




A beautiful tropical city in a stunning but humid environment. Plenty of bouldering, very few routes.


Cairns is a city in Far North Queensland. It has an abundance of granite boulders, beautiful gorges of bullet hard schist and gneiss, and the odd stunning though hidden granite cliff, only visible through or above the rainforest.

There are a few locally knowledgeable people attending the hotspots of the region often, despite it being seemingly quiet. Many can be found through the Cairns Rock Climbing Facebook page:

It has a tropical climate year round, summer being hotter and with higher humidity, and winter hosting near perfect send conditions. The winter days are also not quite as short as you might find further south so there's more time for sendage between dawn and dusk.

Access issues

Be wary at any coastal or riverside crags for the potential of crocodiles and if you're in the water marine stingers.


Easiest way to get here is by plane with both a domestic and international airport to fly into.

Where to stay

There are many different levels of accommodation in Cairns, from luxury hotels to camping.


Clean up wherever you go, take your rubbish, or any you find out with you. Brush chalk. So many of these areas are pristine and we should all make an effort to keep it that way.

Clean and brush but try minimise destroying vegetation. Steel wire brushes are okay in most places but avoid if possible.

Tick marks are ok, but please brush them off when you leave.

Please don't chip holds and do minimise contrived routes. Also minimise route beta in descriptions to ease onsight attempts.

For any route you create that you know is hard to find, please add in the lat and long in the route details / geotag it so it can be found using maps. Finding the routes in the rainforest can be hard.


History timeline chart

According to the old QURANK regional guides (found in the link below), a lot of the early routes and boulders were established by Steve, jari ekstrom, Jason Shaw, and Lee Skidmore for example around 1993.

The area saw a reinvigoration thanks to Cameron Wycherley and Jared Tyerman starting in the mid 2010's, establishing a huge number of new problems around the area. Glen Hayford and Callum Mather further established hard boulders throughout 2020 onward. Nick Murphy then in mid 2020 added many new problems also. The developmental potential here will almost always remain great!


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Thu 27 Jul
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