
Ascensioni in Brisbane da Kurt Doherty

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1 - 100 di 204 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Sab 5 Set 2020 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
16 Halva - con Dad, Matthew Burt Sportiva 20m, 5 Classica
TR up for Dad. He managed a clean ascent! Super good to see after being off rock for a while.

Sab 5 Set 2020 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
17 Pterodactyl D - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 17m, 4 Buona
TR up for Dad. He did well; found moving above the first bolt a touch hard, but worked a sequence out then went from there to the chains.

Sab 5 Set 2020 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
16 Septuagenarian Sound Effects - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Media
Some interesting movement in sections. Holds I used felt surprisingly solid despite looking like dried mud. Definitely some recent breaks, so I wonder if it's harder now. The way I climbed the start, I'd suggest 17, but I didn't bother looking for an easier sequence when I lowered off, so could just be due to poor choices during the onsight. Will be interesting to see how this route evolves...

Sab 18 Lug 2020 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
20 21 Prickles - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 7 Molto buona
Good fun. Cleaning gear after Matt just missed the onsight and didn’t have enough in the tank to get it second shot.

15 Bottle Stopper - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 4 Buona
More warming up. Matt put the gear on. TR up for mum and dad

Sab 18 Lug 2020 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
17 Dysentery - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Warm up. Matt put the gear on. TR up for mum and dad

Sab 4 Lug 2020 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
19 Dysentery RHF - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Cleaning gear after Matt's cuisy redpoint, and Mum and Dad's TR attempts. They both did really well, doing most of the moves with just a few rests! So good to see them have a strong session on the rope!

Sab 4 Lug 2020 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
20 20 R Kiwi - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 5 Molto buona
Cleaning gear after Matt's confident onsight. Really quite good for KP. We pre-clipped the first when lowering off Halva.

16 Halva - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 20m, 5
TR up for Mum and Dad. Mum got a new hight point, climbing to the start of the crux without sitting. One sit there, then through to the mantle. A few attempts there and she unlocked the sequence and went on to the chains. Awesome effort. Dad had a good fight on this one too managing a clean send on TR.

14 The Lemur's Femur - con Mum Sportiva 18m, 6 Buona
Cleaning gear after Matt's onsight and Dad's flash. Some reasonably interesting sections on this one.

12 Date Anatomy - con Mum Sportiva 16m, 4 Media
TR up for mum and dad. Mum sent without taking a sit! So good.

Sab 20 Giu 2020 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
16 Halva - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 20m, 5 Molto buona
Arrived at KP to drizzling rain. Looked like it was going to burn off so jumped on this. Some wet holds, but largely dry. Rain unfortunately stuck around so had to pack up and head home. Mum and Dad both did well on this on TR despite everything becoming more wet by the minute.

Sab 30 Mag 2020 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
8 6 Spidermonkey - con Sarah Sportiva 15m, 8
TR up for Charlie, Sarah and her friends. Sarah lead to just below the anchors but bailed mid-runout because it’s so dirty up there.

8 6 Spidermonkey - con Sarah Sportiva 15m, 8
Cleaning gear

17 Bombadil - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 5 Buona
Sooo busy today. This was one of the only moderate routes free on this side. Start really is nice; shame it isn’t like that the whole way. Dad did well on this weekend m TR, falling in the crux because he didn’t follow the chalk

18 Pterodactyl - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 17m, 5 Molto buona
Draws on for Matt. Good fun still.

Sab 30 Mag 2020 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
14 The Hyena's Heinie (Variant Start) - con Mum Sportiva 18m, 5 Media
TR setup for mum and dad. Adds some interesting movement I guess.

Sab 23 Mag 2020 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
19 Nut - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 20m, 6 Buona
Felt stupid hard today. Sat mid crux. Hope I was just missing something.

