
Sky Block

  • Bewertungskontext: AU


An epic roof with a tender top out! Five or so lines through the roof lead onto a ten foot top out through sloping scoops.

Einschränk. übernommen von Zed Dimension

From hawkesbury road turn into high school drive, left on endeavour drive, right on newton way, and a left or right onto Shakespear drive which is a loop. At the opposite end of the loop is a dirt road, park and walk.


Pass through the sculpture garden staying on top of the rock. Past Candy Cane Arete there are cairns pointing the way. A little bush bash will bring you to some low roofs and leads down to a 8 foot tall roof with impressive scoops on the top.

Ethik übernommen von Zed Dimension

Much of the rock is marginal, so the need to clean is essential. Please try to maintain 'scent routes, but clean or "modify" new routes as required. The Sculture Garden has several chipped routes; with more to go in where boulders are otherwise unclimbable. Several boulders have horrible landings, so be wary.


Grafik zur historischen Entwicklung

First discovered 2010, cleaned 2012, no 'scends yet.


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The latest comprehensive, latest and greatest Blue Mountains Climbing Guide is here and it has more routes than you can poke a clip stick at! 3421 to be exact. You are not going to get bored.

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Simon Carter's "Best of the Blue" is the latest selected climbing guide book for the Blue Mountains and covers 1000 routes and 19 different climbing areas. For all the sport climbers out there, the travellers, or just anyone who doesn't want to lug around the big guide that's more than 3 times the size - cut out the riff-raff and get to the good stuff! This will pretty much cover everything you need!

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