
Ascents as Tick by Brendan Coulter

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Showing all 39 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
22 Pole Dancer P1
1 Trad
Mixed trad 40m, 12 Cape Raoul Sun 25th Dec 2022
Got to the base of P2, stepped around the corner and almost got blown off the wall! Turns out the wind forecast underestimated it a little. Decided the summit wasn’t worth it, and turned around.

Left the carpark at 7am, and got back at 7:30pm.

There’s a fixed line in the access gully (waterfall right now), but it’s a little damaged where it rubs the rock, so trust at your own risk, and bring your own rope too

27 Bell Boys Bereavement Mixed trad 30m, 8 Mount Buffalo Classic Mon 27th Dec 2021
Wanted to see what a 27 on granite felt like. Spoiler alert: HARD!

Couldn’t figure out the last bolt, but got the rest. Also gave me an excuse to run another lap of Lift Ladies

23 Hanging Corner Mixed trad 40m, 6 Cania Gorge Tue 23rd Jun 2020

22 Lucky 13 Mixed trad 35m, 6 Cania Gorge Good Tue 23rd Jun 2020
Broke off the rest jug before the first bolt... oops!

16 The Pintle Left Hand Variant Mixed trad 70m, 1 Mount Buffalo Good Thu 23rd Dec 2021
Nice easy corner to escape for the day.

22/23 Orange Marmalade P1
1 Trad
Mixed trad 55m, 1 Blue Mountains Thu 25th Apr 2024
There happened to be a party on Clockwork Orage when we rocked up, so did the first pitch of this to kill the time.

Despite the description, the “bolted belay” of the adjacent route is actually 2 carrots… so lowered Aidan and then down-led the pitch. Cleaned up an old stuck sling in the process too, which literally pulled apart in my hands.

16 Horse-drawn Zeppelin Trad 12m Frog Buttress Good Mon 6th Jun 2016
Seconding as a warmup for the day

17 Dave Mank's Electric Gorilla Direct Finish - with Alex Mougenot, Kyle Addy Trad 6m Frog Buttress Good Jun 2020
No anchor on top of the pillar, best to climb down the other side. Awesome, airy position

20 Trap for Young Players Trad 11m Frog Buttress Good May 2020
Burn on top-rope since we already had is set for DMEG

24 Impulse Trad 18m Frog Buttress Mega Classic May 2020
Didn't have enough gear to safely lead it, so had to resort to a top-rope burn. Still super fun climbing

20 Corner of Eden Trad 35m Frog Buttress Very Good May 2020
28 Brown Corduroy Trousers - with Alex Mougenot, Kyle Addy Trad 25m Frog Buttress Mega Classic May 2020
Being a gymnast would help here!

18 Plume Trad 25m Frog Buttress Mega Classic May 2020
24 Marshmallow Trad 15m Cania Gorge Very Good Jun 2020
Top-roped to scout it out. Turns out Josiah Hess is far better at finding pro than I am, and saved this face from unnecessary bolts

14 12 Lord Bumble Trad 35m Cania Gorge Good Jun 2020
20 Purple Moonbeam Trad 30m Cania Gorge Good Jun 2020
20 22 King Cania (Roof Crack) Trad 15m Cania Gorge Good Tue 23rd Jun 2020
14 Roarke's Rift - with Rachael Brock, Mike Trad 55m Girraween Good Tue 7th Jul 2020
It started sprinkling as I was racking up, but being the badass I am, I decide to do it anyway! Pro-tip: I’m not a badass, and granite friction slab is not fun when wet! The sprinkle turned into a downpour, and I bailed from the top of pitch 1. We came back the next day for the tick 😂

17 16 Micron Trad 20m Frog Buttress Very Good Sat 18th Jul 2020
Turns out this thing goes quite well on a single rack of offset nuts

20 Catharsis Trad 20m Frog Buttress Average Sat 18th Jul 2020
One last lap of the day, followed ninja up. Did the old-school way too!

20 Rickety Kate - with Josiah Hess Trad 15m Frog Buttress Classic Fri 31st Jul 2020
What a way to finish up the 20 20s! Topped out at 8:45pm

20 Lord of the Flies - with Josiah Hess Trad 40m Frog Buttress Very Good Fri 31st Jul 2020
20 Pollux - with Josiah Hess Trad 23m Frog Buttress Good Fri 31st Jul 2020
"Hardest 20 if you can't offwidth OR face-climb around the offwidth"

20 Corner of Eden - with Josiah Hess Trad 35m Frog Buttress Very Good Fri 31st Jul 2020
At climb #14, Josiah Hess thought it'd be fun to take the grunty, soul destroying chimney/offwidth rather than the face-climbing variant. It almost broke me!

20 Egotistical Pineapple - with Josiah Hess Trad 14m Frog Buttress Very Good Fri 31st Jul 2020
20 Cock Crack - with Josiah Hess Trad 38m Frog Buttress Fri 31st Jul 2020
20 Termination - with Josiah Hess Trad 18m Frog Buttress Fri 31st Jul 2020
20 Juggernaut - with Josiah Hess Trad 30m Frog Buttress Mega Classic Fri 31st Jul 2020
The hardest 21 at frog! The sun had risen, and after this I thought for sure our attempt at 20 20s was over. There's no way we'd have enough energy after being blasted by this monster!

