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1 - 100 di 372 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Dom 25 Set 2022 - Sandia Mountain
The Needle
5.8 5.8 IV The Southwest Ridge (Southwest Ridge) Alpinistica
Ike Miller
14.5 hours car to car. With Mark. Mark led pitches 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, & 12; I led pitches 3, 4, 6, 9, & 11. We unroped for pitch 8. I clipped loose and rusted pitons, slung trees, almost pulled a microwave-sized block onto myself, wiggled up strange slabby off-widths—in other words, had a full-on Sandia day!

Sab 6 Ago 2022 - Sandia Mountain
The Thumb
5.5 Northwest Ridge Trad 490m
Ike Miller
10.5 hours car to car. With Denise! Led all pitches except for the first half of pitch 4, which Denise led. Combined the first two pitches on accident. Simul-climbed from the top of pitch 4 on.

Sab 23 Apr 2022 - Los Alamos
The Y South Wall
5.7 Twin Cracks Sconosciuto 14m
Ike Miller
Took me a while to find the beta that keeps it 5.7

Sab 23 Apr 2022 - Los Alamos
The Y North Wall
5.11+ Hard Start Sconosciuto
Ike Miller
Fell many times trying to work out the beta. Also told some other people at the crag that this was a 5.12, which is apparently not true!

5.9 Less Hard Start Sconosciuto
Ike Miller
Pulling the finger jams/ringlocks felt much harder than 5.9, but maybe I missed some cheater holds? Had fun!

Sab 23 Apr 2022 - Los Alamos
The Y South Wall
5.7 Little Roof Sconosciuto 14m Molto buona
Ike Miller
Fun! First time I think I've had to pull on a ringlock above gear (but the good feet kept it 5.8)

Ven 8 Apr 2022 - Diablo Canyon
Sun Devil Wall
5.9 Sun Devil Crack Trad
Ike Miller
Mark led the first off-width pitch and I followed. We backed off the second pitch. Mark asked me if I wanted to give it a shot and I said "no way."

Ven 8 Apr 2022 - Diablo Canyon
Winter Wall
5.9 Post Moderate Sportiva 47m, 17
Ike Miller
One long sport route! Felt cruiser

Ven 8 Apr 2022 - Diablo Canyon
Early Wall Runway Lower Tier
5.11a Top Gun Sportiva 32m
Ike Miller
Trashed it (top-rope flash). I guess it's time to start trying to lead 11s.

Ven 8 Apr 2022 - Navajolands
Ship Rock Area Ship Rock
5.9 A3 5.9 A3 PG13 Friggin' In The Riggin' - con Luke Laeser Trad 520m Classica
Camster (Rhymes with Hamster) Burns
FA: Cam Burns, Luke Laeser

Ven 8 Apr 2022 - Navajolands
Ford Butte
5.9 5.9 R South Summit, Regular Route - con Mike Baker Trad 150m Buona
Camster (Rhymes with Hamster) Burns
FA of tower and route: Mike Baker, Cam Burns 1991

Ven 8 Apr 2022 - Las Conchas
The Sponge
5.9 Hollywood Tim - con Paul Fehlau Sportiva 20m, 6 Mega Classica
Camster (Rhymes with Hamster) Burns
I did the FA in 1989.

Sab 5 Mar 2022 - Los Alamos
White Rock The Overlook
5.9 Cholla Crack Trad
Ike Miller
Mark S. led this. Funky down low, then cruiser hand crack. Gets wide at the very top, but if you just shove your whole body in there, it's fine

5.8 Headwall Crack Left Trad
Ike Miller
First real trad lead in a while. Felt very comfortable

5.11a Len's Roof Trad
Ike Miller
Attempted and fell three times. First two times fell while still fully in the roof, third time fell with my hands on the headwall and one foot jammed in the roof. I feel like I'm strong enough to TR this if I get the beta dialed. But probably not strong enough to lead it yet.

Jams were not painful for me (I taped), but surprisingly sequence-y for a splitter crack. There are good jams in spots and other spots where I couldn't get my full hand meat in the crack.

5.10 Cholla Wall Trad
Ike Miller
We set up a top rope - kind of couldn't believe anyone but an absolute maniac would lead this on gear, but a guy there said he had and that it wasn't too bad. Maybe he was an absolute maniac. Fun route on top rope!

5.9 Headwall Crack Right Trad
Ike Miller
Fun weird stemmy stuff at the top

5.10a Holy Wall Sportiva 17m
Ike Miller
Fun! Definitely could lead this, but might not be worth going out of my way to come back to

Dom 31 Ott 2021 - Los Alamos
White Rock Big Enchilada
5.7 Chimney Corda dall'alto 20m
Ike Miller
My first time in a chimney. Absolutely brutal!

