
Ascensioni in World come vari tipologie da Dave

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Tutti 59 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Ven 10 Ago 2018 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Hallucination Area
21 Pin Up - con Dylan Trad Classica
12 Adam's Apoplexy - con Dylan Trad Molto buona
Good fun. Solid gear.

Sab 10 Mar 2018 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Hallucination Area
23 The Entertainer Direct - con Dave Trad 20m Mega Classica
23 The Entertainer Direct - con Dave Trad 20m Mega Classica
23 The Entertainer Direct - con Dave Trad 20m Mega Classica
Great climb. Beautiful sequence.

23 The Entertainer Direct - con Dave Trad 20m Mega Classica
Great climb. Beautiful sequence.

23 The Entertainer Direct - con Dave Trad 20m Mega Classica
Great climb. Beautiful sequence.

23 The Entertainer Direct - con Dave Trad 20m Mega Classica
Great climb. Beautiful sequence.

23 The Entertainer Direct - con Dave Trad 20m Mega Classica
Great climb. Beautiful sequence.

23 The Entertainer Direct - con Dave Trad 20m Mega Classica
Great climb. Beautiful sequence.

Mer 9 Dic 2015 - Waterval Boven
The Restaurant Crags The School
16 First Assignment - con Daniel Basel Sportiva 9 Molto buona
Fun climb. Really enjoyed it.

Gio 12 Feb 2015 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Think Area
18 Think Twice Trad 21m
16 Think Trad 23m Buona
18 Think Thrice Trad 14m Buona
16 Paragon of deception Trad 20m Molto buona
13 No Feet Trad 18m Media
Gio 12 Feb 2015 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Pendulum Area
19 Top Heavy Trad
17 Sweet Fanny Adams Trad
18 Pendulum Direct Trad Media
14 Horizontal Trad
12 Republican Trad
Gio 12 Feb 2015 - White Umfolozi River
Upper Warrior Wall
17 Sand Jam Trad
16 Mandela's Choice Trad
17 Batman Trad
18 Cat Woman Sportiva 9
21 Purple People Eater Sportiva
Gio 12 Feb 2015 - White Umfolozi River
Gully Wall
16 Venom Sportiva
18 Boomslang Trad
14 Scale Sportiva
15 Rattlesnake Shake Trad Molto buona
Sab 7 Feb 2015 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Hallucination Area
21 20 Fall Out - con Dylan Trad 25m Mega Classica
Gio 5 Feb 2015 - Krantzkloof Nature Reserve
The Bone Yard
17 Dancing In The Zombie Zoo Trad Classica
Gio 5 Feb 2015 - Krantzkloof Nature Reserve
Rumdoodle Mainland : Ravine Area
24 Beyond the Pale - con Daniel Basel Sportiva 6 Classica
Ven 12 Set 2014 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Think Area
16 Paragon of deception - con Daniel Basel Trad 20m Molto buona
Very happy with my first open. Good trad lead. Its a good climb to help you grow some hair on your chest. Long leadouts. lots of fun

Mer 30 Lug 2014 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Hallucination Area
21 Fall Out Trad 25m Classica
Lun 21 Lug 2014 - Monteseel
Western Buttress Far Western Buttress The Utopia Area
16 Utopia - con Dylan Jerg
1 13 arrampicata in lead da Justin
2 16 arrampicata in lead da Luke Davis
3 16 arrampicata in lead da Dylan Jerg
Trad 130m Mega Classica
Most fun climb I have done in a long time. very scary and good if you want to grow a pair.

Mar 6 Mag 2014 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Think Area
16 Think Trad 23m Buona
night climbing was out of this world. not 1 light with us and it was dark. felt like you would do fall into nothing. truly great

Lun 21 Apr 2014 - Swinburne
The Forest Boulders Pyramid Boulder
16 Welcome to Borneo Sportiva 11 Mega Classica
Very good if wind is about 50km/h and Sh1t cold... about 11*C. Otherwise very easy.

16 Welcome to Borneo Sportiva 11 Mega Classica
Very good if wind is about 50km/h and Sh1t cold... about 11*C. Otherwise very easy.

Lun 21 Apr 2014 - Swinburne
Spearhead Boulders The Spearhead
18 Lost Arrow Sportiva 19m, 13 Molto buona
18 Quiver Sportiva 12m, 7 Buona
Ven 31 Gen 2014 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Pendulum Area
11 Zig-Zag Trad
11 Zig-Zag Trad
Sab 2 Nov 2013 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Think Area
14 Adam Trad 18m Molto buona
Dom 22 Set 2013 - Lion's Head
Sandstone Clifton Sector
15 Clifton Crest (Taking Down the Lion) - con Onsight Trad 200m Classica
Hard to find but Amazing climbing

Mar 10 Set 2013 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Pendulum Area
18 Pendulum Direct Trad Media
Nice climb. The stuck nut is a geart placment as its stuck and is a good hight to allow a decient lead out to the roof. The layback before the roof is amazing and you can either layback or arm-jam it. Its a fun route but very pumpy. Shake out as often as possable....

Mar 10 Set 2013 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Think Area
13 No Feet Trad 18m Media

Sab 17 Ago 2013 - Old Baldy (iSithumba)
18 Frail Illusion
1 12 arrampicata in lead da Dylan Jerg
2 14 arrampicata in lead da Luke (Dave) Davis
3 18 arrampicata in lead da Luke (Dave) Davis
4 12 arrampicata in lead da Daniel Basel
Sportiva 200m Pessima
1 thank God hold. Otherwise its smoother then your kitchen counter. Amazing feeling completing it only because you have officially, rolled up a cliff and that's awesome. If you do go (for some stupid reason) take an umbrella. Fun experience I admit but never will I be visiting that crag again. Walk in was... *crall in was hell. Take a old jacket and wear your helm. and run like hell to the end.

Gio 27 Dic 2012 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Think Area
14 Adam Trad 18m Molto buona
This is one of my favourite climbes. It a very fun climb and great for beginners as well as a good warm-up for all climbers.

Mer 14 Apr 2010 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Think Area
14 Adam Trad 18m Molto buona
Gio 12 Set 2013 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Think Area
14 Adam Trad 18m Molto buona
Mer 11 Set 2013 - Krantzkloof Nature Reserve
The Bone Yard
19 Road Kill Sportiva 25m, 9 Media
Mar 10 Set 2013 - Krantzkloof Nature Reserve
The Bone Yard
17 In Retrospect Sportiva 23m, 9 Molto buona
A good climb to set up top-rope and do laps on.

17 In Retrospect Sportiva 23m, 9 Molto buona
Said to be the hardest 17 is KZN. A really fun climb!

Mar 10 Set 2013 - Krantzkloof Nature Reserve
13 Shapimus Minimus Trad
Fun warmup

12 Kotchimus Maximus Trad Media
19 Liquid Desire Trad 15m Molto buona
17 C’est la Bon Trad Classica
Amazing climb!

Mar 10 Set 2013 - Monteseel
Eastern Buttress Near Eastern Buttress The Think Area
18 Think Thrice Trad 14m Buona
Its a good climb, but a bit awkward near the top but an enjoyable climb.


Tutti 59 ascensioni visualizzati.

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