20 Short Order - with Josiah Hess Trad 30m Frog Buttress Fri 31st Jul 2020
Honestly, I barely even remember doing this one! Was Josiah's lead, and I was still recovering from Juggernaut

20 20 R Holy Grail - with Josiah Hess Trad 25m Frog Buttress Very Good Fri 31st Jul 2020
Not as bad/runout as the description suggests. I wouldn't suggest placing gear behind the boot, but it's pretty bomber the rest of the way, and decent climbing.

20 Devils Dihedral - with Josiah Hess Trad 45m Frog Buttress Mega Classic Fri 31st Jul 2020
15 The Carthaginian Trad 33m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 24th Apr 2021
Got Raechelle to lead another trad route

13 Clockwork Orange Corner - with Raechelle Trad 15m Frog Buttress Very Good Sun 16th May 2021
I'm impressed I'd never gotten on this one before. Fun 3d climbing

16 Hooked on a Ceiling - with Dale Williamson Trad 20m Cania Gorge Good Tue 29th Jun 2021
Fortunately there's tons of face holds to save offwidthing too hard!

19 Comeback Trail Trad 29m Mount Buffalo Good Mon 27th Dec 2021
Made an adventure out of this thing! Ended up being 3 pitches of awesome (although not the climb) Rapped down from above Wicked Solitaire and walked across (terrible idea), scrambled up and squeezed through a chimney to get to the tree (p1).

Did the corner as intended, but was not keen for the mossy, wet, and crumbly traverse. Decided that the finger crack going up and left looked WAY more fun. Doubt it’s a FA (it’s just so obvious), but was so full of loose and crumbly rock it’s obviously not been touched for many many years. 3 stars (probably about 22, but hard to tell given the loose rock and wetness) - out left and belayed on the ledge.

Finished up the mossy crack, which was harder than it looked, but really topped off the adventure

18 Kufr Trad 40m Cape Raoul Classic Sun 25th Dec 2022
5 stars for the handcrack! Absolutely incredible! Take 2 stars for the questionable rock up top, and it’s still worth doing. Maybe a better option than Rain of Terror (more direct to jihad if you step right at the top out), but you’d need an extra .75-2.

Where’s the crag “yo-yo” tick style? Took the guide’s recommended light rack, and forgot the #3, then got lost and missed Rain of Terror. 2/3rd of the way up, with only 3 pieces in, and no more gear that would fit, I decided the only safe approach is to retrieve the two pieces under me. Does mean I got to do the route twice, which is awesome

12 Apline Trad 70m Freycinet National Park Sat 31st Dec 2022
Rachael’s lead, she nailed it

27 Deeper Water
1 Trad
2 Trad
3 Trad
4 Top rope
5 Top rope
6 Trad
7 Top rope
8 Trad
9 Trad
Trad 310m Lake Huntley Mega Classic Sun 22nd Jan 2023
Epic route, epic day! Keen to get back on it (when I’m a little stronger)

Decided to rap the route with a single rope and tag line, for a single day mission, stashing snacks and water bottles at belays.

First rap (to top of golden corner went smoothly). From the golden corner we learned a lesson - when pulling a biner-block abseil, if the anchor twists the rope, it’s impossible to pull.

We spent ages pulling as hard as we could, before realizing the futility. Cue lead-solo French-free shenanigans up the first few bolts to retrieve the rope.

Next rap down the 23+24 went smoothly because there were double biners left on the hangers.

Down the “balls in a juicer”, we learned (the hard way) that it was our single biners on each hanger causing the twisting. Not keen to repeat our previous efforts, and the fact that it was now after midday - we decided that we’d go from here.

I “jugged” (on a prussik and grigri) back the whole pitch, belayed Seth up, then lowered and had a crack at it myself. The climbing, surprisingly, went smoothly.

26 - nails! toprope flash by the skin of my teeth. Not the nicest warmup, but a great intro to conglomerate slabs.

23 - Seth took the lead so I could rest my fingers. As I unclip the last bolt, eye-to-eye with the belay, I say the dumbest thing I could “probably shouldn’t fall here”, which was the precursor to a rock snapping, and me swinging straight under the belay.

24 - Onsight. Very tricky to figure out. You don’t notice the runout because you’re too focused on climbing.

25 - toprope flash - lead by Seth. Epic move out for the crux, I’m stoked I got it given the pack and how cooked I was.

20, 20 - linked the last 2. Was excited for the variety of a chimney. Decided I’d had enough variety on the dripping, mossy hand traverse

15 Big Fun - with Rachael Brock Sport 25m, 7 Mount Buffalo Very Good Thu 23rd Dec 2021
Rachael quickly regretted volunteering to lead, but pushed through the fear wonderfully. First climb at Buffalo, and a great warmup.


Showing all 39 ascents.