14 The Duck's Nuts - con Matthew Burt, Sarah Sportiva 16m, 5 Media
TR setup for Sarah and Charlie.

Sab 23 Mag 2020 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
17 Dysentery - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Frigid conditions today. Trying to warm up

Sab 16 Mag 2020 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
17 Pass the Bosch - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Couldn't remember anything about this route. Matt onsighted comfortably, despite opting for a harder start.

16 Halva - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 20m, 5 Molto buona
Always enjoyable.

12 Date Anatomy - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 16m, 4 Media
Gear on for Sarah. She did awesome, climbing really naturally and confidently. So good.

12 Date Anatomy - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 16m, 4 Media
Getting gear off.

Sab 16 Mag 2020 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
17 Dysentery - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Great to get back on some rock. Beautiful morning today.

Sab 23 Nov 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
18 Pterodactyl - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 17m, 5 Molto buona
Cleaned gear and bailed from the heat. Terrible conditions today, but was great to have a climb.

24 Nic Chips Diffs - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
It all started to unravel pretty quick once I got to the traverse left. Felt weak in the traverse and very tired on the jug. Was a little sloppy on the crux move and wasn't accurate enough to latch the right hand pocket jug, hitting it low and shallow. Had a sit, then pulled through without any trouble, finding a better right toe to help with the crux move.

17 Dysentery - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Went up to put gear on Nic Chips Diffs. Double checked my sequence on the way down. Everything felt pretty good.

Sab 23 Nov 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
19 19 R Arrow - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 4 Buona
Actually not too bad. Start was interesting and not as hard as it looks from the ground. I slung the drill hole, but probably wouldn't feel the need now I know where the holds are. Middle section has some nice holds and movement. Almost stuffed the finish as I went too high before stepping right.

16 Halva - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 20m, 5 Molto buona
Cleaning gear.

13 The Hyena's Heinie - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 5 Media
Very hot/muggy despite the early start. Don't see how this gets a star.

Sab 26 Ott 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
18 Pterodactyl - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 17m, 5 Molto buona
Haven't been on this since the hold broke. Still feels 18ish, though it's quite a techy crux now.

23 Bouncy Castle - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 4 Molto buona
Repeat. Only had vague recollections about the crux on this one. I climbed it well and actually really enjoyed the crux sequence. Good stuff!

21 Pink Berets - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 15m, 4 Molto buona
Repeat. Couldn't remember much about this. Gear on for Matt and a lot of brushing. Distinct, but short crux. Matt did got it second go after just missing out on the flash.

19 Dysentery RHF - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Buona
Warming up and gear on for Matt. He sent easily this time.

17 Dysentery - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Repeat. Warming up.

Sab 26 Ott 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
15 Bottle Stopper - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 4 Buona
Warming up. So dirty it felt like I was participating in an archaeological excavation.

Mer 18 Set 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
16 Tombstone Row - con Dad Sportiva 18m, 5 Buona
Really enjoy the start of this one, but it definitely becomes pretty nondescript climbing after the first mantle at half-height. Dad did this on top-rope and was definitely pumping on the start, but got through and went to the top pretty easily. Was out of time after this, but was a great morning with pretty great conditions.

17 Dysentery - con Dad Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
One of Dad’s current favourites. He top-ropes this one to see if he thinks he’s ready to lead it...he’s not. He got it clean, but had to fight getting round the lip. Was good to watch; don’t think it’ll be long before he leads it, just needs to get a bit more efficient and get more confident with the sequences.

Mer 18 Set 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
15 Bottle Stopper - con Dad Sportiva 18m, 4 Buona
Sneaky morning session with Dad while he’s on holidays. Didn’t have much time, so toured him through some of the good routes in his grade range. I accidentally pulled the rope on him for this one, so he had to lead it. He got the flash, looking pretty solid the whole way.

Sab 7 Set 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
24 Nic Chips Diffs - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Tried for the send despite knowing I was pretty powered out and this time fell mid crux. It's a great route and I'm surprised I've never really paid it any attention before now.

