
Begehungen in West Face (Main Area) von Paul Frothy Thomson

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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Qualität
Sa 11. Mai 2024 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
25 Juice on the Loose - mit Match Sport 12m, 9 Sehr gut
2 Laps - just to the last bolt (24 to here) clean, as the last moves were dripping wet. Managed to punch this one out, sans chalk, placing draws, no worries whatsoever. Pretty chuffed with this, given that I haven't steep climbed in the 7 months since my accident. My core and calves felt it the next morning, though!

This is my favourite of all the routes on the upper ledge.

24 ~25 Chip and Jinx's Canine Adventures in Conveyancing - mit Match Sport 12m, 7 Sehr gut
2 x Repeat attempts, not clean. Though I cruiiiiiiised the link from above the lower layback crux to the top, for whatever reason, the low-crux kicked my arse today, and felt grades harder than 24.

The finale of this puppy is wild!

21 Thirty Three Years - mit Match Sport 15m, 7 Sehr gut
Another repeat. A great way to access the upper tier of climbing here.

Sa 8. Okt 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
25 Swinging In The Rain - mit Gerry Narkowicz Sport 20m, 13 Sehr gut
Clean repeat. Haven't been on this in years, and I was pretty chuffed to have no real troubles with the crux on it. Just a bloody great route, Jenga!

22 La Niña - mit Gerry Narkowicz Sport 25m, 10 Sehr gut
Clean repeat. Still a well-conceived quest around the face.

Do 6. Okt 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
24 Driven - mit Gerry Narkowicz Sport 20m Sehr gut
Clean repeat. My favourite of the mid-grade routes here. Always happy to chuck a lap.

21 Flash Flood - mit Gerry Narkowicz Sport 18m, 7 Sehr gut
Clean repeat. My favourite of the easy routes. Climbed this after up-climbing and down-climbing La Nina for a ~60m easy epic.

22 La Niña - mit Gerry Narkowicz Sport 25m, 10 Sehr gut
Clean repeat. Downclimbed clean for some extra pump.

21 Thirty Three Years - mit Gerry Narkowicz Sport 15m, 7 Sehr gut
Clean repeat. Cruisy and oozy.

18 Please Dry - mit Gerry Narkowicz Sport 12m, 5 Gut
Clean repeat. Good for what it is.

Mi 31. Aug 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
12 Constipation Chimney Variant Start Traditionell 19m Sehr gut
2 laps on TRS today to access the upper ledge.

Mo 1. Aug 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
25 Juice on the Loose - mit Simmo Sport 12m, 9 Sehr gut
Clean Repeat. Draw retrieval lap. Still good steep fun.

21 Thirty Three Years - mit Simmo Sport 15m, 7 Sehr gut
Seconding Simmo to get to the upper ledge.

24 ~25 Chip and Jinx's Canine Adventures in Conveyancing - mit Simmo Sport 12m, 7 Sehr gut
FFA. More funky steep stuff. Though the crux is clipping the anchor, it's less "Fist Full of Steel" and more Coolum-esque. Probably the easiest route on the upper ledge.

Sa 9. Jul 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
25 Gavia - mit Simmo Sport 20m Gut
Huzzah, the un-send! EOD repeat attempt, not clean though. Still, smashing out these 5 routes in 5 hours, I fell off because I was dead-tired (After battling through the low crux).

More sustained than it looks, and very worthwhile!

24 San Pornando - mit Simmo Sport 38m, 16 Sehr gut
Clean Repeat. Why doesn't this get done more? It's been an age since I last ticked it, and was a joy to climb straight-up today with no real problems, despite it being completely untrafficked. Rock the entire way was bomber, and even the grey-section was so clean you could eat off it.

25 Kizashi - mit Simmo Sport 20m, 12 Klassiker
Clean Repeat. One of my favourite 25's in the Blueys. Good training.

23 28 Marxism - mit Simmo Sport 62m, 22 Sehr gut
Clean Repeat. One of my favourite 23's in the mountains. An excellent 2nd warmup.

23 Reigning Steel - mit Simmo Sport 17m, 7 Sehr gut
Clean repeat. Great warmup as always. OMG, the conditions were amazing!

Mi 1. Jun 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
12 Constipation Chimney Variant Start Traditionell 19m Sehr gut
TRS to gain the upper ledge. Even in approach shoes, this is just a beautiful crack climb at the grade.

