Campbell
Gio 28 Gen 2016
Dogged/aided the route, then worked the crux on top rope. It took a lot of false starts and refinement, but we got there in the end. Very sequency and satisfying, gets easier the higher you go. Hard 22. Will be back for the redpoint.

22 Shut 'em Down - con Kym Campbell Sportiva 16m, 5 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Ashley Felton
Gio 28 Gen 2016
Was very close to writing this off as an impossible waste of time, then worked out a way to get through the starting overhang. Bazinga! Will come back another day and try the lead.

22 Shut 'em Down - con phillip Sportiva 16m, 5 Mountain Quarry Buona
Graeme Russell
Gio 4 Feb 2016
Tricky crux But worth the effort Nice line

22 Shut 'em Down - con Kym Campbell Sportiva 16m, 5 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Ashley Felton
Gio 11 Feb 2016
Blasted straight through the crux this time, only to find that the next couple of clips are pretty hard work too.

22 Shut 'em Down - con Ashley Felton Sportiva 16m, 5 Mountain Quarry Molto buona
Kym Campbell
Gio 11 Feb 2016
Fatal hesitation at the 3rd clip, when I should have just pressed on. Forgot there was a jug there. Next time.


1 - 100 di 288 ascensioni.

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