24 Nic Chips Diffs - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Just missed the onsight, coming up a tad short on the last crux move! Definitely lacked power today thanks to the remnants of the flu. Bummed I missed the onsight but happy to sequence the route correctly first go. Fun, punchy little boulder.

19 Dysentery RHF - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Buona
Cleaning gear and fixed line.

19 Dysentery RHF - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Buona
Up to set fixed line for filming Jeff

17 Dysentery - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
TR setup for Jeff

Sab 24 Ago 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
17 Dysentery - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Cleaning gear after Mum and Dad’s TR attempts. Dad sent it, which was great, and Mum unlocked some beta for her to get just below the lip which was awesome.

19 Dysentery RHF - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Buona
After Matt’s send attempt. He pumped out at the lip unfortunately. I really enjoy this one. Matt went for a second burn but pumped out at the lip again.

Sab 24 Ago 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
17 Slow Cure - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
After Matt’s onsight. Actually really enjoyable. Start was great fun and the crux interesting. Matt did well to read the sequence. Don’t understand the R rating, not run out at all. Solid at the grade for sure.

16 Without Council Approval - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 5
After Matt’s onsight. Some enjoyable sections but a little spicy getting to the second for the grade

15 Bottle Stopper - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 4 Buona
After Matt’s onsight. Actually pretty good

Mer 14 Ago 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
19 The Bolting Gestapo - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 5 Buona
After Matt's send. Cool to see him come back and tick this off after just missing out on the onsight last session.

19 Dysentery RHF - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
After Matt's onsight attempt. He slipped turning the lip! I find this really enjoyable, especially doing a low traverse from the LHF's crux. Has some great flow.

Mer 14 Ago 2019 - Kangaroo Point
KP North
18 GR - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 20m, 7 Buona
After Matt's onsight. Top half of this was fun; too bad it's so short lived.

17 EC - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 20m, 5 Molto buona
After Matt's onsight. Actually found this really enjoyable. Fun flake and undercling section at the start into some nice, casual corner work.

16 Dynamite - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 15m, 4 Media
After Matt's onsight. Much the same as it's neighbour though seemingly more solid rock.

15 In The Middle Of A Dream - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 15m, 4 Media
After Matt's onsight. Okay climbing for the grade with a few loose bits of rock.

Sab 10 Ago 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
22 Gobble - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 5 Classica
Only just made it round the lip. The incredible conditions from earlier this morning had burnt off by the time I got on this. Still, it's one of the best routes KP has to offer.

Sab 10 Ago 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
16 Standing Room Only - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 5
TR setup for Karen

14 Pentennial Romanticide - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 5 Molto buona
TR setup for Karen.

Sab 10 Ago 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
19 The Bolting Gestapo - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 5 Buona
Cleaning gear after Matt's onsight attempt. He fell pulling round the close!

Sab 10 Ago 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
16 Halva - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 20m, 5 Classica
Sab 10 Ago 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
17 Dysentery - con Matthew Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Sab 22 Giu 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
17 Dysentery - con Matt Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Draws and rope up for Mum and Dad to top-rope. They did well! Matt also climbed well, knocking this over on lead for the end of the session.

20 Pommy Bastard - con Matt Burt Sportiva 18m, 5 Media
After Matt's confident onsight. Interesting climbing, though a little inconsistent/stop-start.

Sab 22 Giu 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
16 Halva - con Matt Burt Sportiva 20m, 5 Classica
Getting Mum and Dad setup on TR. Always enjoyable with some great movement and holds.

16 The Bee's Knees - con Matt Burt Sportiva 16m, 5 Molto buona
Way more technical than I remember at the crux. Quality little sequence that rewards intelligent climbing instead of the usual grab-and-pull fair. Matt looked comfy using my beta, but Mum and Dad weren't keen, so they headed to Halva instead.

