
Ascensioni in Wānaka da John Pitcairn

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Tutti 18 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Gio 4 Feb 2021 - Hospital Flat
Tombstone Boulders The Tombstone
17 Fingers Columbia - con Grant Johnston Sportiva 15m, 5 Buona
Hardish start and balancy clipping, keeps you working.

17 The Crack - con Grant Johnston Trad 15m Molto buona
A few dicky moves at 1/3 height but otherwise straightforward and fun. Don't put your gear in the finger locks. Friendly jams up top.

Gio 4 Feb 2021 - Hospital Flat
Tombstone Boulders The Engine Block
12 The Radiator - con Grant Johnston Sportiva 15m, 4 Media

Gio 4 Feb 2021 - Hospital Flat
The Main Cliff
14 The Big Corner - con Grant Johnston Trad 20m Classica
One of the best grade 14 trad lines I have ever climbed. Good rock, excellent pro, compares very favourably to Arapiles.

17 Headbangers Arete - con Grant Johnston Sportiva 20m, 5 Buona
Oops. Cocked up the moves off the pedestal and found myself back on it without weighting the rope. Counting that as a fall.

17 Headbangers Arete - con Grant Johnston Sportiva 20m, 5 Buona
Much better. Managed to bang my head too. Thank you helmet.

Mar 2 Feb 2021 - Hospital Flat
Kai Whaka Pai
15 16 Chardonnay Bob (Unknown 2) - con Grant Johnston Sportiva 15m, 6 Media
Think this is new, not in the 2014 guide. Somebody is being cheap, could use another bolt or 2 at the grade. There is another new route to the right starting on the stepped ledges.

18 Kai Time - con Grant Johnston Sportiva 18m, 6 Buona
Not sure whether we were on this or Climb Into The Unknown. A hard start and some decent climbing after, but very poor bolting means you are looking at a groundfall from the crux between bolts 1 and 2, be careful, do not high clip bolt 2, belayer pay close attention. Grant came off...

17 Nice & Sleazy Does it All the Time - con Grant Johnston Trad 18m Molto buona
Easier than it looks, good bridging, plenty of gear. The 2 bolts at the top are totally unneccesary and should be chopped, there is adequate gear right next to them.

16 Friction In The Kitchen - con Grant Johnston Trad 15m Molto buona
Aesthetic thin crack that screams "climb me". Small but bomber gear, and the top is not runout if you have the right gear.

16 Unknown - con Grant Johnston Sportiva 16m, 6 Buona
There's perfectly decent gear all the way with a miniscule runout to the anchor. Crux getting out of the crack and over the lip. Solid 16 or soft 17?

16 Unknown - con Grant Johnston Sportiva 16m, 6 Buona
Not sure on the grade so top roped it first. Shouldn't have.

15 Under The Moonlight - con Grant Johnston Sportiva 16m, 8 Media
Draws on. Unmemorable.

Ven 1 Gen 2016 - Hospital Flat
Little Big Wall
16 Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out
1 15 arrampicata in lead da John Pitcairn
2 16 arrampicata in lead da Allan Brent
3 14 arrampicata in lead da Allan Brent
Sportiva 45m, 17 Molto buona
First pitch is a fun trad crack, just clip the first bolt to protect the start. The other bolts in reach are for other routes. P2/3 fully bolted, Allen ran them together. Third pitch easy and rather exposed. A grand new years day outing with Allen and Graham.

Mar 5 Feb 2013 - Motatapu Valley
Roadside Area Roadside Attraction
16 Judge’s Wine - con Grant Johnston Trad 15m Buona
Enjoyable enough. Grant led it first.

18 The Ramp - con James Mitchell Trad 13m Buona
A bit of a sit at the 2nd or 3rd piece before angling right. Should have toughed it out. There is plenty of gear low down.

15 Strawberry - con Grant Johnston Sportiva 16m, 8 Media
Was aiming for Self Directed Learning Tool, placing gear, but took the (somewhat) cleaner exit. Really grubby at the top.

17 Shortcut to Exposure - con Grant Johnston Sportiva 30m, 14 Classica
Nice bridging in the chimney until halfway. Exit before the roof and move right then up, whereupon it starts to feel like some old Arapiles classic.


Tutti 18 ascensioni visualizzati.

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