27 Armistice Direct - mit Matt King Sport 15m, 6 Sehr gut
Just the one shot. Absolutely cruiiiiised the part shared with Armistice, but couldn't properly work out the single move to gain the razor-blade roof pocket. I "sort of" had a way of doing it, but was too scared to commit (for fear of severing a finger). Maybe there's a trick?

Fun steep jugging with much time foot-free, guarded by a single very hard move!

26 The Kangaroolity of Women - mit Matt King Sport 15m, 11 Sehr gut
FFA. Sweet! Finally got it done despite the proper arctic conditions! Having fallen off the move to match the lip of the roof 5 times, it was an awesome feeling to keep it all together for the send.

A bit sharp, sure, but its a lot of time climbing completely horizontal at a relatively tame grade. And the boulder to gain the lip is all time rad.

Mi 25. Mai 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
25 Juice on the Loose - mit Glen Thomson Sport 12m, 9 Sehr gut
FFA. More hilarious steep jugging. After you leave the no-hands rest 5 bolts up, its all campus-y action to the end. Enjoy the mushroom jug!

I'd have given this 24, but the last move to the lip seems proper roof bouldering to me? Let me know if it should be downgraded.

Mi 18. Mai 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
26 The Kangaroolity of Women (Project Paul) - mit Will Vidler, Michael Moore Sport 15m, 11 Sehr gut
I'm now at 2 full days of effort on this one, and have fallen off the last move a comical number of times. I don't actually think it's that hard, I'm just quite talented at falling off it.

A bit sharp through the roof-flake section, but otherwise this is a great steep adventure, with a mega classic roof boulder to gain the jug on the lip. With any luck, this should go down soon.

24 Is it About a Bicycle? - mit Will Vidler, Michael Moore Sport 10m, 9 Sehr gut
FFA. This ended up taking the better part of two full days of effort to tick, but the moment that we had good conditions, it went down smoooooooooothe.

Short and punchy. This is the sort of steep, juggy, campus-y roof climb where you just giggle like a mad chook the whole way.

22 Thai Virus - mit Michael Moore, Will Vidler Sport 25m, 10 Sehr gut
Seconding Michael and Will! A few hard moves, but great climbing and pleasant rock.

Di 5. Apr 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
12 Constipation Chimney Variant Start - mit Will Vidler Traditionell 19m Sehr gut
Clean repeat. TRS to get to the halfway ledge. This is a really good pitch of climbing, with nice rock and interesting moves. Probably deserves more traffic as an introductory trad route.

19 Birthday Bolts - mit Will Vidler Sport 20m, 9 Sehr gut
Clean repeat. Climbed to get to the upper ledge. Man, this has cleaned up really well from when I last did it.

So 3. Apr 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
24 Golden Giles Sport 70m, 21 Sehr gut
Clean Repeat. Climbed out to exit the crag at the end of the day. Linked P1 and P2 as usual, and finished up P3 of Sublime and Beautiful (because its better climbing). So good. How is this not more popular?

So 3. Apr 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
21 Thirty Three Years Sport 15m, 7 Sehr gut
Clean Repeat. Seconding Gavin to get to the upper ledge.

Do 31. Mär 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
24 Driven Sport 20m Sehr gut
Clean repeat. Lead solo to get to the upper ledge. The low crux was quite wet, which made the whole experience even more terrifying.

So 27. Mär 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
25 Armistice - mit Heath Black Sport 14m, 6 Klassiker
Kinda a retro-flash (thanks to Monty's draws, chalk, and perfect beta), but I didn't do the moves onto the headwall. If it ever stops raining, hopefully I'll improve the style by doing the last move, but regardless, it was a bloody great experience to have again (9 years after joining Monty on the first Ascent!)

Despite being a bit annoying to get to, this is certainly one of the best quality routes at Binary Cave. Crazy steep climbing in a rad position, with really interesting moves the whole way.

21 Thirty Three Years - mit Heath Black Sport 15m, 7 Sehr gut
Clean Repeat. Seconding Monty to get to the upper tier.

Mi 9. Mär 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
27 Chalk Chops - mit Will Vidler, Luke Yerbury, Matt King, Michael Moore, Nathan Kenny Sport 25m Sehr gut
Just the one sussing lap. Much better than I expected, and quite sustained in the first half, with 3 distinct and varied cruxes. I imagine this is nails if you're short!

