
Ascensioni in Krögelstein come Onsight

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1 - 100 di 119 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Ven 8 Set 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Teufelslöcherwände
7- Maps mag das Sportiva 12m Molto buona
Johannes Kuschke
6+ Rechter Weg Sportiva 10m
Johannes Kuschke
6 Alter Riss Sportiva 10m
Johannes Kuschke
7- Mittlerer Weg Sportiva 10m
Johannes Kuschke
5+ Linker Weg Sportiva 10m
Johannes Kuschke
7+ Migräne Man Sportiva 12m
Johannes Kuschke
Ven 28 Lug 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Teufelslöcherwände
6+ Dura Rechter Weg - con franzi Sportiva 10m Buona
Michael Genderkinger
bleibt wie die linke nachbarroute bei leichtem regen weitestgehend trocken

6 Dura Alter Riss - con franzi Sportiva 10m Molto buona
Michael Genderkinger
Gio 27 Lug 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Eherbacher Wand
7 Marlenenweg Sportiva 8m, 3 Buona
Dom 21 Ago 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Kuhleutner Turm
6+ 6+/7- Alter Weg Sportiva 10m
Georg Schütze
8- Bug Attack Sportiva 12m
Georg Schütze
Gio 18 Ago 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Kainachtaler Torbogen
7+ Seid fruchtbar und mehret Euch Sportiva
Little Lee
Gio 18 Ago 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Eherbacher Wand
7 Marlenenweg Sportiva 8m, 3
Lun 18 Ott 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Kuhleutner Turm
5c+ 6+ Prinzessinnenkurs Sportiva 9m Buona
Dom 10 Ott 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Teufelslöcherwände
7- Mittlerer Weg - con dorithricinchen Sportiva 10m
5+ Linker Weg - con dorithricinchen Sportiva 10m
Dom 3 Ott 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Kuhleutner Turm
6+ 6+/7- Alter Weg - con mrks Sportiva 10m
6 Little Miss Sunshine - con mrks Sportiva 9m
6+ Eiskalter Engel - con mrks Sportiva 9m
Ven 3 Set 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Teufelslöcherwände
6 Alter Riss Sportiva 10m
Lun 10 Mag 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Teufelslöcherwände
6 Genehmigt! Sportiva 12m
Ven 7 Mag 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Eherbacher Wand
8- Hessenfresser Sportiva 10m, 3 Classica
hat sich mehr wie 6b angefühlt. Schwierig zu werten im Onsight.

Ven 30 Apr 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Eherbacher Wand
6c 7+ Ich will nicht deine Liebe... Sportiva 10m, 4 Molto buona
Dom 11 Apr 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Teufelslöcherwände
6 Alter Riss Sportiva 10m
Dom 4 Apr 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Säukirchner Turm
7+ Südkante - con David X Sportiva 12m Buona
Christoph Rauch
Better than it looks, also less chossy than it looks. Funky jug haul up to the last overhang. You can clip the anchor from the undercling before the route is actually over … the hardest moves are to reach the jugs above the anchor, though! Almost fell off there because I managed to get myself in an awkward position, had to dyno to the jug.

7- Trockentalweg - con David X Sportiva 18m Molto buona
Christoph Rauch
Fantastic climb along the obvious features. Surprisingly sharp pockets in the overhang.

7+ 8- Bärillium - con David X Sportiva 18m, 4 Molto buona
Christoph Rauch
Nice black slab in the beginning, then easy up to the overhang. Crux is after the second bolt in the overhang, where I bumped up slightly to the left. Felt somewhat close to "Alter Knabe" there if you don't dyno directly to the jug.

6+ Wespenflug - con David X Sportiva 15m Molto buona
Christoph Rauch
Tough as a warmup, the upper section is quite burly. Hard slab move at the second bolt. Incredible rock structure in the middle.

7- 6+ Direkte Bergseite - con David X Sportiva 10m, 4 Buona
Christoph Rauch
Difficult boulder problem to the ledge, the second bolt is hard to clip. Easy from the ledge (shared with "Bergseite").

