
Pride Rock

  • Bewertungskontext: AU
  • Fotos: 1
  • Begehungen: 15




Beatiful large boulder opposite The Graveyard with steep climbing. Left side of the boulder has moderates and as you work your way around they get harder and better. Some vertical problems just next to it are also included. Classic!

Einschränk. übernommen von Silly's bouldering

No access issues, this is public land. However it backs onto farmland and this is private. Please stay close to the cliff when approaching so as not to walk through the farmers land. This area is only frequented by the local climbers and has minimal traffic. Please keep it this way so no access issues arise by practicing LNT ethics and keeping a low profile.

Ethik übernommen von Silly's bouldering

Please brush tick marks, carry out rubbish and waste, keep a low profile and don't camp in this area.


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Sit start on shark tooth jug, out through jugs, tough mantle at the hole

Erstbegehung: Andre Pearson

Sit start same as Nala, big move right to ledge, along this and straight out through steep roof.

Erstbegehung: Andre Pearson

Sit start same as Nala, big move right to ledge, along this and keep going right, exit through big holds to top.

Erstbegehung: Andre Pearson

Sit start in the back of cave on two good incuts and a heel hook, big first move and out on cool features. Up the slab and to the top, mega classic!

Erstbegehung: Kelly Thorpe

Sit start on low twin undercling blobs, fire through good holds to large underclings. Monster throw to lip then a technical exit left and up slab. Classic!

Erstbegehung: Kelly Thorpe

Amazing overhanging arete climbing. Sit start on large jug right of Mufasa. Tough opening moves to a great finish! Rocks on the right are out. Another classic from the one and only Mick Wells.

Erstbegehung: Mick Wells

Stand start on large ledge and up to good jug on lip.

Erstbegehung: Kelly Thorpe

Sit start on black undercling pockets, up face/arete.

Erstbegehung: Kelly Thorpe

Stand start on obvious crimp edge at chest height with a good right foot down low. Dead point for top, mantle out.

Sit start on giant ledge with feet on ledge below. Move up through slimpers with tricky moves near the top. Quality

Erstbegehung: Kelly Thorpe

Awkward sit start on incut. Get high feet and throw right and mantle. Not great but a good power test.

Erstbegehung: Kelly Thorpe

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