I found the final face crux (before the dawdly headwall) quite hard, but the other sections very manageable. I'll definitely come back to this.

25 Digitalicious - mit Will Vidler, Matt King, Luke Yerbury, Nathan Kenny, Michael Moore Sport 20m, 12 Sehr gut
2nd shot today (and a bunch of shots over the years). In today's conditions, and with some new beta (completely the opposite of how I've approached this in the past) this felt every bit only a 25 (as opposed to the 26 it's felt previously).

21 Thirty Three Years - mit Michael Moore, Will Vidler, Nathan Kenny, Luke Yerbury, Matt King Sport 15m, 7 Sehr gut
Clean repeat. Seconding Willby to get to the half-way ledge. Has one move that you have to pull on.

24 Driven - mit Will Vidler, Matt King, Luke Yerbury Sport 20m Klassiker
Repeat. An excellent warmup.

So 6. Mär 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
24 24 M4 Thumbs Up - mit David Dearnley, Michael Moore Traditionell 92m Gut
P1 only. 2nd shot today. I placed a few bits of gear, but the gear up to the crux was in situ from the first lap -its not hard to place them, and you climb back to a no-hands rest, so I'm not too stressed about upping the style.

A cool boulder problem that seemed proper hard in today's disgusting wetness -made the dubious rock, and fiddly gear even more gripping. I got rather scared on my first lap and didn't commit to the crux.

I brought a full rack 0.3 to 4, as well as red C3, yellow C3, and Black Totem. A few small-medium wires are useful too (and RP's if aiding through the crux to work it). The crux is well protected once you actually get the gear in, but the rest of the route (until established on the headwall) is not good gear.

24 Driven - mit David Dearnley, Michael Moore Sport 20m Sehr gut
Repeat. Lappin. Great!

22 23 A Nice Day for a Disco - mit David Dearnley, Michael Moore Sport 25m, 3 Durchschnitt
Clean Repeat. Upclimbed Thai Virus, downclimbed La Nina and finished via the A Nice Day for a Disco start -all without every clipping the anchors. A 40m pitch

22 La Niña - mit David Dearnley, Michael Moore Sport 25m, 10 Sehr gut
Clean Repeat. Upclimbed Thai Virus, downclimbed La Nina and finished via the A Nice Day for a Disco start -all without every clipping the anchors. A 40m pitch

Sa 5. Mär 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
22 Thai Virus - mit David Dearnley, Michael Moore Sport 25m, 10 Gut
Clean Repeat. Upclimbed Thai Virus, downclimbed La Nina and finished via the A Nice Day for a Disco start -all without every clipping the anchors. A 40m pitch

Sa 8. Jan 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
26 25 Digitalicious - mit Matt Pascoe Sport 20m, 12 Sehr gut
3 shots. Kinda got a bit schooled by this today -weird, because I've never had this much trouble on it in the past.

Could do the crux, just couldn't link it into the lower section, and above the crux was a cruise as always. Can I blame conditions? Maaaaaybe.

Super bouldery roof turn. But still pretty rad.

24 Driven - mit Matt Pascoe Sport 20m Sehr gut
Repeat x 2 to warmup. My favourite route here!

Sa 25. Sep 2021 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
29 Stelvio - mit Jared Tyerman, Maxwell Cullen, Nikita Miltiadou Sport 25m Sehr gut
2 more shots. Had some good linkage on my 2nd shot today. Its kinda down to a single move I just can't stick without rope tension. Proper hard crimp bouldering at the end of 20m of more moderate climbing.

26 The Road Not Taken - mit Jared Tyerman, Maxwell Cullen, Nikita Miltiadou Sport 18m, 8 Sehr gut
Repeat attempt, not clean today. Pretty happy not to have too much trouble on this 6 years after I was last on it, given how hard it was for me originally. A mega v6 arete boulder with a garbage start.

26 Stevia (Linkup) - mit Jared Tyerman, Maxwell Cullen, Nikita Miltiadou Sport 25m Sehr gut
2nd shot today, 3rd total. Sustained face climbing on a route that doesn't see much traffic. Will probably clean up nicely over time.

Sa 4. Sep 2021 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
29 Stelvio - mit Match, Jared Tyerman, Maxwell Cullen Sport 25m Sehr gut
27ish to the 2nd last bolt, and not too bad, though obviously untrafficked and in need of some mileage to clean it up. The final 2 bolts are nails, and I couldn't touch the last move to the anchor. Could be a rad 27 to finish up the last 3m of the 25 immediately right.

