
Ascensioni in Conway come Retreat

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Tutti 4 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Gio 13 Apr 2023 - Whitehorse Ledge
Echo Roof Area
5.11a Future Shock Sportiva
Bibi Garcia

Dom 2 Ago 2015 - Whitehorse Ledge
The Slabs
5.6 Dike Route
1 5.2 arrampicata in lead da David Gibbs
2 5.2 arrampicata in lead da David Gibbs
3 5.6 arrampicata in lead da David Gibbs
4 5.6 arrampicata in lead da David Gibbs
Trad Buona
David Gibbs
Pitches 0-3 went smoothly; pitch 4 took one rest to figure out route. Didn't like the look of the pitch 5 traverse. Again.

Route is dirty and mossy in places -- doesn't seem like it gets climbed much.

Dom 19 Mag 2013 - Whitehorse Ledge
The Slabs
5.5 5.5 II Beginner's Route Trad 340m Molto buona
David Gibbs
Did the first 4 pitches before lowering off. Pitch 2 has a couple bolts, which greatly reduces the commitment level on this route from how it was, I think, originally ascended.

Dom 5 Ago 2012 - Whitehorse Ledge
The Slabs
5.6 Dike Route
1 5.3 arrampicata in lead da David
2 5.2 arrampicata in lead da David
3 5.6 arrampicata in lead da David
4 5.6 arrampicata in lead da David, Phil
David Gibbs
Got to the top of pitch 4, and looked at the pitch 5 traverse -- lots of moss on the slab, and very little visible protection. Clean rock, and we'd have risked thin protection, or obvious good protection and we'd have risked the moss -- but not the combo. Also, I was pretty sure we could rap on one 70m from there, but not later. After we start rappelling it spit rain, and it dumped just as we finished.


Tutti 4 ascensioni visualizzati.

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