
Routen in Swamp Boulders

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Zeigt alle 75 Routen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Beliebtheit
gesperrt Strongbow
V2 John Wilkes Booth

Step onto chip, up to crimps, then traverse right and link up with 'John Quilkins'

Boulder 5m
V3 John Quilkins

Start on high holds, then up

Erstbegehung: Chas Ruffles, 2010

Boulder 5m
Unknown 2

? Side pull, throw left to thin rail, then somehow go up

Boulder 5m
Unknown 1

start left, finish left

Boulder 5m
V3 Strongbow Original

SDS Start left, finish right

Erstbegehung: Richard Sonnerdale, 2010

Boulder 7m
V3 Strongbow Dry

SDS Start right, finish right

Erstbegehung: Chas Ruffles, 2010

Boulder 4m
gesperrt Disease
V3 Brush in Mouth Disease

SDS on rail, up to slopers then mantel on jug to crimpy end.

Erstbegehung: Todd Free, 2010

Boulder 4m
gesperrt Flash Gordon
{US} V1 Flash Gordon

SDS dyno

Erstbegehung: Chas Ruffles, 2010

gesperrt Nel's Boulder
{US} V1 Pimple ridge

SDS Up ridge to crimpers

Erstbegehung: Gareth Vaughan, 2010

{US} V0 Nell's bell's

Left side pull then up

Erstbegehung: Nell Wood, 2010

V1 un named

sit start, pull up to get feet onto 'ledge/ jug', traverse right, then up.

Erstbegehung: uschi rogers, 2013

gesperrt Leithal weapon boulder

Tough underclings to some very small holds.

BoulderProjekt 4m
V1 Arete corner

Erstbegehung: Leith Doors, 2012

Boulder 4m
V2 Rope Drop Out

Sit start, small flakes to start, easy top out.

Erstbegehung: Tim Haasnoot, 2012

Boulder 4m
V0 Operation Recovery

Easy slab.

Erstbegehung: Tim Haasnoot, 2012

Boulder 4m
gesperrt Offering
V3 Offerings

Start near the burnt tree, up on some reach moves to an awesome hold before the mantle top out.

Erstbegehung: Tim Haasnoot, 2011

BoulderProjekt 5m
V2 Layed up

A bit weird but lay off the left side of the crack.

Erstbegehung: Tim Haasnoot, 2011

BoulderProjekt 5m
V1 This way up

Lay off the right side of the crack.

Erstbegehung: Tim Haasnoot, 2011

BoulderProjekt 5m
V7 Can't Get Better Than This

Sit start low on the flake, follow flake to a tough final slope. A stand start variant can be done at V6.

Erstbegehung: Gerd Deiter, 2012

gesperrt Rhys boulder
V3 Rhys's crack

Layback crack

Erstbegehung: Rhys Van Gastel, 2010

Boulder 3m
gesperrt Sketch-up boulder
V3 Don't pull too hard

Burly fun, don't yank on the loose block too much

V3 Knee bar problem

Done in 2009 (3rd annual)

Erstbegehung: Artie Schultz, 2009

gesperrt Loose Flake
V4 Un-flakeaway

2m left of unbreakaway, a huge scar where about 5 flakes came down. Start on rounded crimps on white rock, trend right to top out.

Erste freie Begeh.: Artie Schultz, 2009

Boulder 3m
{US} V3 Un-Breakaway

Sit start on double undercling, big move to edge, easy to top

Erstbegehung: Artie Schultz, 2009

{US} V4 Breakaway

Start in scar of missing flake on crimps, trend to the right to top

Erstbegehung: Artie Schultz, 2009

V1 Baldys Knob

Find the slab covered in little knobs facing the back of swamp thing, about 50m behind it. Start with the largest knob in your right hand. For a bit of extra fun try climbing the slab without hands once established.

Erstbegehung: Ben JengA

Boulder 4m
gesperrt Sketch
{US} V1 Sketch

Delicate balancing up boulder, just right of centre

Erstbegehung: Artie Schultz, 2009

{US} V0 Badlands

Up blunt arete on crimps and knobs

Erstbegehung: Brendan Heywood, 2009

V2 Take that James Bultitude

On the other side to 'Sketch'

Erstbegehung: Sam May, Matt Minus & Lucy Morrison, 2012

gesperrt Chicken
V3 Revenge of the Chickens

From loose sounding sidepull, follow the chickenheads to the top. Pretty cool

Erstbegehung: Arthur Schultz, 2009

Boulder 3m
V2 Headless chicken

The edge of the boulder almost touching the Sketch boulder, loose holds at start to chickenheads above.

Erstbegehung: Brendan Heywood & Arthur Schultz, 2009

Boulder 3m
V0 The Saddle

One move. Mantel up into dish

Erstbegehung: Brendan Heywood, 2009

Boulder 2m
gesperrt Stank Boulder
V1 Stolen from Todd

Slabby, with a couple of slopey crimps, left side of the boulder

Erstbegehung: Artie Schultz, 2009

Boulder 4m
V4 Stank in the middle

Hard start, then a crimpy section in the middle before easing off.

Erstbegehung: Artie Schultz, 2009

Boulder 4m
V2 Stankopolous

Start on crimpers, over after the first two moves.

Erstbegehung: Artie Schultz, 2009

Boulder 4m
V1 Loose Stank

Jammed in the gap between Stank and Swamp thing boulders. Not recommended, watch the loose hold.

Erstbegehung: Artie Schultz, 2009

Boulder 4m
gesperrt Salad boulder
{US} V3 Chossed salad

SDS then left knee bar the bump to side pull, crimp then left to pinch

Erstbegehung: Ben Cumming, 2010

Boulder 2m
V0 Pumpernickel

Up via the nice mantle.