Ven 2 Apr 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Teufelslöcherwände
6+ Alter Weg Sportiva 12m
Michael Cepelka
7- Maps mag das Sportiva 12m
Michael Cepelka
6 Genehmigt! Sportiva 12m
Michael Cepelka
Dom 21 Feb 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Teufelslöcherwände
5+ Linker Weg Sportiva 10m
Sab 19 Dic 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Säukirchner Turm
7- 6+ Direkte Bergseite Sportiva 10m, 4
Sab 14 Nov 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Kuhleutner Turm
6+ Eiskalter Engel Sportiva 9m Buona
André Meyer
Cruz 3. Haken

6+ 6+/7- Alter Weg Sportiva 10m Buona
André Meyer
Dom 4 Ott 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Teufelslöcherwände
6+ Rechter Weg Sportiva 10m
5+ Linker Weg Sportiva 10m
Gio 16 Lug 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Eherbacher Wand
7 Marlenenweg Sportiva 8m, 3 Buona
Tomasz P.
8- 7+ Ich will nicht deine Liebe... Sportiva 8m, 4 Molto buona
Tomasz P.
Lun 6 Lug 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Kainachtaler Block
5 A0 Linker Weg Sportiva 17m, 4
Lun 1 Giu 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Eherbacher Wand
7 Marlenenweg Sportiva 8m, 3
Johannes Kuschke
Ven 29 Mag 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Säukirchner Turm
6+ Wespenflug - con Ellen Sportiva 15m Molto buona
7- Trockentalweg - con Ellen Sportiva 18m Molto buona
7+ Südkante - con Ellen Sportiva 12m Molto buona
Gets pumpy at the top. The anchor can be clipped early, but there are still a few worthwhile moves left to get to the finishing jugs.

Mar 19 Mag 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Teufelslöcherwände
7- Mittlerer Weg Sportiva 10m
6 Alter Riss Sportiva 10m
7- Maps mag das Sportiva 12m
Dom 22 Set 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Säukirchner Turm
7- Alter Knabe - con Daniel, Ellen Sportiva 18m Classica
Christoph Rauch
Fantastic jugfest with a slabby middle part. Almost sandstone-like features and shapes. I should come back and climb the other routes here as well.

Dom 22 Set 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Kuhleutner Wand
7- Heinz Heß Gedenkweg - con mantra Sportiva 20m Buona
Christoph Rauch
Interesting traverse. The hardest move of the route is protected by a thin, rusty bolt, and the one before that is another old ring 5 meters on the left … some of the pockets are filled with dirt, too. Other than that, good climbing.

7 Tanzbär - con Ellen Sportiva 10m, 5 Molto buona
Technical start (went surprisingly well), then juggy over for bulge

Dom 22 Set 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Kuhleutner Turm
7+ ? - con Ellen Sportiva 12m Buona
Powerful moves on mostly good jugs

Gio 11 Lug 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Teufelslöcherwände
5+ Linker Weg Sportiva 10m
Stefan Koppatz
6+ Alter Weg Sportiva 12m
Stefan Koppatz
6 Genehmigt! Sportiva 12m
Stefan Koppatz
7- Mittlerer Weg Sportiva 10m
Stefan Koppatz
Gio 4 Lug 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Teufelslöcherwände
5+ Linker Weg Sportiva 10m
6+ Alter Weg Sportiva 12m
Mar 11 Giu 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Säukirchner Turm
8- Bärillium Sportiva 18m, 4 Molto buona
Mer 10 Ott 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Dohlenstein
8- Present Perfect Sportiva Molto buona
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9 9+ Eisenfinger Sportiva 12m Buona
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Dom 7 Ott 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Dohlenstein
8 Dolly Buster Sportiva Molto buona
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Ven 5 Ott 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Dohlenstein
7+ Downtown Sportiva Buona
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Mer 3 Ott 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Dohlenstein
9+ Gebrüder-Seidel-Route Sportiva Molto buona
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9- Nase Sportiva Buona
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8 Galway Guzzler Sportiva Buona
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6+ Indian Summer Sportiva 12m Buona
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Dom 26 Ago 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Teufelslöcherwände
6+ Alter Weg - con Nadja Sportiva 12m Molto buona
Very nice. Strange start and a bit weird in the last section.

6 Genehmigt! - con Nadja Sportiva 12m Buona
You need to do some pulls to get to the super good hole, from which you can clip the first bolt. The rest was nice.

