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Ōtautahi / Christchurch City Kahuku Park
V3 #5

Match hands to start. Marked holds only.

FA: 2021

Boulder 5m
Ōtautahi / Christchurch City EQC
V3 Off the shelf and into the floor

Middle of the long face. Run and jump to grab the lip and haul yourself on top.

Boulder 2m
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Ampitheatre Wall
22 Viagra

FA: Tony Burnell, 2018

Sportiva 6
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Barnett Park The Cave
22 Keep Those Hands Moving

FA: Richard Kimberley, 1998

22 Easy-Peasy Sportiva
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Barnett Park The Great Wall
22 Concrete and Clay

FA: Tony Burnell, Lug 2014

Sportiva 15m
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Barnett Park Sunset Slab
22 What Shall We Teach Them

FA: Warren Smith, 2014

Sportiva 12m, 5
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Chiusa Bivvy Rock
22 Missing Link

FA: Tony Burnell, 10 Mar 2019

Sportiva 20m, 7
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills The Black Wall and Valley of Swallows
22 A Slice Of Life

FA: Simon Middlemass, 1998

Trad mista 15m, 3
22 Hugs And Drugs

FA: John McCallum, 1998

Sportiva 15m, 4
22 Pin Cushion

FA: Tony Burnell, Apr 2016

Sportiva 15m, 7
22 Attitudes and Platitudes

Starts left of ‘The Power of Piss’ and cross right before going straight up the wall, over the roof and then the steeper rock to a common anchor.

FA: Tony Burnell, Gen 2023

Sportiva 15m, 5
22 Dreaming of Dry Rocks

FA: Tony Burnell, Apr 2016

Sportiva 15m, 5
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Breeze Bay The Boiler Room
22 The Boiler Room

FA: Tony Burnell, 2021

Sportiva 20m, 6
22 Boarding Party

FA: Tony Burnell, Set 2021

Sportiva 6
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Breeze Bay East Crag
22 Lame Duck

FA: Joe Arts, 1996

Trad mista 8m, 1
22 Traction Reaction

FA: Tony Burnell, Giu 2021

Tracciata: Simon Courtois, Giu 2021

Sportiva 4
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Bridle Path Boulders
V3 I Saw a Sheep Sneeze

Sit start, hands on corner. Go up then right on the crimps to link up with the second half of Refresh

Boulder 6m
V3 Artichoke

Sit start on two side pulls, right hand to crimp, and top out. Avoid using the arete

Boulder 3m
V3 Beefcake Slab

Slab side of Beefcake Boulder. Same start as Crack, follow horizontal crack to obvious hold, straight up slab to prominent top

Boulder 2m
V3 Blocus Boulder 3m
V3 Unnamed V3 Boulder 3m
V3 Wāhi Ngaro

Sit start with hands on either side of the bloc and using a good right heel. Slap your way up to a tricky mantle finish.

FA: Thibaut, 23 Mar 2023

Boulder 2m
V3 Murder in the Pacific

SS as per Opération Satanique but take the easy exit straight up via the juggy pinch.

FA: Thibaut, 6 Apr

Boulder 3m
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag The Zoo
22 Happy Landings

Climb through a small triangular roof, then on to the wall. Uses upper two bolts for Yellow Splendour. Unprotected start.

FA: Tony Burnell, 2000

Sportiva 2
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag Fence Buttress
22 Career With Prospects

FA: Tony Burnell, Nov 2022

Sportiva 15m, 6
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag The Shelf
22 Off The Shelf

Boulder up to the first bolt, clipping off a good hold. Using the pinch above, pull over the bulge on to the wall.

FA: Tony Burnell, 2000

Sportiva 16m, 4
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag Legends Wall
22 Stiff To Start

FA: Tony Burnell, Ott 2022

Sportiva 12m, 4
22 Get To Grips

FA: Richard Kimberley, 2000

Sportiva 12m, 4
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag Tiger Wall
22 Situation Comedy

Start just right of Mis-spent Youth and climb straight up the steep wall over a small roof (good gear just above) and into a groove. At the top of the groove make a committing move move right to a rest below a small bulge. Continue up to a ledge and finish more easily to a single bolt. Good protection except at the move right, which is runout and a bit scary. .

FA: Tony Burnell, 2000

Trad mista 15m, 1
22 Speights Race

An overhanging corner with stepped roofs above the Matterhorn boulder. Pull on to the ledge and climb the corner; then move left to a small ledge. Tricky move to the last bolt, then up slightly left to finish at the lowest point. Unfortunately this is the last route on the crag to dry.

FA: Tony Burnell, 1999

Sportiva 16m, 5
22 Cat's Cradle

Start at the very right end of the yellow lichen-covered boulder. Cross the roof at its widest part and continue up a blocky looking wall with good holds to the final bolt and a tricky exit. Good fun - this is how sport climbing should be. Two-ring anchor. The belayer may wish to tie to the elder tree to avoid being dragged into mud or nettles.