Mar 19 Ott 2021 - Carnuel Crag
5.8 Irrigation Trad 20m
Ike Miller
First time top rope soloing. Used a lift and a micro trax. Did 10 laps, trying to contrive as many variations as possible.

Sab 4 Set 2021 - Sandia Mountain
Muralla Grande
5.9 5.9 II The Second Coming Alpinistica 170m
Ike Miller
Led pitches 1 & 3 clean, followed pitches 2 and 4. Hung on the rope briefly on pitch 2 when trying to get a half-stuck cam out. Mark wanted to do the 5.10a final pitch variation, but we wound up doing the 5.8 because a deep fog had filled the canyon and we didn't want to get stuck in bad weather. Pitches 1 and 3 were my first 5.8 trad leads. Pitch 1 felt fun and comfy, pitch 3 felt like it was right on the limit for me.

Sab 28 Ago 2021 - Sandia Mountain
5.7 North Ridge Trad 61m Buona
Ike Miller
Didn't seem like this gets climbed too often (lichen and mud in a lot of the cracks, some loose rock), but it was a fun route! I led the first and third pitches, Mark led the second. The second pitch was my first experience with off-width climbing. I enjoyed it, but was also glad it was short and I wasn't on lead.

5.7 Almost Overlooked Trad 55m Buona
Ike Miller
I led the first pitch, Mark led the second. The climbing on the first pitch was easy, but gear was a little hard to come by (at least to my still somewhat untrained eye). On the second pitch Mark climbed above the obvious 5.6 rightward traverse to create a much more difficult traverse on tiny footholds immediately under the roof. Some fun spice to end the climb!

5.6 Lost Ledge Trad 52m Molto buona
Ike Miller
Super clean and continuous crack and it's fun to follow a single line all the way up. We split it into two pitches, I led the first and Mark the second.

Ven 30 Lug 2021 - Sandia Mountain
5.8 Estrellita Trad 30m
Ike Miller
Followed Mark. Fun route! Would like to come back and lead it

Ven 30 Lug 2021 - Sandia Mountain
Hole in the Wall
5.8 5.8 I Miss Piggy Alpinistica 73m
Ike Miller
Tried to lead the first pitch but it seemed too spicy for where I am currently as a trad leader. Got up to the top of the wide-ish crack below the layback and then decided to downclimb. Followed Mark on both pitches. Very fun climbing, especially the lieback! We had some routefinding difficulties on pitch two

Lun 12 Lug 2021 - Diablo Canyon
Early Wall
5.10a Humbolt - con rick bradshaw Sportiva 21m, 9 Molto buona
Charles Cooper
Excellent route.

Lun 12 Lug 2021 - Diablo Canyon
The Grotto
5.10b Good - con rick bradshaw Sportiva 20m, 6
Charles Cooper
Very reachy. Crux is the first 20 feet.

Sab 22 Mag 2021 - Las Conchas
Love Shack Area
5.10c Cosmic Thing Sportiva 11m, 6
5.10C Cosmic Thing

Mer 17 Mar 2021 - Diablo Canyon
The Grotto Grotto Right West Side
5.11c Where The Wild Things Aren't Sportiva Classica
Andy Fuller
2nd go

Dom 7 Mar 2021 - Palomas Peak
The Transition Zone
5.8 Wavy Gravy Sportiva Buona
Ike Miller
Not unfun, but not a blast either. Crux was an awkward mantle right above the first bolt.

Sab 16 Mag 2020 - Los Alamos
White Rock Potrillo Cliffs
5.6 Porky's Bad Luck - con Daniel Lowrey Trad 12m Buona
Jim Olsen
Aptly named. In and out of funny chimney (need to be skinny to get out of chimney) onto face

Sab 19 Ott 2019 - Organ Mountains
Rabbit Ears Area The Citadel
5.7 West Ridge Trad 200m Molto buona
swapped leads with Isaac. We got sucked into some runout 5.8ish terrain on p2 somehow. anyways, good belay ledges and a fun time

Gio 17 Ott 2019 - Organ Mountains
La Cueva Sunny Side
5.6 Piton Power Trad 30m
Isaac led

Ven 26 Apr 2019 - Diablo Canyon
Winter Wall
5.10c Grape Ape - con rick bradshaw Sportiva 46m, 17 Mega Classica
Charles Cooper
Need two ropes to rap.