5+ Linker Weg - con Nadja Sportiva 10m Buona
6 Alter Riss - con Nadja Sportiva 10m Buona
Nice line and nice crack in the upper part. Struggled with the boulder start at first, then I moved a tiny bit to right and traversed instead of going direct..

Mar 26 Giu 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Kuhleutner Turm
6+ Eiskalter Engel - con Bovist Sportiva 9m Media
Christoph Rauch
Interesting crux to the last bolt, then easy traverse to the anchor on the left.

6+ Prinzessinnenkurs - con Bovist Sportiva 9m Media
Christoph Rauch
The big hole is fancy and it's good climbing up to there. The rest of the route is still a bit dusty.

7- 7/7+ Käpt'n Jochen im Ruhestand - con Bovist Sportiva 9m Media
Christoph Rauch
First bolt is useless and you can clip the second bolt when you would clip the sling. A handful of moves through the steep overhang followed by a dusty traverse.

7+ ? - con Bovist Sportiva 12m Buona
Christoph Rauch
The obvious line in the middle of the west face. Nice and juggy.

7+ Oberarmtechniker - con Bovist Sportiva 12m Buona
Christoph Rauch
Steeper than its left neighbour, but also lots of jugs.

8- Bug Attack - con Bovist Sportiva 12m Media
Christoph Rauch
Chossy start with a rotated hanger (it's such a shame that almost the whole wall is bolted with expansion bolts instead of glue-ins), then a few powerful moves over the bulge and it's basically over.

7- 6+/7- Alter Weg Direkt - con Bovist Sportiva 12m Media
Christoph Rauch
Direct start felt a tad harder than the original, but feels a bit unnecessary.

6+ 6+/7- Alter Weg - con Bovist Sportiva 10m Buona
Christoph Rauch
Not bad! Feels a bit longer due to the slight traverse. Of course, also lots of jugs.

6 Little Miss Sunshine - con Bovist Sportiva 9m Buona
Christoph Rauch
Way too short, the overhang in the beginning is actually quite nice.

8- 8-/8 Bernd das Bier - con Bovist Sportiva 12m Pessima
Christoph Rauch
Starts off relatively nicely, but after the third bolt, it's quite forced. A lot of moss has been brushed away above the bulge to bring to light a few bad slopers. Didn't really like it.

Gio 17 Mag 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Kuhleutner Turm
6+ 6+/7- Alter Weg Sportiva 10m Molto buona
6+ 6+/7- Alter Weg Direkt Sportiva 12m Media
7- 7/7+ Käpt'n Jochen im Ruhestand Sportiva 9m Media
6+ Prinzessinnenkurs Sportiva 9m Media
6+ Eiskalter Engel Sportiva 9m Buona
Gio 27 Lug 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Eherbacher Wand
8- 8 Pulsbeschleuniger - con Azhar Sportiva 10m, 4 Molto buona
Christoph Rauch
The huge jugs make this one climbable even despite wet footholds in the beginning. Steep, but not harder than 8-.

Mar 18 Ott 2016 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Eherbacher Wand
8- Englische Woche Sportiva Media
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schlechte Absicherung deswegen passt 8-

Sab 15 Ott 2016 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Eherbacher Wand
8+ Linkstendierer Sportiva Buona
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8- ...ich will nur dein Wort Sportiva Molto buona
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Dom 9 Ott 2016 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Eherbacher Wand
8- Hessenfresser Sportiva 10m, 3 Buona
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6c 8 Pulsbeschleuniger Sportiva 10m, 4
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deutlich leichter 7+/8-

7+ Ich will nicht deine Liebe... Sportiva 10m, 4 Buona
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One Move Wonder

7 Marlenenweg Sportiva 8m, 3 Buona
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Ven 7 Ott 2016 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Kuhleutner Wand
8+ Bohrhaken zu Steigbügel Sportiva Buona
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7+ Mambos Freuden Sportiva 15m Molto buona
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Dom 2 Ott 2016 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Krögelstein Kuhleutner Wand
9- Marathon Man Sportiva 15m Buona
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8 Salsa Sportiva 15m Molto buona
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7 Tanzbär Sportiva 10m, 5 Molto buona
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7- Heinz Heß Gedenkweg Sportiva 20m Buona
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1 - 100 di 119 ascensioni.

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