FA: Tony Burnell, 2000

Sportiva 12m, 4
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag Bathroom Vanity Area
22 Fear as Fuel

Right of BV, up to slightly overhug wall. Climb over the lip and use the rap station to just rightwards.

FA: Grant Piper, 2008

Sportiva 20m, 7
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag The Alcove
22 Tropical Storm

Fairly easy for the grade. Starts up the left-leading weakness through the roof on the left side of The Alcove. Follow three bolts leftward and then pull over the roof on good holds into a shallow groove with a bridging rest. Steepening finish, with the best holds leading left. Use the anchors of one of the adjacent routes.

FA: Richard Kimberley, 2000

Sportiva 15m, 6
22 Same Old Boring BS

Better than the name suggests. Six bolts. A central finish between the two earlier options to the Tropical Storm anchors.

FA: Richard Kimberley, 2002

Sportiva 15m, 6
22 It Is Pointless To Resist

Climb leftward through the roof as for the previous route, and then move right about two metres and climb a corner over a small roof, heading left to ring hanger anchors.

FA: Richard Kimberley, 2000

Sportiva 15m, 7
22 A Dog's Life

Pull hard through the overhang past two bolts, then move rightward, clipping the third bolt from a good hold in the base of the groove to the left. Step right and power on up the prow, moving left to the fifth bolt and a positive exit. Five bolts and anchors

FA: John Iseli, 2000

Sportiva 15m, 5
22 Wave Of Mutilation

On the left side of the cave. Four bolts lead directly up an overhanging wall with a capping roof to conclude at double anchor rings. There is a squating rest on the pillar halfway up.

FA: Marcus Thomas, 2000

Sportiva 12m, 4
22 Noisy Neighbour

Start up U Haul to the first bolt, but move left to another bolt, then blast up the wall past two more bolts on improving holds. Can also be started by bouldering to the first bolt directly. Use the U-Haul anchors.

FA: Marcus Thomas, 2000

Sportiva 13m, 4
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag Angel Face
22 10mm Full Metal Jacket

Start in the small cave and move left at the third bolt. Continue straight up through the overhang.

FA: Richard Kimberley, 2000

Sportiva 13m, 6
22 Happy Ending

Narrow wall to the right of the small cave.

FA: Patrick Stadie, 2000

Sportiva 15m, 6
22 Face Race

Climb up a steepening orange wall just left of the arete.

FA: Tony Burnell, 2000

Sportiva 15m, 6
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag Winter Wall
22 Nobody Expects The Spanish Inquisition

FA: Patrick Stadie, 2000

Sportiva 16m, 5
22 Quake Effect

Hard start on very small crimps to second bolt. Beautiful face climbing after that.

FA: Tony Burnell, 2012

Sportiva 16m, 5
22 Moss Side

FA: Tony Burnell, 2000

Sportiva 14m, 4
22 Manchunian Way

FA: Tony Burnell, 2000

Sportiva 16m, 5
22 Scar Face

FA: Tony Burnell, 2022

Sportiva 4
22 Hey Seuss

FA: Marcus Thomas, 2000

Trad mista 1
22 Orange Roughy

Destroyed during the earthquakes.

Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag The Caves
22 Lawyered Up

FA: Tony Burnell, 2020

Sportiva 5
22 Wiggling The Pinky

FA: Joe Arts, 2000

Sportiva 15m, 6
22 Finger Food

FA: John Iseli, 2001

Sportiva 8m, 3
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag Spyglass Wall
22 Not Quite Saville Row

FA: Tony Burnell, 2020

Sportiva 18m, 5
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag Gorse Wall
22 Humpy Pumpy

FA: John Iseli, 2000

Sportiva 15m, 3
22 Spooky Two

FA: Tony Burnell, 2002

Sportiva 3
22 Marx Brothers

No usable anchor at the top. One bolt with a washer, a nut but no hanger. Needs a lower off +/- another bolt.

FA: Joe Arts, 2004

Sportiva 10m, 3
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag Yellow Wall
22 Kikurangi Triple Blue

FA: Richard Kimberley, 2000

22 Noah's Ark

FA: Andrew Buist, 2001

Sportiva 15m, 5
22 Give The Dog A Phone

FA: Simon Courtois, 2001

Sportiva 17m, 6
22 Projected

FA: Tony Burnell, 2020

Sportiva 5
22 Devious

FA: John Iseli, 2001

Sportiva 5
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag Flax Wall
22 Wasssup?

Death choss blocks from bolts 2-4. Avoid this route until the blocks have been removed.