Sab 6 Gen 2018 - Last Chance Canyon
Violince Wall
5.10- Summer Fugue Sportiva Molto buona
Gabe Grayum

Ven 29 Dic 2017 - Last Chance Canyon
Violince Wall
5.11a Fiddler on the Roof - con Ethan Sportiva Molto buona
Gabe Grayum
Spent too long hanging in the steep crack trying to figure out how to clip the last bolt. It should probably be skipped, it's too far out of the way.

5.10a Rage - con Ethan Sportiva Molto buona
Gabe Grayum
Nice warmup

Dom 19 Nov 2017 - Los Alamos
White Rock The Overlook
5.11a Bosker Boozeroo - con Michael Cooper Sportiva Classica
Patrick Burr
Cool move.

5.10+ Squeeze Chimney - con Michael Cooper Trad
Patrick Burr
Kinda climbed between this and BB...

Dom 20 Ago 2017 - Enchanted Tower
The Enchanted Tower
5.12a Rumplestiltskin Sconosciuto Classica
rainy send!

Ven 18 Ago 2017 - Enchanted Tower
The Enchanted Tower
5.12a Flotsam & Jetsam Sconosciuto Classica
2nd go

Sab 15 Apr 2017 - Los Alamos
White Rock Potrillo Cliffs
5.8 The Gymnist - con Linh and Alan Wilkerson, R Trad 14m Molto buona
Jim Olsen
The route is sandbagged a bit. Should be 5.9+.

Mar 18 Ott 2016 - Upper East Fork
Monster Wall
5.8 Cookie Monster - con Fritz Devendorf Sportiva 21m, 9 Molto buona
Jim Olsen
At two places, by the second to third bolt and just before the chains the grade is 5.9. By the chains it is pumpy

Mar 18 Ott 2016 - Upper East Fork
Easy Slab
5.7 Solstice - con Fritz Devendorf Sportiva 18m, 6 Media
Jim Olsen
Grade at first two bolts was really 5.8

Dom 1 Mag 2016 - Cerrillos
Dark Minion
5.9 Succubus - con Martin Jensen Trad 15m Molto buona
Jim Olsen

Dom 31 Gen 2016 - Las Conchas
Hidden Wall
5.12b Eyes of Buddaha - con Allison Fritz Sportiva 34m Classica
Jason Halladay
FFA. FA with Allison. Super fun process figuring out the crux beta after many falls.

Dom 13 Set 2015 - El Rito
Little River Wall Main Wall
5.8 Joy-Poppin with Bubble Gummers - con Gunther Worrelin and Fritz Devendorf Sportiva 26m, 10 Classica
Jim Olsen
Climb it right and it flows.

Dom 13 Set 2015 - El Rito
Little River Wall Vaudeville
5.7 Zero Gravity Plinko - con Gunther Worrelin and Fritz Devendorf Sportiva 9m, 5 Media
Jim Olsen
Bouldery holds, kind of like climbing in the gym.

Ven 1 Mag 2015 - El Rito
El Rito Sport Crags
5.8 Super Arete Sportiva 25m Media
Michael Schmit
Great exposed arete climb

Ven 7 Nov 2014 - Rat's Peak
5.9 Rat Race - con Fritz & J. P. Corda dall'alto 15m Media
Jim Olsen
This one escaped me for awhile: finally sent it.

Dom 26 Ott 2014 - Los Alamos
White Rock New New Place
5.11a Thumb Action - con Fritz, Joe & J.P. Corda dall'alto 20m Buona
Jim Olsen
All of us were hanging off the rope or getting tension on the crux. Joe did the best job of climbing it.

Mar 9 Set 2014 - Los Alamos
White Rock New New Place
5.9 Twin Cracks - con Norbert Trad 20m Molto buona
Jim Olsen
The bottom was the hardest.

5.7 Beginner's 5.7 - con Norbert Trad 12m Buona
Jim Olsen
Wanted to lead it, but only brought some draws and tricams.

5.9 Flare - con Norbert Trad 14m Buona
Jim Olsen
I really had to work on this one. Got partway up the flare and moved right with some creative moves, then back into the route.

Dom 29 Giu 2014 - Las Conchas
Cattle Call Wall
5.9 Bovine Inspiration - con Fritz Sportiva 20m, 6 Buona
Jim Olsen
Was gonna lead something else, but this was in the shade so I did it instead.

Dom 25 Mag 2014 - Diablo Canyon
Winter Wall
5.10b Sunbaked Sportiva 24m, 7 Buona
Jim Olsen
Thrashed around a lot at the crux. Oh well, at least four of us climbed it and only one didn't thrash. I did psych out the beta for Neil, who led it.