14 Tiger's Tail - con Matt Burt Sportiva 18m, 5 Buona
Much better than I expected. Matt cruised it, but Mum and Dad had trouble getting past the first due to a long reach. Has some genuinely interesting climbing in it for the grade.

Sab 8 Giu 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
17 Dysentery - con Matt Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Draws up for Matt, but he felt too tired to lead, so seconded instead. Shame, because the whip would have been great when he pumped out and fell getting round the lip

17 Bombadil - con Matt Burt Sportiva 18m, 5 Buona
Always wish the first half of this went on for longer. Enjoyable jugging at a nice angle. Matt sent but was looking a bit tired on the start.

Sab 8 Giu 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
18 Mank Mistress - con Matt Burt Sportiva 18m, 5 Buona
Not too bad. Nice to do something new. Some poxy feeling rock in places, but also some nice climbing. Crux up high was good fun, but over very quickly. Matt flashed confidently

16 Halva - con Matt Burt Sportiva 20m, 5 Molto buona
Great climbing. Matt climbed well but was definitely pumping a bit by the mantle.

Sab 8 Giu 2019 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
17 Pterodactyl D - con Matt Burt Sportiva 17m, 4 Buona
Getting Matt back on rope. He cruised this on lead.

Mar 11 Set 2018 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
23 Cucumber Castle - con Luke Doherty Sportiva 18m, 4 Classica
Luke found pretty decent gear to protect most of the start on his onsight attempt, making our attempts feel in better style than stick clipping the high first bolt. Although tired, I decided to have a go and managed to pull of a sloppy send. Was scrappy on the first half, but once I hit the crux, I started to climb more intelligently. Was pumped solid by the time I hit the final slab. Great climbing, but overall it felt easier than possibly 22? Originally had two goes on this quite some time ago. [3]

23 24 Chip A Holloway (Chip-A-Holdaway) - con Luke Doherty Sportiva 18m, 6
Copied Luke's beta but found out it was too reachy for me to get to the good pocket at the crux bolt. Worked out alternate beta and didn't have too much trouble from there. Very tough for the grade, though conditions certainly weren't great.

23 24 Chip A Holloway (Chip-A-Holdaway) - con Luke Doherty Sportiva 18m, 6
Almost dropped it doing the cross to the first proper pocket. Had to pull hard to reel it in. Managed to climb the rest of it well and nabbed the second shot send. Feels hard for 22 even though the difficulties are short-lived. Think 23 would probably be more accurate. [2]

17 Pterodactyl D - con Luke Doherty, Dad Sportiva 17m, 4 Buona
Good alternate that avoids the now extra cruxy start of the original. Can get gear in the start to protect the moves if desired, but it isn't difficult. Was great to see Dad get the flash.

Sab 4 Ago 2018 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
21 Kass - con Matt Burt Sportiva 18m, 6 Buona
Snuck in a send of this while Mum and Dad tried That Boy Needs Therapy. They didn't really enjoy it, but I quite liked this. Short, distinct and enjoyable crux at the start, then a few other nice sequences into the corner/arete and moving past the last.

Sab 4 Ago 2018 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
16 Halva - con Matt Burt, Mum, Dad Sportiva 20m, 5 Molto buona
TR setup for the others. They all did pretty well! Matt got clean, while Dad and Mum had a rest. They all enjoyed this one.

Sab 21 Lug 2018 - White Rock Conservation Area
The Underground
V6 Pendeltåg - con Tom Reid, Jack Kilsby, Matt Schimke Boulder 9m Classica
Working on the start. So hard, but really great movement.

V4 Aiokiasof - con Tom Reid, Jack Kilsby, Matt Schimke Boulder 5m
Just playing on reversing the Orient Express section. Pretty sure I've done this from Lazarus instead of Too Soft, but not sure why I wouldn't have logged it. Should really top-out.

