
Zugang: No climbing within the gap

The local climbing group, Rockclimbers of Central Australia has approached NT Parks regarding access to the Emily Gap area. Climbing is considered 'a permitted activity' on routes outside of the gap.

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Erstellt vor 3 Jahren - Bearbeitet vor ungefähr zwei Jahren




Emily Gap is the first gap East of Alice Springs and is a popular picnic spot for tourists and locals alike. The climbing is pleasant, generally slabby, and offers easy single and multipitch climbs with good protection on most climbs. A sense of adventure is required due to loose rock, and wandering nature of the climbs. A helmet is highly recommended. The waterhole (if full) also offers a great place to cool off on hot summer days.


To climb please Email the ranger at pwpermits@nt.gov.au with AT LEAST one day notice for weekdays and within Friday for weekends. Just state your names and preferably the wall you are going to be.

Emily Gap is situated on Aboriginal land, and is reportedly the most sacred areas in the Alice Springs region. According to legend this is the site where the giant Yeperenye Caterpillar emerged and created much of the local landscape. Climbing is recognised as a permitted activity in the Parks Joint Management Plan for Yeperenye Nature Park (which Emily and Jessie Gap are located in) for routes outside of the gap.

No climbing is permitted in the gap itself.


Situated only 15km East of Alice. From Alice Springs, follow the Sth Stuart Hwy through Heavitree Gap. Take the first turn L, then drive past several caravan parks to a roundabout. Follow the Ross Hwy for a further 10km, Emily Gap is signposted.


This is a special area. No bolting, and tread lightly.


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