
Nodi in Valencia

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Climbing possibilities in Valencia city and nearby

Pont d'Aragó (Túria)

Roof climbing under a bridge in the Túria park

Pont d'Aragó (Túria)
7A Left to right traverse

Just guessing the grade as I haven't managed to send, yet

7A+ Right to left traverse

Just guessing the grade as I haven't managed to send, yet

Setas en el Parque Central

Dos bloques al aire libre en el Parque Central que son muy apreciadas por los locales.

Two free open-air boulders in Parque Central with a local crowd.

Setas en el Parque Central
El Elefante

Pruebe sus habilidades en la más grande de los dos bloques. Muchas presas medianas y pequeñas y ángulos de pared negativos hacen de este bloque un buen desafío para los escaladores avanzados. No es necesariamente adecuado para principiantes, aunque a menudo verás a curiosos visitantes del parque acercarse a este bloque sólo para sorprenderse de lo difícil que es agarrarse, y mucho menos escalar hasta las presas finales.

Aquí se pueden crear muchos problemas duras. O puedes probar con los dedos algunos de los problemas ya establecidos.

Dar la vuelta a la manzana en círculo completo (Traverses) es una verdadera prueba para tu resistencia. Empieza con la Travesía derecha y date un verdadero desafío con la Travesía izquierda.

Test your skills on the bigger of the two boulders. Many medium to small holds and negative wall angles make this block a good challenge for advanced climbers. It is not necessarily suitable for beginners, although you will often see curious park visitors approach this boulder only to be surprised how hard it is to hold on, let alone climb to the top holds.

A lot of hard boulder problems can be created here. Or you can try your fingers on some of the already established problems.

Going around the block in full circle (Traverses) is a real test for your endurance. Start out with the Right Traverse and give yourself a real challenge with the Left Traverse.

Setas en el Parque Central El Elefante
6A Left Traverse

Start at the horizontal "half moon" and traverse left all around the block using any holds until you reach the starting hold again. Harder than Right Traverse.

5C+ Right Traverse

Start at the horizontal "half moon" and traverse right all around the block using any holds until you reach the starting hold again. Easier than Left Traverse

Boulder problems
Less than 5C

Boulder problems graded less than 5C

5A Un viaje de mil millas comienza con el primer paso

This one will get you started!

5A Green Mamba


5B El Mago de Oz


5B Atrapar un pajarito


5B Black Mamba


5B La Pasarela del Negro

A reachy but interesting traverse that has its crux at the sloper in the middle.

5B Montezuma

Quite technical problem for this grade. Resolves nicely if done properly. Can you crown yourself king of the Aztecs?

5B Montezuma's Return


5B Sir Lance-a-lot


5B+ UFO landing

Offers good use for a heel hook. Easier if you're tall.

5B+ El triangulo

Gotta hold on to the triangle!


Boulder problems graded 5C or 5C+

5C Breakfast Club

Easier with proper technique. Sit start.

5C El Rey de Roma

It pays off to get the hands in the right order

5C Giroscopio

Funky moves

5C Pulpo a la plancha

Sit start

5C Diamonds are forever

Sit start.

5C Hola chiquitín

Softer version of La Puerta de la Luna. Sit start

5C Quinto en discordia


5C+ The Hobbit

Be prepared for some heavy work to reach that undercling. Interesting. Sit start.

5C+ Angel dust

Sit start. Control your feet and you control this Boulder.

5C+ Battle Snake

Sequence, sequence, sequence

5C+ Tiempos de Cambio III


5C+ If you really want it


5C+ Fotut Vol.1


5C+ I was made for loving you

Hold firmly to move around the corner. Spicy at the end. Good boulder.

5C+ Z de zorro

Variante de Montezuma


Boulder problems graded 6A or 6A+

6A A hombros de gigantes
6A Omar's tears

Sit start

6A The Radical Left

Sit start. Can you handle the Radical Left?