V3 Polar Express - con Tom Reid, Jack Kilsby, Matt Schimke Boulder 3m
Still couldn't work out anything from the jug at the break. Not sure if I'm heading in the right direction "straight out the cave". Reido ended up going right into the finish of In Transit which looked good.

V1 In Transit - con Tom Reid, Jack Kilsby, Matt Schimke Boulder 3m Media
Quite a spooky top out for me.

Sab 21 Lug 2018 - White Rock Conservation Area
Little White Rock Antiquity area
V2 Yogitoes - con Tom Reid, Jack Kilsby, Matt Schimke Boulder 3m Media
We started more to the right than shown on the topo. Following the topo seems much harder than V2.

V6 V8 YIN - con Tom Reid, Jack Kilsby, Matt Schimke Boulder 3m Molto buona
Great climbing, but super hard with the broken hold. Didn't touch the final jug or even try the mantle. Can't imagine it's a 6 anymore.

V5 Antiquity - con Tom Reid, Jack Kilsby, Matt Schimke Boulder 3m Classica
Great climbing. Took a few goes to get the mantle. Ended up using the side-pull, though it felt like the hard part was over by the time I could reach it. About 7 or 8 goes.

V1 V2 5 - con Tom Reid, Jack Kilsby, Matt Schimke Boulder 2m Media
Straight-forward crimp ladder. Felt V1 to me.

V3 4 - con Tom Reid, Jack Kilsby, Matt Schimke Boulder 2m Buona
A few goes, but only ever managed to get tips to the lip. Stopped trying to save skin.

V2 Balance Bitch - con Tom Reid, Jack Kilsby, Matt Schimke Boulder 2m Molto buona
Great little problem.

Gio 13 Lug 2017 - White Rock Conservation Area
The Underground
V3 Polar Express - con Jack Kilsby Boulder 3m
Onsight to high ledge, but too dirty to continue. Would have to rap inspect and clean off all the mud and dirt to know where it's meant to go up high.

V5 The Flying Scotsman - con Jack Kilsby Boulder 8m Molto buona
Trying the full start. Not enjoyable. Too far for me to span straight to the rail. Other options felt nails. Should be logged as a V4 from the rail with the harder start left as optional.

V4 Trans-Siberian - con Jack Kilsby Boulder 4m
Now called Trans-Siberian Sandbag. Couldn't really work out how to start. Not sure we were even on the correct holds. Whatever we were doing, it felt much harder than V4...

V4 Métro Papineau - con Jack Kilsby Boulder 6m Molto buona
Repeat. First go. That drop down sequence is still so glorious.

V4 Orient Express - con Jack Kilsby Boulder 4m Classica
Repeat. Had to refresh the sequence to setup for the 180, and my foot position for the knee bar, then sent. Would say it's probably one of the better lines here, especially out of the V4's.

V2 Lazarus - con Jack Kilsby Boulder 4m Buona
Repeat. Still a fun problem.

V1 Too Soft - con Jack Kilsby Boulder 4m
Repeat. Warming up. Been a long time since I was last here and it looks like the left hand side pull has broken off and is now a bit worse. Still usable and no change in grade.

V0 OutBound - con Jack Kilsby Boulder 3m
Warming up.

Gio 11 Feb 2016 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
19 Silly or Serious - con Scott Braithwaite Sportiva 18m, 5 Buona
Reachy move at the roof. Runout between the 3rd and 4th is stupid—the fall would be very bad.

19 Nut - con Scott Braithwaite Sportiva 20m, 6 Buona
Old dog = alzheimers onsight. Awkward crux. Final section is nice.

Dom 24 Gen 2016 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
16 Tombstone Row - con Sarah Doherty Sportiva 18m, 5 Media
TR setup for Sarah after her onsight of Spidermonkey.

16 Tombstone Row - con Sarah Doherty Sportiva 18m, 5 Media
Cleaning gear.


1 - 100 di 204 ascensioni.

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