
Venue Left Side

  • Bewertungskontext: AU
  • Fotos: 1
  • Begehungen: 10




The first section of the Venue (Northern Side). The Venue is split by a distinct low blocky break in the wall. Quality problems up vertical walls with a crack or two to enjoy.

Einschränk. übernommen von Silly's bouldering

No access issues, this is public land. However it backs onto farmland and this is private. Please stay close to the cliff when approaching so as not to walk through the farmers land. This area is only frequented by the local climbers and has minimal traffic. Please keep it this way so no access issues arise by practicing LNT ethics and keeping a low profile.

Ethik übernommen von Silly's bouldering

Please brush tick marks, carry out rubbish and waste, keep a low profile and don't camp in this area.


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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

Sit start LH on good break, RH on side pull, straight up crack.

Erstbegehung: Kelly Thorpe

Sit start in crack 1m right of Morning Ray, good ledge for feet. Up crack to top.

Erstbegehung: Kelly Thorpe

Start on large jug (same as for Gneiss Arete). Traverse left with a hard move to gain the crack/weakness. Straight up and mantle on slimps. Fun!

Erstbegehung: Kelly Thorpe

Stand start on huge jug, nice moves to a big horn on the lip, mantle.

Erstbegehung: Kelly Thorpe

Easy slab on the corner

Erstbegehung: Kelly Thorpe

Sit start at the bottom of the crack, quest upwards and mantle. Large pads help. Great fun!

Erstbegehung: Kelly Thorpe

Sit start 2m right of Das ist gut yah. LH on good high side pull, RH on small low side pull. Move left to crimp and undercling, tough move up to edge then top.

Erstbegehung: Kelly Thorpe

Same start as Cotator Ruff, straight up and right

Erstbegehung: Lucy Watson

Sit start on sidepulls and up.

Erstbegehung: Kelly Thorpe

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