29 Cloudheat Extension - mit Match, Jared Tyerman, Maxwell Cullen Sport 27m Gut
A few cool sequences, though brick hard for 3 bolts, and with an utterly disgusting key chip (I can't fit my fingers in it). Pretty average rock. I wouldn't give it another lap.

29 S for Stile - mit Match, Jared Tyerman, Maxwell Cullen Sport 18m Vergiss es
The start and finish is okay face climbing. The 10m in the middle is a contender for the most glue I've ever seen on a climb, and the worst rock on bentrovato. I broke off 2 key glued holds at the crux almost immediately, so it may not even go anymore. Avoid... seriously!

24 23 Cipressa - mit Match, Jared Tyerman, Maxwell Cullen Sport 18m Gut
2nd shot. Onsight ended on the final move to the anchors. Given how crap the 29 this finishes up is, this probably isn't too hideous a way to experience the rad ending, but damn its hard! Even 2nd shot I just barely stuck it.

Mo 16. Aug 2021 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
26 Poggio - mit Jared Tyerman, Matt King Sport 25m Durchschnitt
3rd shot. Probably 23 but for a brief (but extremely bouldery) crux. The moves are surprisingly good despite how strange the line looks, but the rock is generally pretty crap for this part of the world. Might be 25?

27 28 Zoncolan - mit Jared Tyerman, Matt King Sport 25m Klassiker
2nd redpoint shot today, 7th shot in total (and a few equipping laps). No particularly hard moves, but unrelenting from where it splits from Reigning Steel until you clip the anchors.

Sa 14. Aug 2021 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
28 Zoncolan - mit Jared Tyerman, Matt King, Nikita Miltiadou, Maxwell Cullen, Emily Blackbourn, David Barrie Sport 25m Klassiker
3 more redpoint shots. On my 1st lap today I fell off on the final hardish move. After that it got too cold, and then too sunny.

Sa 31. Jul 2021 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
27 28 Zoncolan - mit Stephen Varney, Match, Maxwell Cullen Sport 25m Klassiker
Close. Off at the 3rd last bolt on my 2nd shot -well above the crux, just too pumped. A hard crux, then very sustained to the top. So much crimping.

27 26 Sadomastication - mit Stephen Varney, Maxwell Cullen, Match Sport 67m Klassiker
2nd shot today, and quite a few laps trying it over many years. When it went, it went easily, but all the shots before it were an absolute struggle.

Mi 14. Jul 2021 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
26 Sadomastication - mit Will Vidler, Ben Sanford Sport 67m Sehr gut
3 more shots. Struggling in the arctic wind, but on my 2nd shot I linked to the 2nd last bolt (relatively easy terrain) and dry-slipped off (thinking I had it in the bag)! Third shot I was just too cold. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, right?

Sa 10. Jul 2021 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
24 Golden Giles - mit Jared Tyerman, Matt King, Nikita Miltiadou Sport 70m, 21 Klassiker
Clean repeat as a giant pitch for an EOD warm-down. Was kinda like onsighting with no chalk on the route, its length rendering individual moves unmemorable, and the time since I last lapped it.

Definitely only 24 -even as a giant 60m pitch- and generally pretty chilled slab/face climbing with lots of stances, and a few exciting (but safe) runouts. Why does no one climb this?

25 Kizashi - mit Jared Tyerman, Matt King, Nikita Miltiadou Sport 20m, 12 Klassiker
Repeat attempt as a warmup - not clean today: Not pumped, not hard, just froooooooozen.

26 Sadomastication - mit Jared Tyerman, Matt King, Nikita Miltiadou Sport 67m Sehr gut
3 shots. FINALLY came up with a way of doing the crux reliably, and never fell off the top at all. Now just to link it.

So 27. Jun 2021 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
25 Vespasian's Wall - mit Will Vidler Sport 58m, 20 Sehr gut
Repeat attempt, not clean today. Still not a huge fan, as the route would be gr23 but for 2 moves. Fell off at the crux a bunch on the retro-flash until I remembered my sequence, then it was easy. Sustained thin face climbing to a briefly diabolical crimp crux.