FA: Andrew Buist, 2001

Sportiva 6
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Te Tihi-o-Kahukara / Castle Rock Doctor Rock Buttress
22 Fringe Dwellers

FA: Joe Arts, 1998

22 Popperhead

FA: Joe Arts, 1997

Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Te Tihi-o-Kahukara / Castle Rock The Blackboard
22 A Star Is Born

FA: John Allen, 1979

Trad 5m
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Te Tihi-o-Kahukara / Castle Rock Barbican Wall
22 Breakfast Of Champions

Technical climb but very rewarding. poor pro

FA: Tobin Sorenson, 1979

Trad 13m
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Te Tihi-o-Kahukara / Castle Rock The Corbels
22 Uncompromising Vulture

FA: John Allen, 1980

Trad 12m
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Te Tihi-o-Kahukara / Castle Rock Gargoyle Wall
22 Dead Rock Star Arête

FA: John Allen, 1980

Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Te Tihi-o-Kahukara / Castle Rock The Keep
22 Peregrinus

Destroyed during the earthquakes.

FA: Rick McGregor, 1979

Trad 16m
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Te Tihi-o-Kahukara / Castle Rock Hellfire Gully
22 Peter Tor-tise

FA: Ton Snelder, 1984

Trad 8m
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Te Tihi-o-Kahukara / Castle Rock The Palisades
22 Exhibition Crack

FA: Brian Fish, 1981

Trad 9m
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Te Tihi-o-Kahukara / Castle Rock The Battlements
22 Broken English

FA: Bill Atkinson

Trad 6m
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Cattlestop Crag Shimmering Jelly Wall
22 Heel Hook Hijinks

Bolted line in the right side of the roof. Bring a boulder mat, 0.5/0.75 cams, small nuts, and pre-clip your draws.

FA: Ben Gibbins, 2012

Trad mista 12m, 2
22 Intelligent Design

Clip first bolt of SJ, step right then up past 2 bolts

FA: Stu Allan, 2009

Sportiva 12m, 3
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Cattlestop Crag Solar Wall
22 Space Dust

Short but interesting climb with bouldering type moves.

This boulder is in between the Solar Wall and Merlin Wall (right hand side on the topo picture)

FA: Marcus Thomas, 1999

Sportiva 8m, 3
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Cattlestop Crag Surgical Strike Wall
22 Surgical Strike

Nice juggy climbing to a delicately pumpy finish.

FA: Lindsay Main, 1996

Sportiva 15m, 5
22 Cattle Prod

Hard start up hanging arete feature to some sustained climbing to break. Anchor just above lip.

FA: Tony Burnell, 1999

Sportiva 15m, 4
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Cattlestop Crag Couch Potato's Wall
22 Softer Cushions

FA: Simon Courtois, 2002

Trad mista 2
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Coalditz
22 Hot Coals

FA: Neil Sloan, 1992

Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Crag X
22 Secret Santa

FA: Tony Burnell, 24 Dic 2019

Sportiva 6
22 Unnamed Route

FA: Tony Burnell, 25 Gen 2020

Sportiva 5
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Cwag W
22 Welease Woderiwick

FA: Dave Van der Krabben & Grant Piper, 2018

Sportiva 25m, 8
22 Flying Circus

FA: Grant Piper, 2018

Trad mista 25m, 7
22 Quaker

FA: Alan Hill, 1999

Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Chiusa Evans Pass
22 Jake The Snake

FA: Joe Arts, 2000

Trad mista 22m, 5
22 Burnt By The Sun

FA: Joe Arts, 1996

Trad mista 20m, 2
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Farm Park Rat Wall
22 Super Gold Card

FA: John Entwisle & Kev Nichols, 2010

Sportiva 15m, 5
22 Ride On Time

FA: Ton Snelder

Trad mista 10m, 2
22 The Blue-Eyed Girl

FA: Simon Middlemass, 1997

Sportiva 10m, 3
22 Green Mile

FA: Tony Burnell, 2021

Sportiva 4
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Farm Park Quake Faces
22 Frank's Wild Years

Destroyed during the earthquakes.

FA: Damian Carroll, 1991

Trad mista 3
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Farm Park Flax Wall
22 Geckoblaster

FA: Damian Carroll, 1991

Trad mista 3
22 Atlantic Crossing

Start as per 'The Man From Atlantis' then head into the groove and straight up the fingery face.

FA: Tony Burnell, 2021

Sportiva 13m, 5
22 Grazed Anatomy

FA: Tony Burnell, 2017

Sportiva 15m, 5
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Farm Park Black Wall & Left Wall
22 Flash Point

FA: Tony Burnell, 7 Ott 2016

Sportiva 6
22 Pulp Friction

FA: Marcus Thomas, 1995

Trad mista 2
22 Black Sheep

FA: Tony Burnell, 2017

Sportiva 6
Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Farm Park Left Side
22 Arresting Aroma

FA: Paul Waters, 1991

Trad mista 1
22 Elevator Doors

FA: Damian Carroll, 1991

Trad mista 2
22 Exudes Hate

Damaged during the earthquakes. Not recommended.

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