
Ascensioni in Latvian Ledge Area

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Tutti 59 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Dom 11 Ott 2020 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.11b Green Velvet Sportiva 18m, 7 Molto buona
Ven 18 Set 2020 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.11b Green Velvet Sportiva 18m, 7 Molto buona
Patrick Iseli
Sab 22 Ago 2020 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.10a 5.9 Anarchy in High Heels Sportiva
Solo onsight

5.11b Green Velvet Sportiva 18m, 7 Molto buona
Lun 6 Lug 2020 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.11b Green Velvet Sportiva 18m, 7 Molto buona
Skipped the crux bolt, luz

Mer 21 Ago 2019 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.7 Surf Zone Sportiva Media
Joe Nikyuluw
5.7 Surf Zone Sportiva Buona
Emma Atkinson
Ven 19 Lug 2019 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.9 Fleet Footed Rock Moose Sportiva Media
Mark Crinnion
5.7 Plastic Victory Jug Sportiva
Mark Crinnion
5.7 Surf Zone Sportiva
Mark Crinnion
Lun 27 Ago 2018 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.9 Anarchy in High Heels - con shafiq, jacob, thor Sportiva Buona
5.11b Green Velvet - con shafiq, jacob, thor Sportiva 18m, 7 Molto buona
Sab 11 Ago 2018 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.9 Anarchy in High Heels Sportiva
Devin McCauley
5.11b Green Velvet Sportiva 18m, 7
Devin McCauley
5.7 Plastic Victory Jug (Plastic Victory) Sportiva
Devin McCauley
Sab 28 Lug 2018 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.11b Green Velvet Sportiva 18m, 7 Buona
Arham Amer
Sab 7 Ott 2017 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.11b Green Velvet Sportiva 18m, 7 Molto buona
Dom 2 Lug 2017 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.11b Green Velvet Sportiva 18m, 7 Molto buona
Sab 20 Mag 2017 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.10a unknown Sportiva 18m Buona
Robert Andrew Hughson
Ven 19 Mag 2017 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.7 Plastic Victory Jug Sportiva Media
Robert Andrew Hughson
Sab 22 Apr 2017 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.9 Fleet Footed Rock Moose Sportiva
Devin McCauley
2 takes wet

5.7 Plastic Victory Jug (Plastic Victory) Sportiva
Devin McCauley
would've been onsight one slip wet

5.7 Surf Zone Sportiva
Devin McCauley
Dom 9 Ott 2016 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.10a unknown Sportiva 18m
Giacomo Torlai
5.7 Surf Zone Sportiva
Giacomo Torlai
Sab 1 Ott 2016 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.7 Plastic Victory Jug Sportiva
Jan Gosmann
5.7 Surf Zone Sportiva
Jan Gosmann
Lun 8 Ago 2016 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.11b Green Velvet Sportiva 18m, 7 Molto buona
Marc Gaulier
Sab 28 Mag 2016 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.11b Green Velvet Sportiva 18m, 7 Molto buona
Tony Byles
Mer 25 Mag 2016 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.9 Anarchy in High Heels Sportiva Media
Shawn Tron
5.7 Plastic Victory Jug Sportiva Buona
Shawn Tron
5.7 Surf Zone Sportiva Media
Shawn Tron
5.11b Green Velvet Sportiva 18m, 7 Molto buona
Shawn Tron
Ven 20 Mag 2016 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.9 Anarchy in High Heels Sportiva Buona
Kevin Park
5.7 Surf Zone Sportiva Molto buona
Kevin Park
Mer 2 Set 2015 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.10a unknown Sportiva 18m Molto buona
Dan sivret
Mar 1 Set 2015 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.7 Surf Zone Sportiva Molto buona
5.9 Anarchy in High Heels Sportiva Molto buona
5.9 Fleet Footed Rock Moose Sportiva Buona
Ven 7 Lug 2006 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.7 Plastic Victory Jug Sportiva Media
jordan scott
5.10a unknown Sportiva 18m Buona
jordan scott
5.7 Surf Zone Sportiva Media
jordan scott
5.9 Fleet Footed Rock Moose Sportiva Buona
jordan scott
5.12a Busted at Berford Sportiva 18m
jordan scott
amazing climb pocket climb

5.9 Anarchy in High Heels Sportiva Molto buona
jordan scott
Gio 28 Lug 2005 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.9 Anarchy in High Heels Sportiva Buona
Michael Sobolak
5.9 Fleet Footed Rock Moose Sportiva Buona
Michael Sobolak
Sab 24 Lug 2004 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.7 Surf Zone Sportiva Media
Scott Maxwell
5.7 Plastic Victory Jug Sportiva Media
Scott Maxwell
Sab 3 Lug 2004 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.9 Anarchy in High Heels Sportiva Molto buona
Simon Lee
5.10a unknown Sportiva 18m Media
Simon Lee
same start as Busted at Berford and go left

5.9 Fleet Footed Rock Moose Sportiva Molto buona
Simon Lee
5.7 Plastic Victory Jug Sportiva Classica
Simon Lee
5.12a Busted at Berford Sportiva 18m
Simon Lee
2000 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.7 Plastic Victory Jug Sportiva
nicholas bujak
5.7 Surf Zone Sportiva
nicholas bujak
5.9 Anarchy in High Heels Sportiva
nicholas bujak
5.9 Fleet Footed Rock Moose Sportiva
nicholas bujak
Mar 13 Apr 2010 - Bruce Peninsula
Lion's Head Latvian Ledge Area
5.12a Busted at Berford Sportiva 18m
Mario Mijares

Tutti 59 ascensioni visualizzati.

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