Gio 1 Mag 2014 - Los Alamos
White Rock Potrillo Cliffs
5.8 Belly Up - con Fritz Devendorf Trad 14m Buona
Jim Olsen
Did a slight variation that turned out to be harder than the route itself.

Ven 14 Mar 2014 - Las Conchas
Hidden Wall
5.8 Baptistina - con Allison Fritz Sportiva 28m, 13 Buona
Jason Halladay
FFA. FA with Allison. Wish the upper part was longer.

5.11d Feeling the Love - con Allison Fritz Sportiva 30m Classica
Jason Halladay
FFA. FA with Allison after bolting and working it solo TR. Really cool. A favorite of mine.

Lun 4 Nov 2013 - Mentmore
Original Side Benny Silva Wall
5.8 Big Blob Of Love - con Fritz Devendorf Sportiva 12m, 5 Media
Jim Olsen
The guidebook says 5 bolts, but I counted 6. I'm not 100% sure, because I didn't count twice.

Lun 4 Nov 2013 - Mentmore
Original Side Healthwall
5.7 Y Crack - con Fritz Devendorf Trad 45m Molto buona
Jim Olsen
Hard for a 5.7, more like a 5.8.

5.7 STD - con Fritz Devendorf Trad 14m Molto buona
Jim Olsen
Easy 5.7 with nice holds all the way, but limited places to place pro.

Dom 3 Nov 2013 - Mentmore
New Side Open Face Wall
5.8 Reuben - con Fritz Devendorf Sportiva 14m, 4 Buona
Jim Olsen
The crux is about the last 5' to the last bolt before the chains. I led and sidled a bit left and back to get to that last bolt.

5.6 Learning to Lead Crack - con Fritz Devendorf Trad 14m Media
Jim Olsen
Fritz led, then I pinkpointed so I wouldn't have to reset gear.

5.7 Opie Ate the Masses - con Fritz Devendorf Sportiva 14m, 4 Buona
Jim Olsen
Better protected lead than Tuna melt

Dom 20 Ott 2013 - Los Alamos
White Rock Potrillo Cliffs
5.9 Belly Flop - con Jack Yates Trad 14m Buona
Jim Olsen
Took a bit to get over the crux.

5.7 Pillars of Hercules (left var) - con Jack Yates Corda dall'alto 15m Buona
Jim Olsen
Pillars is gettin' easier to do.

Gio 19 Set 2013 - Diablo Canyon
Standby Shack (The Shack) Renaissance Area
Whole Lotta Rossie - con Rick Bradshaw Sportiva 24m Buona
Charles Cooper
Route was a little rough. Did some hanging on this one.

Mer 18 Set 2013 - El Rito
El Rito Sport Crags
5.8 Super Arete - con Charles Cooper Sportiva 25m Molto buona
Charles Cooper
Very nice arête climb, just like the name I would imply. This was my first experience with conglomerate rock, and I liked it a lot. true to the grade.

Sab 29 Giu 2013 - El Rito
Little River Wall Main Wall
5.9 Imitation Strawberry - con hagen telg, Walt Wetham Sportiva 24m, 13 Classica
Jason Halladay

Dom 26 Mag 2013 - Las Conchas
Area 37
5.9 Frosted Mini Wheats - con Fritz Sportiva 12m, 3 Media
Jim Olsen
Had to aid one spot

5.6 Mini Wheats - con Fritz Sportiva 12m, 4 Buona
Jim Olsen
Could be done several ways.

5.8 5.10a The In Between - con Fritz Sportiva 12m, 4 Molto buona
Jim Olsen
Did the mantle A0. Crisply fresh rock, barely been climbed.

Mar 14 Mag 2013 - Tres Piedras
West Rock 1
5.9 The Alien - con Fritz Devendorf Sportiva 18m Buona
Jim Olsen
Seemed a lot harder than 5.9. Had to do some aid to get up it.

Mer 17 Apr 2013 - Los Alamos
White Rock Potrillo Cliffs
5.7 "Worm Hole" - con Fritz (belayed only) Corda dall'alto 14m Molto buona
Jim Olsen
I'm sure someone has done this before. It's really fun and funky.

5.10a Lower Kor's - con Fritz (belayed only) Corda dall'alto 14m Molto buona
Jim Olsen
First good performance of the year. Weather cool, threatening and deteriorating.

Gio 18 Ott 2012 - Diablo Canyon
The Alcove
5.8 No Name Crack - con Fritz Trad 18m Molto buona
Jim Olsen
I liked the variety of moves I had to use in this climb. The offwidth portion is enjoyable too.

