
Ascensioni in New South Wales and ACT come vari tipologie da Adam Bramwell

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401 - 500 di 1,188 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Dom 22 Gen 2006 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mitchells Ridge Grace Gully
26 25 Codeine (Codein) Sportiva 15m Molto buona
draws on, ipod on, moving on up.

Dom 22 Gen 2006 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Pindari
21 Rampaging Roy Sportiva 30m Molto buona
multi-pitch climbing is worth it.

Sab 21 Gen 2006 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area The Freezer
24 Slug Monk Sportiva 22m Molto buona
Every lunge has been met with success - haven't fallen off the crimpers yet. 12/12/05: I am officially dog-tired

Mer 18 Gen 2006 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Wave Wall
24 Jaqueline Hyde Sportiva 15m, 6 Molto buona
Just lucky for an ol bugger i guess? Success after 4 shots on Rubber Lover.

Sab 14 Gen 2006 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Pierces Pass East Side
23 Smegadeath Sportiva 220m Mega Classica
damn pumpy first pitch, two rests. Led 1,3,5. Thanks Matt!

Dom 8 Gen 2006 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Main Wall
20 20 to 21 Ernest Lady (linkup) (Ernest the lady) Sportiva 14m, 4 Buona
Almost sandbagged but not quite

25 Madge McDonald Sportiva 12m, 7 Classica
No errors, arrived at the top with plenty of gas left.

23 Nev Herrod Sportiva 12m, 5 Molto buona
tweaky pocket required inspection before committing. Forgot to tape up.

Ven 6 Gen 2006 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
23 Hot Flyer Sportiva 25m Classica
old tr dog. How to waste energy for the rest of the day - hang around mid-crux for several minutes.

Ven 6 Gen 2006 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Main Wall
23 Hairy Horrace Sportiva 12m Buona
Draw monkeys are supposed to put them on not take them off, woops sorry Nick.

Gio 22 Dic 2005 - Tomaree Head
Dolphin Walls Lower
20 Cadbury Flake Trad 20m
19 Turkish Delight Trad 20m
18 Dopey Mick Trad 20m
19 Houdini Trad 20m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Front and Centre
V1 D? Boulder 4m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline The Eastern Bloc
V1 Eastern Bloc Arete Boulder 3m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Frontline Left Hand Side
V0 B? Boulder 6m
V1 V1 R Choppers Boulder 3m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Roadside
V1 G? Boulder 3m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Frontline Left Hand Side
V0- M.A.S.H. Boulder 3m
V0 Bangers Boulder 3m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Front and Centre
V2 E? Boulder 4m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Frontline Left Hand Side
V3 V3 R Revelations Boulder 4m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline The Pee Boulder
V4 V4 R Battle of the Shirts Boulder 4m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Front and Centre
V0- B? Boulder 3m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Frontline Left Hand Side
V2 Meltdown Boulder 3m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Frontline Right Hand Side
V3 Hot Milo Boulder 4m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Roadside
V0 H? Boulder 3m
V0- F? Boulder 3m
V0 A? Boulder 3m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Frontline Left Hand Side
V0 Point of View Boulder 3m
V1 A? Boulder 4m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Roadside
V0 E? Boulder 2m
V1 C? Boulder 3m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Front and Centre
V5 Sloper-Dan Milosevic Boulder 5m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Roadside
V1 'Rithmetic Boulder 2m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Frontline Left Hand Side
V1 Choppers II Boulder 6m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Roadside
V2 Have A Proper Gander Boulder 3m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Area Q
V2 National Pride Boulder 5m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Roadside
V2 D? Boulder 2m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Frontline Left Hand Side
V0 Frontrow Boulder 3m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Front and Centre
V1 C? Boulder 4m
V4 Leap of Faith Boulder 4m
Mar 20 Dic 2005 - The Balkans
The Frontline Roadside
V3 V3 R Crossfire Boulder 4m
Lun 12 Dic 2005 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area The Freezer
23 Ice Cubed Sportiva 25m Media
utilised a soon to be patented anti-cut-loose technique

Dom 11 Dic 2005 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zap Crag Lower Zap
25 High Tension Sportiva 25m, 10 Mega Classica
26/10/05: One heartbreaking fall. 29/11/04: a climb to aspire to - many many rests for me, Onsight for JP!

22 Static Afro Sportiva 35m Molto buona
One or two excellent holds, going soon

Sab 10 Dic 2005 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Boronia Point Main Wall (Ferris Cave)
25 Grape Power (Link-up) (Grape Power) Sportiva 20m, 8 Molto buona
not as sustained at the top as its left hand brother

Ven 9 Dic 2005 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount York Krell Area
20 Krell Trad 30m Buona
poor bolt positioning, or is it wandery? best linked up with H&N's LHS for a more sustained climb

Ven 9 Dic 2005 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Jean Genie Area
23 Scheme of Things Sportiva 12m, 5 Molto buona
still hard. 12/9/04: keep working that wide lat rockover strength..

24 23 It's no Game Sportiva 12m Buona
thanks bundy

Ven 9 Dic 2005 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Little Triggers Wall
24 Holy Leaping Shortarses, Batman Sportiva 15m, 7 Classica
varied wall climbing, interesting..

Ven 9 Dic 2005 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount York Dragon's Tooth Area
20 Mombassa - left arete of TS Sconosciuto 20m Molto buona
steep and interesting. take care with pro

Ven 9 Dic 2005 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Little Triggers Wall
22 21 Lady Stardust Sportiva 21m, 6 Classica
nice climbing at about 19 once you do the lockoff and reach

Ven 9 Dic 2005 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount York Krell Area
17 Here and Now Sportiva 20m Molto buona
should be more popular. do the RH start it's much better

Mer 7 Dic 2005 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass SSCC4 Area
24 SSCC4 Sportiva 50m Mega Classica
Wicked fun. led p1, the easy pitch!

