
Ascensioni di Conan the Relaxer

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Tutti 3 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Dom 13 Dic 2020 - Kochel
Afrika Wand Baby Basher
10- Conan the Relaxer (Conan der Relaxer) Sportiva Mega Classica
Martina Demmel
Repeat as a warmup what's still a surprise if it's working out;) the very best in its grade here:) always getting harder the higher you get with so many option to do the crux basically!

Ven 22 Feb 2019 - Kochel
Afrika Wand Baby Basher
10- Conan the Relaxer (Conan der Relaxer) Sportiva Mega Classica
Martina Demmel
Yasss, I finally did it! First day with perfect dry and humid conditions after almost 20 goes during the cold winter... Somehow I never got pumped in this superb endurance line but often all the max power was gone suddendly;) Big thanks to Felix and Hirs for cheering today!

Sab 1 Mag 1993 - Kochel
Afrika Wand Baby Basher
8a+ 10- Conan the Relaxer (Conan der Relaxer) Sportiva
Marietta Uhden †


Tutti 3 ascensioni visualizzati.

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