
Vie in Red Sea Terrace del grado selezionato

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5.5 - 9 Crack Jack Top Rope

Additional top-ropeable lines could be set up to the right and left of the off-width.

The jagged face to the left (5.8), face to the right of the crack (mid-5.11), stem- chimney to the right (5.6/7). And one further to the right in the Stem-Chimney (5.5).

Corda dall'alto 8m
5.5 Top Pop

Finger and Hand Crack

The short crack on the trail between Crack Jack and Holy Crack. On the approach to the Red Sea plateau via the path left of Slab Crack Boulder, located just below the main plateau.

Or if approaching from the Red Sea Plateau, on the trail between Holy Crack and the Holy Crack, look for the path going downhill through a jumble of boulders, and through a narrow passageway between the boulders, the path winds down and switchbacks.

About 50 meters from the Holy Crack. The crack is facing west. Another quick one-piece route. A satisfying route for beginner crackclimbers.

Facing: West

Rack: Hand and finger pieces.

Anchor: Crack runs all the way to the top and behind.

Natural Anchor: None / Hip Belay

Sconosciuto 5m

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