Mer 7 Dic 2005 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Dogs, Cats & Apples Wall
23 22 Nylon Happy Sportiva 20m, 8 Classica
the only thing wrong with this climb is that there's lots of glue on it.

21 So, Said The King Sportiva 20m, 9 Molto buona
fun traverse, great smearing fun

Lun 5 Dic 2005 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Katoomba Cliffs Echo Point Echo Point Walls
22 22 R Ice Trad 170m Mega Classica
Everybody seems to agree it's a hard crux. But there are draws there to pull on so go do it!... ;-)

Dom 4 Dic 2005 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area The Freezer
24 Meat Mallet Sportiva 25m Classica
chose the wrong holds but survived.

23 Cryogenics Sportiva 25m Classica
why didn't this route feel hard?

24 Rat$ Sportiva 20m Classica
cruxy and nice

Sab 3 Dic 2005 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Boronia Point Main Wall (Ferris Cave)
24 Sydney Rose Sportiva 12m Molto buona
[2]. a fun problem.

25 Grape Hour Sportiva 22m, 8 Classica
much, much more consistent than lyptus. great fun and very satisfying

23 Sprouts Mexicane Sportiva 15m Buona
don't get scrappy or you'll get flappers

Mer 16 Nov 2005 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Atlantis
23 Highside Sportiva 23m, 10 Molto buona
Tension! Powered by Heinz organic baked beans - eewww

24 Hoderlump Sportiva 23m Buona

19 Subwoofer Sportiva 15m Buona
Warrior One.

22 Same Same But Different Sportiva 13m Media
Contort! Bandolier Man strikes again

22 Histrionix Sportiva 23m Buona
Thanks to Shaun "the jumper" Martin. Look left, look right, Geronimo!!

23 Hysteresis Sportiva 23m Molto buona

Dom 13 Nov 2005 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area The Freezer
20 Old Blobby Sportiva 25m Molto buona
now a warm up thankyou. 13-2-04: v. hard start

23 ( Sportiva 20m Classica
still ard. 27-10-04: Just one more climb before dark?

22 SWALK Sportiva 25m Classica
Warming like Vindaloo. 13-2-04: fell on onsight attempt on the last move!

22 Extension Lead Sportiva 20m Buona
It's hard to avoid bonking your knees on this wall

19 Chris' Crack Trad 25m Media
Broken by Bentham

Sab 12 Nov 2005 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Main Wall
24 Iona Sportiva 12m Molto buona
Everyone should have their very own Beta Bundy

Sab 12 Nov 2005 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Junket Pumper Area
24 23 Glad Ingram Sportiva 15m, 8 Classica
never mind the cut loose and rope tricks

Sab 12 Nov 2005 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
24 Language of Desire Sportiva 28m Classica
oh sleet!

Sab 12 Nov 2005 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Junket Pumper Area
24 Junket Pumper Sportiva 15m Classica
What a difference a year makes

Dom 6 Nov 2005 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass La La Land Area
24 La La Land Sportiva 20m, 8 Classica
The crux rings are too small to take both a biner and rope for retreating so you'd better go all the way to the top

Ven 4 Nov 2005 - Bouddi National Park
Wards Hill Black Panther Wall
18 Centrepiece (Centrepeice) Sportiva 9m, 5 Media
Lock off training, and then some. Go spider fingers!

Ven 4 Nov 2005 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grey Slab
20 Nude Tuesday Sportiva 20m Molto buona
Sab 29 Ott 2005 - Blackwall
Bogas Cave
19 Swing Left Sportiva 6m Media
19 In the Name of Progress Sportiva 6m Buona
Sab 29 Ott 2005 - Bouddi National Park
Wards Hill Main Wall
24 Lactic Acidosis Sportiva 15m Classica
More lurvely rock

Sab 29 Ott 2005 - Blackwall
Bogas Cave
19 Bulge Slab Sportiva 7m Media
v. hard start

Ven 28 Ott 2005 - Bouddi National Park
Wards Hill Black Panther Wall
17 Areptile Sportiva 9m, 3 Buona
thumbs up

Ven 28 Ott 2005 - Bouddi National Park
Wards Hill Main Wall
23 Will O The Wasp Sportiva 15m Classica
I lurve the rock.

Ven 28 Ott 2005 - Bouddi National Park
Wards Hill Black Panther Wall
21 Black Panther Sportiva 10m, 7 Molto buona
Mer 26 Ott 2005 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zap Crag Lower Zap
18 Buzz Off Sportiva 15m Molto buona
23 Buzz Sportiva 20m Buona
22 Foo Foo the Cordless Draw Monkey Sportiva 20m Buona
Mer 26 Ott 2005 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zap Crag Upper Zap
21 The Gangs of Mt York Sportiva 20m, 6 Media
Mer 26 Ott 2005 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zap Crag Lower Zap
17 Just Warmin' Up (Just Warming Up) Sportiva 20m Molto buona
Dom 23 Ott 2005 - Wolgan Valley
Old Baldy Lower Cliff
16 Secret Swinger Trad 74m Buona
nothing broke.

19 Woden Trad 55m Classica
Eat more beef you bastards

Sab 22 Ott 2005 - Wolgan Valley
Exploding Galaxies
21 Off the Planet Trad mista 24m, 8 Molto buona
Go go gadget arms

15 Nebulous Sconosciuto 120m Media
More spice please.

18 The Roswell Incident Sconosciuto 18m Media
Escapable entertainment


401 - 500 di 1,188 ascensioni.

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