25 Kizashi - mit Will Vidler Sport 20m, 12 Klassiker
Clean repeat. Great to smash this one out straight-up. Felt easy and pleasant. Excellent technical climbing.

23 Reigning Steel - mit Will Vidler Sport 17m, 7 Sehr gut
Clean repeat.

Di 26. Jan 2021 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
26 Truth Lies Somewhere Inbetween - mit Will Vidler, Stephen Varney, Jared Anderson Traditionell 23m Sehr gut
FFA. Gave me more trouble than I expected, taking 3 days of effort for the send (the most time I've spent on a 26 in years). Could be the hideous conditions of late, perhaps? Might even be 25 in good conditions, when the face crux isn't all spooge. A very sporty/gymnastic route. Climbed using 2 bolts, but its still quite risky.

21 Flash Flood - mit Stephen Varney Sport 18m, 7 Sehr gut
Clean repeat. My favourite of the easy routes here, and more sustained than most in the cave. Just good fun.

So 11. Okt 2020 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
25 Microdermabrasia - mit Rob Medlicott
1 23 30m Vorstieg durch Rob Medlicott
2 25 25m Vorstieg durch Paul Frothy Thomson
3 24 30m Vorstieg durch Paul Frothy Thomson
Sport 85m Sehr gut
Decided to do the full Multi (since its the only one I haven't done on this wall). As a "multi" its probably a 1-star experience (most of the value being from the first pitch), and I definitely don't recommend doing the "mantle top-out walkoff" nightmare.

P1 - Clean Repeat (originally onsight). P2 - 2nd shot. 1 move from the onsight! I tried so bloody hard. Not a drop of chalk on this thing. The last 5m before the ledge is extremely intense techo crimping, but otherwise its fairly easy. P3 - Clean Repeat (originally onsight) - Sections of good climbing, but lots of crap rock to degrade the experience. The crux on this is a proper hard reach. Would be interesting to see a shorty on it.

Do 16. Apr 2020 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Iliad Buttress
24 Cynics United Sport 82m Sehr gut
Repeat. Reclimbed with a view to ticking the crux pitch - which I did! Crazy windy today, which added some extra spice to all the steep thugging.

Mi 25. Mär 2020 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
28 Marxism P2
2 28 40m
Sport 40m, 22 Sehr gut
P2 only. TRS inspection. Essentially an awesome 24 from the ledge until you're at the same height as the Guillotine P2 anchors (one of the best linkups around would be P1 linked to this point; there is currently a bail biner there) then 6m of heinous climbing on bad rock (amounting to 6 moves), to an easier but awesome finish. Wouldn't recommend this as a "28" pitch, but would recommend the foreshortened version as a linkup (similar to doing Guillotine P1-P2 but harder and better!).

24 Golden Giles Sport 70m, 21 Sehr gut
TRS. Clean repeat. Cruised this as a giant 70m pitch for a warmup. Makes a good warmup Fingery start pitch to a mega slightly steep face middle pitch with loads of cool moves. 70m just flies by!

Mi 18. Mär 2020 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
28 The Old Sleepy Horse Sport 26m Sehr gut
A pretty radical sustained route with growing intensity. Would be a hard 26 until literally the last move before the easy finish, which is nails and kinda awkward. With the glued-in crux hold at the start of this ( The Violent Young Pony ) having snapped off, the entire start sequence is much more strenuous. I had to work hard to retro-flash the 24 placing draws.

25 Gavia Sport 20m Gut
I was going to give this Very Good (and it probably is climbing-wise if you finish up Exile or Poggio), but the mess of bolts at the top of this to force a 3m contrived new finish just pisses me off.

The moves until the 2nd last bolt (ie. where the debacle begins) are actually really good, quite sustained, and follow a vague line of least resistance. Onsighting all of that was hard work with all the crux-chalk washed off.

23 Microdermabrasia P1
1 23 30m
Sport 30m Sehr gut
Clean repeat. Seconding Goshen rather than trying to clean the route on loweroff. Makes a great warmup, and is a proud line up an obvious feature.

Sa 14. Mär 2020 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
25 Digitalicious - mit James vilimaa Sport 20m, 12 Sehr gut
I was psyched to get the crux of this sorted and repeatable on my first lap today (again: a bit of an old nemesis)… only to break out he #PuntLife and bungle the easier moves of the sequence on link. Next time, Gadget.