Mer 3 Ott 2012 - Sangre de Cristo Mountains
Pecos River Area The Bleachers
5.9 Stir It Up - con Fritz Sportiva 14m, 4 Buona
Jim Olsen
Interesting route, but it appears not to be climbed much

Sab 29 Set 2012 - Padre Springs Canyon
5.7 no name - con Fritz Corda dall'alto 8m Buona
Jim Olsen
Fritz firsted it on toprope. Then I toproped it

5.7 Twelfth of Never - con Fritz Trad 12m Buona
Jim Olsen
I first planned to climb about 6 to 10 feet to the right on the bulge of the buttress, but questioned the rock quality there. Twelfth of Never has good rock, but we didn't clean a few loose rocks on nearby ledges.

Gio 6 Set 2012 - Sangre de Cristo Mountains
Pecos River Area The Bleachers
5.8 Hanging Gardener - con Fritz Sportiva 12m, 5 Buona
Jim Olsen
Skirts around top of overhang. Should be rated 5.7 instead of 5.8

5.8 Hard Rock Miner - con Fritz Sportiva 14m, 5 Buona
Jim Olsen
Nice face climb.

Lun 3 Set 2012 - Sangre de Cristo Mountains
Pecos River Area Cathedral Rock
5.9 Ooze Move - con Gunther Worrlien Sportiva 14m Buona
Jim Olsen
Traversed over from Easy Air to set top-rope.

Gio 21 Giu 2012 - Tres Piedras
Far Rock
5.8 Gollum Corda dall'alto 14m Pessima
Jim Olsen
Don't bother. . .unless you like to get beat up a bit in an offwidth.

5.9 Ducktail Elvis Trad 15m Buona
Jim Olsen
5.9 at crux only.

5.7 Look Ma, No Friends Trad 17m
Jim Olsen
Good, but over too soon.

Mer 6 Giu 2012 - Tres Piedras
Middle Rock
5.9 Unknown 1 Sconosciuto 20m, 4 Buona
Jim Olsen
Practiced here after I could not quite lead the crux on Pony Express.

Dom 27 Mag 2012 - El Rito
El Rito Trad
5.6 Juniper Buttress Trad 84m Buona
Jim Olsen
Was gonna lead Juniper Overhang, but wussed out.

Gio 10 Mag 2012 - El Rito
El Rito Trad
5.9 Bring Me a Bucket Sportiva 30m Buona
Jim Olsen
Had to go a little off route to get over the crux overhang.

Mer 9 Mag 2012 - El Rito
El Rito Trad
5.9 Juniper Overhang Sportiva 24m Pessima
Jim Olsen
I may have led this one before about 15 years ago.

5.7 Senile Superhero Trad 100m Classica
Jim Olsen
FFA. Wow. I discovered this one purely by accident; luckily got off route on the Guillotine. The start of the second pitch has a lot of character. Bring a little sling material and a 3 or 3.5 cam for the second belay spot (it's an adiquite belay only).

5.6 Juniper Direct Sconosciuto 49m Buona
Fritz Devendorf
The description of this route and the 1st pitch of Juniper overhang are hard to follow. I managed to find good rock all the way to the juniper ledge, topping out right under "Bring Me a Bucket". The last stretch was great with small finger pockets.

5.9 Bring Me a Bucket Sportiva 30m Classica
Fritz Devendorf
Great climb, as always. One day I lead this one; maybe.

Mar 1 Mag 2012 - Tres Piedras
Sundeck Wall
5.6 Horny Toad Trad 21m Media
Jim Olsen
Possible gear placements render it PG-13.

Mer 11 Apr 2012 - Diablo Canyon
Styx Area
5.7 Minion Trad 27m Molto buona
Fritz Devendorf

Mar 10 Apr 2012 - Diablo Canyon
Styx Area
5.8 Cold Day in Hell Trad 27m Molto buona
Fritz Devendorf
Run up harder line on top rope. It was great fun.

Lun 9 Apr 2012 - Sandia Mountain
Gemstone East
5.7 5.7 II Revenge of the Elderly Alpinistica 91m Buona
Fritz Devendorf
Another good assent of an old favorite.

Sab 17 Mar 2012 - Enchanted Tower
The Frog Prince Wall
5.10b Freddie Prince Jr. (no name) Sconosciuto Classica
Jonathan Horst
the tree route...

Sab 17 Mar 2012 - Enchanted Tower
The Enchanted Tower
5.12a Flotsam & Jetsam Sconosciuto Classica
Jonathan Horst
crux is high. or low. 2 falls, 2 takes.


1 - 100 di 372 ascensioni.

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