
Ascensioni in Vịnh Lan Hạ come Hang dog

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Tutti 19 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Ven 29 Mar 2024 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
Moody's Beach
6a+ Routine Heaven Sportiva 23m, 9
Slipped off the ridiculously polished footholds at the crux 😑

6b+ Barefoot Vietnamese Sportiva 18m, 10
Dom 21 Gen 2024 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
Offenheimer's Creation
6a Little red scooter gang extension - con Lucas Low, alfie jones Sportiva 30m, 11
took a long break at the crux (to cry), just didn't know how to get my feet higher. found some jugs on the left and zoo wee mama

Mer 25 Ott 2023 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
Moody's Beach
6a+ Routine Heaven Sportiva 23m, 9
Chantelly Lace
Polished down low on the crux move

Ven 6 Ott 2023 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
Moody's Beach
6b+ ~6b Barefoot Vietnamese Sportiva 18m, 10 Classica
Anton Baur
Lun 8 Mag 2023 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
The Face
7b License To Climb — 3 tentativi Sportiva 25m, 13 Mega Classica
Michael Picone
Was disappointed to not send this route but our group just got cooked off the wall. First up I missed the top rope flash by about 1 meter during the warm up and it was looking like it would go down very fast but then the sun came over the the top of the cliff and there was no shade to hide in. We suspect that it must have been close to 40C at the base of the cliff and the wall got so hot that I could not rest my body against the wall on the two red point attempts and yet it was still one of the most beautiful 5 star climbs I have ever tried and is calling my name to come back...the view alone was worth 5 stars but the climb was possibly even better, and what made it great was that the climb really built slowly meaning that the less experienced climbers in our group could still get in 10-15m of amazing climbing.

Lun 28 Feb 2022 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
Moody's Beach
6b+ Barefoot Vietnamese Sportiva 18m, 10 Molto buona
Florence Agnes Konig
Sab 12 Gen 2019 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
The Face
7b License To Climb Sportiva 25m, 13 Classica
Emma Contaoe
Mer 14 Feb 2018 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
The Face
7b+ The Face Sportiva 30m, 14
Max Eberl
Sab 15 Lug 2017 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
Moody's Beach
6a+ Routine Heaven - con Michael McDowell Sportiva 23m, 9
Michael McDowell
All round good route, struggled with the crux in the moisture and heat. Take time to soak in the in the view from the top!

Mar 22 Dic 2015 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
The Face
7b+ The Face Sportiva 30m, 14 Molto buona
peta barrett
Possibly easier than license to climb. 2 laps. Good holds all the way. The rain made it a bit more exciting. Anchors are a bit crap. First shot to get the draws on but no falls.

7b License To Climb Sportiva 25m, 13 Molto buona
Scott Hailstone
Awesome location and setting, pity about the weather (2) just couldn't bag it in the rain

Gio 30 Apr 2015 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
Offenheimer's Creation
7b Snake Skin - con Vu Sportiva 23m, 10 Molto buona
Luca De Giorgi
Very nice line, that follows the weaknesses of this section of the wall. Three harder parts with nice rests in between. I enjoyed it very much.

Ven 17 Apr 2015 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
The Face
7b+ The Face - con Luca De Giorgi Sportiva 30m, 14 Classica
Luca De Giorgi
Fantastic climb in an unparalleld scenary. As Lee writes: it's like climbing on melted wax. Loads of pinches and small tufas, unique. Up to the last quickdraw it is fairly easy (max 6c?), but between the last bolt and the anchor there are four or five really hard moves. Especially the last move. I grabbed the sling after taking a huge fall at my first try, beacuse the last bold is far, far below the anchor.

Gio 2 Apr 2015 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
Pirate's Belly
7a+ 7b Coalition of the Willing p2 - con Luca De Giorgi Sportiva 28m, 15 Classica
Luca De Giorgi
Amazing line on a spectacular overhang with tufas over the sea. Good restin point after the obverhang and then sustaind climbing til the anchors. Clipping the achor is not that easy because they are far to the left, find the tiny sidepull!

Ven 3 Dic 2010 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
Saigon Wall
7a Saigon Wall Sportiva 18m, 12
Lee Cujes
Photo lap.

Mer 1 Dic 2010 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
The Face
7c License To Climb Harder (License To Climb Extended) Sportiva 32m, 17 Mega Classica
Lee Cujes
Fell off second last move. Argh!

7c License To Climb Harder (License To Climb Extended) Sportiva 32m, 17 Mega Classica
Lee Cujes
Fell off third last move. Super pumped on the pinches.

Dom 1 Nov 2009 - Vịnh Lan Hạ
The Face
7b License To Climb Sportiva 25m, 13 Mega Classica
Lee Cujes
One the finest routes you could hope to climb. 1 fall. Super memorable.


Tutti 19 ascensioni visualizzati.

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