25 Binary Neil - mit Ben Jenga, Mitch Perkins, Jared Anderson, James vilimaa, Josh Mackenzie Sport 25m, 10 Sehr gut
Good to finally get this one done, as it's been something of a "half-arsed nemesis" of mine. With the beta, it didn't feel too bad, though the difficult bit only lasts the first 4 bolts. Some proper good rock at the crux.

24 Driven - mit Ben Jenga, Mitch Perkins, Jared Anderson, Josh Mackenzie, James vilimaa Sport 20m Sehr gut
Clean repeat. A bloody great route, and a great warmup!

Mi 19. Feb 2020 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
23 Microdermabrasia - mit Tom Collins Sport 85m Sehr gut
Repeat. EOD Top-rope lap (all but the final 2 bolts) from Zoncolan's anchors after cleaning that route. Good fun feature-climbing.

28 Zoncolan - mit Heath Black, Tom Collins Sport 25m Sehr gut
Good progress and good linkage. Still no idea how to clip the crux bolt on link (skip skip?). Definitely need some icy conditions for this one. Surprisingly sustained.

26 Kizmastication (linkup) - mit Tom Collins, Heath Black Sport 27m, 13 Klassiker
Sent easily 2nd shot today (it's amazing what some good conditions will do for you). Makes Kizashi substantially harder, and avoids the hideous crux on Sadomastication… Sure, it's a linkup, but its the best bits of both routes!

23 Reigning Steel - mit Tom Collins Sport 17m, 7 Sehr gut
Repeat. This route has definitely come to grow on me as a worthy warmup for this wall.

Sa 25. Jan 2020 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
26 Kizmastication (linkup) - mit Harry Kadi Sport 27m, 13 Klassiker
Not a good idea to get on this in 35 degree full summer sun, but it was still fun for an EOD finale. The best parts of two routes combined.

26 Sadomastication - mit Harry Kadi Sport 67m Sehr gut
All of this felt fine (even the upper section was easier than I remember) with the exception of that one particular move. I can't touch the dyno method, so its back to the pocket method I go... Craaaaaazy cruxy climbing.

Sa 25. Jan 2020 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
25 Windtalker - mit Harry Kadi Sport 20m, 12 Sehr gut
2nd shot. Not a drop of chalk on this one, but probably very chalksight-able. Actually pretty good, certainly no worse than most of its neighbours. From the chossy ledge up (essentially after the first 5m) is all class, and reasonably sustained. Definitely deserves more traffic.

21 Flash Flood - mit Harry Kadi Sport 18m, 7 Sehr gut
Repeat. Still my favourite warmup here. Featuring REAL, ACTUAL moves and sequences!

So 17. Mär 2019 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
26 25 Digitalicious - mit Heath Black, Viona Young, Jenna Brady Sport 20m, 12 Sehr gut
Huzzah, I still can't tick this. Hehe. 2 shots. I can do all the moves, but damn that crux is brutally burly. The rest of it is quite cruisy, though.

24 25 Taxi Driver - mit Heath Black, Viona Young, Jenna Brady Sport 20m, 9 Sehr gut
Huzzah, I finally ticked my old nemesis. Interestingly, the move I struggled with on link today was a bunched face move immediately after what I remember being the crux. Weird. Great, but very cruxy around the roof-turn.

22 Thai Virus - mit Heath Black Sport 25m, 10 Gut
Clean repeat. I remember the crux of this being very tough when I first ticked it, was a cruise today, even going more direct than Neil does. Much more fun than I remember.

22 La Niña - mit Heath Black Sport 25m, 10 Sehr gut
Repeat. Awesome. A great warmup.

So 3. Mär 2019 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
23 Reigning Steel - mit Stephen Varney Sport 17m, 7 Sehr gut
Repeat. EOD warm-down. Up-climbed and down-climbed the entire route clean on lead for added challenge.

28 Zoncolan - mit Stephen Varney Sport 25m Sehr gut
2 investigatory laps. Surprisingly good, sustained technical face climbing, marred only by glue-coated holds and a few very contrived first bolts. Definitely worth a few more laps.

So 3. Mär 2019 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Theory of Negativity Wall
20 Theory of Negativity - mit Stephen Varney Sport 22m, 9 Klassiker
Clean repeat. Just a bloody great route, probably one of the best at the grade in the Blueys.