6A La V de Vendetta


6A Botón de Jim


6A Dragon Fly


6A Cohiba Cohete

This one is just a jump?! Harder than it looks.

6A Arroz fallero

Good and interesting moves

6A La negra

Interesting, though reachy, moves along the long side of the wall. Will test your endurance towards the end. Sit start.

6A El Portero

The porter will open the door for you.

6A Húmero y Homero


6A Coconut Kiss

With a powerful finish for the kiss. Sit start.

6A Sr Modestia


6A Power to the max

Tough crimpy start. Good footwork eases the crimps. Hard for the grade.

Beta video

6A Regleta Raclette

Crimp fest.


6A Corner convenient?

Make awkward moves to get around the corner and up

6A+ Argentango

Your best dance moves will unlock this boulder.

6A+ Sky Light

Interesting boulder with a strenuous start. The top section is easier but does not come for free. Sit start.

6A+ La talonada
6A+ Sputnik crisis

Sit start.

6A+ Wurtzite boron nitride


Harder version of 'Diamonds are forever'

6A+ Schweng Dei Deng
6A+ Óscar aprieta falange

Sit start. After a tough crouchy start you cruise easier terrain before the last move tests your finger strength and your will power.

6A+ Solaris

Sit start.

6A+ Apócrifo


6A+ Makinblok



Boulder problems graded 6B or 6B+

6B Las gafas

Sit start

6B Top fácil

Not what the name suggests... Sit start

6B Devil May Cry

Crimp fest with a committing lunge to the top hold.


6B La Puerta de la Luna

Sit start. Hard to get off the ground.

6B Hombro Paisa

Crimp hard to gain height.

6B Hodor

Hold the door!

6B+ Toc Toc hold the door


6B+ Easy Peasy

Sit start


  • Start hold only as mono pocket, not as pinch
6B+ La traviesa

Travesía de regletas con un poderoso final. Salida sentado.

Crimpy traverse with a powerful finish. Sit start.

6B+ Santa Claus

Sit start

6C and harder

Boulder problems graded 6C or harder

6C Irukandji


6C Ingobernable


6C El tercer ojo


6C Vice City


6C Salida dura


No sé el nombre del bloque o quién le puse. Si sabes tú, que cambias nombre y equipador.

6C Red Velvet


6C Crimpy Crimpy

Crimp fest.


6C Suerte con el romo

Sit start


  • Third hold only as mono pocket, not as pinch (marked with blue double circle)
6C Quique guapo

Sit start

6C Santa María

Creativity and a strong finish required. Sit start.

7A Shadow of the Colossus


7A Dracarys


7A Camel Toe


Proyectos // Projects
Setas en el Parque Central
El Oso

La más pequeña de los dos bloques. Las presas tienden a ser un poco más grandes y los ángulos de las paredes son bastante amigables. Especialmente en la "parte trasera" que da a la pared de atrás. Si es la primera vez que haces búlder, entonces aquí tienes un buen comienzo.

Sin embargo, recorrer toda la manzana no es gratis, ya que hay algunas partes difíciles de superar.

The smaller of the two boulders. The holds tend to be a bit bigger and the wall angles are quite friendly. Especially on the "backside" facing the wall behind. If this is your first time bouldering, then here is a good start.

Nonetheless, traversing round the entire block does not come for free as there are some tricky parts to overcome.

Setas en el Parque Central El Oso
4 Left Traverse

Start at the jug and traverse left all around the block using any holds until you reach the starting hold again.

4 Right Traverse

Start at the jug and traverse right all around the block using any holds until you reach the starting hold again.

6A+ Under the radar

Starting on the big hold on the left side use any of the holds below the first panel line (red dashed line in topo).

Starts easy and gets harder as you approach the corner. Finishes on the big rectangular block on the backside.

Boulder problems
Less than 5C

Boulder problems graded less than 5C

4C Lirón

Up the arete and a long move at the end

5A Comor


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