



Two good bolted slabs on a shady wall


The closest big block of boulders to the carpark. The south-facing wall sports a couple of good bolted slab routes above a hard undercut start that can be overcome with a stick-clip and batman.

Einschränk. übernommen von Black Hill

Forest Reserve


Follow the track from the carpark until it swings left (400m). Head straight up the hill to the to first big block. Descent via u-bolts on top of the block. Top-rope is possible to arrange from these u-bolts. Top of the boulder can be accessed from a scramble up the East side. The last few meters is very exposed but has a bolt available.


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Stick-clip and batman the undercut start. Follow the rising diagonal left, then straight up past a series of spaced pockets.

Erste freie Begeh.: Martin Jackson, John Bentley & David Nelson, 9 Dez 2017

Same start as for HH to the second bolt. Move right and up the face to meet the arete after the third bolt.

Erste freie Begeh.: Martin Jackson, John Bentley & Dave Nelson, 10 Dez 2017

Direct Start

Erschliesser: Martin Jackson


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