Mi 9. Mai 2018 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
22 The Sublime and the Beautiful - mit Will Vidler Sport 75m Sehr gut
Clean Repeat. Led P1, Clean 2nd P2 & P3 (linked). There's a reason that 3/5ths of the logged ascents on this are Dogs: the crux is bloody nails, and the key holds just keep getting smaller. A weird but pleasant first pitch. P2 is defined by a pair of cruxes in the V2/V3 category (one right after the other) surrounded by about gr19 climbing, and the 3rd pitch is easy jug hauling. Enjoyable, but serves as the very definition of a cruxy Blueys route.

24 Golden Giles Sport 70m, 21 Sehr gut
Clean Repeat. Top Rope Solo lap as a giant 60m pitch as a warmup in the sun. Today, the 2nd pitch felt harder than the first (I'd almost say 23 first pitch, 24 second pitch), but either way, it was enjoyable. Not a classic, but continuous engaging technical face climbing.

So 6. Mai 2018 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Theory of Negativity Wall
20 Theory of Negativity Sport 22m, 9 Klassiker
Clean repeat. A great warmup, and a route that has cleaned up spectacularly in the 7 years since I last did it. Thoroughly fun.

So 6. Mai 2018 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Andy's Area
21 There's a Tear in There Sport 10m, 8 Sehr gut
Surprisingly good. Climbs like an untrafficked Tianjara Falls route (in terms of rock quality), which isn't necessarily a bad thing. A few engaging moves, and steeper than it looks. Stick to the arete religiously for added fun.

So 6. Mai 2018 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Sweet Dreams Walls
24 The Sweetest Dream - mit Heath Black Sport 20m Gut
Very easy for the grade (23?) but the admin-factor is a mission. The gymnastic steep climbing and exposed position is cool, but the rock is grainy razor-blades, in need of a healthy dose of hammering to get rid of what is -clearly- gonna go if anyone pulls on it. We accessed by a roped traverse from below "weakened worriers" on Bentravato, then up the start of P3 of Oedipus to the belay (via a carrot bolt (bolt plate!), #4 Cam and Giant Wire (substitute with Small-medium hex), and to clean we back-jumped the entire route and down-climbed Oedipus.

21 20 Hyperglycemic Hallucination - mit Heath Black Sport 60m, 18 Vergiss es
P1 & P2 (linked) - As a route this didn't need to be bolted (it's not a line, or great rock, or going anywhere), but it's made worse by utterly no cleaning off the oodles of shale and choss, or any scrubbing of the very mossy grey rock, and catastrophic amounts of spilled epoxy everywhere. The first bolt on this route gets my award for "worst bolt I've ever seen in over 2000 different climbed routes", with basically everything wrong about it, held in by -what I can only assume- was a water-bomb filled with yellow epoxy lobbed in its general direction from the ground. Possibly the worst thing I've ever climbed at Sublime Point. Stay away... really, really far away. No seriously.

So 31. Dez 2017 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Sweet Dreams Walls
20 21 Smack My Pitch Up Sport 120m Sehr gut
With Scotty Wearin. Onsight P1 and P3 & P4 (linked), Clean 2nd P2 and P5. Though the rock quality isn't particularly spectacular, I thought that the climbing was better than I expected, with a few particularly memorable sequences amongst pleasant easy face climbing. Linking the pitches made for an enjoyable marathon with negligible rope drag (by skipping every 2nd bolt).

Sa 4. Mär 2017 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
26 R Thumbs Out (Thumbs Out! (Project)) Traditionell 23m Sehr gut
3 shots. This time attempting a Send in hideously bad conditions. Still using only 2 bolts on the entire route, the rest on gear. Linked to mid crux (on the face), but don't have the finger strength (after all my time off) or the conditions to link the final moves of the crux at the moment. Seems easier if you're short (due to a really good high-footer that locks you into the wall on these moves), but feels 26ish to me. Maybe hard/tricky 25 is more correct?

24 Survival Day Sport 20m, 10 Sehr gut
Repeat repeat. Warm up.

So 26. Feb 2017 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
25 Binary Neil Sport 25m, 10 Sehr gut
Yep, even after all these years, I still can't do the move to get OUT of the cave. The "conventional" crux is challenging, but not TOO bad for me, but my legs are too long for the normal "kneebar" approach to the cave, and my arms are too short to do the span to the holds out of the cave. Never stuck the sequence once today, despite a fair bit of effort.


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