Erschliesser: Ben Vincent, 25 Mär 2016

Erstbegehung: Ben Vincent, 25 Mär 2016

Boulder 2m
Open project 11
BoulderProjekt 2m
V0 Salad tongs

Nice juggy fun

Boulder 2m
V0 Knobbles

Choose you own adventure warmup

Boulder 2m
gesperrt Justice boulder
V3 Socially just fucker

Sit down start on far left. Traverse right crimp then up obvious small corner. Easier, and not as much fun if you start standing under the small corner.

Erstbegehung: Stephan Gaassand, 2010

Boulder 8m
V3 Courtroom Drama

Start in the obvious "V" at the base of the crack for Socially Just Fucker. Traverse left around corner and finish in layback off big flake on rear face.

Erstbegehung: Russ Best, 2013

Boulder 5m
V0 Anti-social unjustified

start on the small block, 3m right of SJF. The easy slab to under the small block/rooflet. Little dirty near top.

Erstbegehung: Tim Haasnoot, 2012

Boulder 3m
V1 Down Climb

Can sit start also. easiest way off the block.

Erstbegehung: Brendan Heywood, 2010

Boulder 6m
gesperrt Down Dome Syndrome
V5 Brads

Sit start in small cave, then up onto face on thin holds moving slightly right to finish straight up wall.

Erstbegehung: Brad Williams, 2011

BoulderProjekt 6m
V2 Timbo's

Smeary climbing up the end of the block.

Erstbegehung: Tim Haasnoot, 2011

BoulderProjekt 6m
V1 Down Dome Syndrome

Some good holds, also used as the down climb

Erstbegehung: Tim Haasnoot, 2011

BoulderProjekt 6m
V1 Squirrel horse balls

Just left of the roof. This is what happens when you don't name a route and so you ask the room and three random people call out a word each.

Erstbegehung: Chas Ruffles, 2012

V2 Chaz's roof

Up the meandering finger crack

Erstbegehung: Chas Ruffles, 2012

gesperrt Mentla Boulder
V3 Mentla mantle

Name says it all

Erstbegehung: Tim Haasnoot, 2012

gesperrt Swamp Thing
{US} V3 Swamp Thing Direct

Start on crimp directly below the finish instead of low and right, up into flake, to top. One bolt at top for those who would rather try it on TR.

Erstbegehung: Brendan Heywood, 2006

{US} V3 Swamp Thing

Sit down start on the rail. Easier if you start standing. Up the obvious feature. Pretty high. Wicked. One bolt at top for those who would rather try it on TR.

Erstbegehung: Todd Free, 2006

Boulder 5m
gesperrt Chloes
{US} V4 Un-Named Left

Pull on tiny crimps and make your way to the large knobs. If you can.

Erstbegehung: Chloe Pizatto, 2007

{US} V3 Un-Named Right

Pull on tiny crimps and make your way to the large knobs. If you can.

Erstbegehung: Chloe Pizatto, 2007

gesperrt Alan (Steve!)
V8 Alan's project

Thin, powerful, sharp, overhung.

gesperrt Sweet Crack
{US} V1 Get Off the Crack

Obvious crack with face holds

Erstbegehung: Artie Schultz, 2009

V6 Gift for Tim

Old project from 2009. Sit start on the arete, up some tough thin moves to a final lunge for the top.

Erstbegehung: Michael Tonon, 2013

Erschliesser: Michael Tonon, 2013

BoulderProjekt 4m
V4 Logical Addition

Start as for gift for Tim and traverse left topping out the crack

Erstbegehung: Michael Tonon, 2013

Boulder 4m
gesperrt High Bail Gully
V1 Crumble Cake

Dirty little slab, moving right towards the top.

Erstbegehung: Tim Haasnoot, 2013

V1 Caramel Mud Cake

Up the left side of the slab, thin holds on the face and big holds to top out.

Erstbegehung: Tim Haasnoot, 2013

Boulder 5m
V4 Pom's Slab

Take the line of least resistance up the thin slab, trend slightly left at the top.

Erstbegehung: Jason Smith, 2013

Boulder 6m
gesperrt Split Cube
Not yet finished

Campus to hard mantel.

{US} V0 Scumsucker

Easy left to right travers along rail

Erstbegehung: Artie Schultz, 2009

V3 Suckscummer

Opposite edge of split cube to scumsucker, low start on right of boulder, a few moves leads to left hand throw and mantle.

Erstbegehung: Tim Haasnoot, 2011

Boulder 3m
V2 Slab Tastica

Thin cleaned slab with small flakes.

Erstbegehung: Tim Haasnoot, 2011

Boulder 5m
4 Vuvu Direct

Start up slab on thin holds to crux with a shallow mono, jump for the top!

Erstbegehung: Michael Garrahy, 2011

Boulder 4m
gesperrt Unfinished
Open project 9
Open project 10
Open project 12
Open project 13
gesperrt Kiddies Block
V3 Kiddies Block

Bottom side of the boulder, start matched on small crimp rail, to right hand arete and heel, hard move to a left hand edge, then easier to top.

Erstbegehung: Artie Schultz, 2012

Boulder 3m
{US} V0- Flip flop

Must be done in flip flops

Erstbegehung: Gareth Vaughan, 2010

{US} V0 Buffalo guts

Up of layback holds to right

Erstbegehung: Nell Wood??, 2010

{US} V3 Nobbles


Erstbegehung: Chas Ruffles, 2010


Zeigt alle 75 Routen.

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