
Below and Beyond

Zugang: Roadworks, parking, and range night closures

Trafficked road works between Northern Retreat, Turtle Creek Beach, and Slip Cliff Point have cut off parking access. The range will also be closed from 9pm-4am each night heading in both directions starting south of Turtle Cove Resort until at least late July. Alternative parking is required, as well as an eye on the time if doing night sessions in general area. Updated June 2024.

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The largest number of problems at Pretty Beach are located here, with potential for a lot more still to be established. Routes are listed North to South as you approach them. This 400m stretch of ocean side boulders will keep you going for days with problems, and there's more still to be found than what's listed here.

Divided into a north and south area to help with keeping the guide a little more compact. The areas are only separated by 100m stretch of beach though so very easy to access.

Einschränk. übernommen von Cairns

Be wary at any coastal or riverside crags for the potential of crocodiles and if you're in the water marine stingers.


Park at the Pretty Beach Southern carpark following the directions down to the beach, and walk only 30m south and you'll be at the Blocks and Caves area.

There is a potential second carpark at -16.625023,145.547305 though how to get down to the crag and how good the parking at is yet to be confirmed.

Ethik übernommen von Pretty Beach

Clean up after yourselves, and any rubbish you find take home with you. Brush your holds and tick marks before you leave. Locals use the beaches too so be mindful of parking spaces.


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