
Begehungen von Remains Of The Day

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Zeige 1 - 100 von 156 Begehungen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Gebiet Qualität Kletterer Datum
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Bill Strachan
Di 13. Apr 2010
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Ryan Sturgeon
Mo 15. Nov 2010
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Mega-Klassiker
Mark Gamble
Sa 21. Mai 2011
Very much a sandbag at 16.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Mo 24. Jun 2013
An ok climb. Be careful of the slime and wet areas on pitch 4. It was fun to mix in some trad too.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Glen Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Klassiker
David McAuslan
Sa 17. Aug 2013
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Sa 7. Dez 2013
16 17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
So 2. Mär 2014
Only went as far as pitch 3 then was hit by rockfall

17 Remains Of The Day - mit michael obrien
1 17 Vorstieg durch mick
2 16 Vorstieg durch me
3 16 Vorstieg durch mick
4 16 Vorstieg durch me
5 15 Vorstieg durch mick
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Pete Ashenden
So 16. Aug 2015
Didn't realise this was falcon nesting time. Oops, but i don't think we disturbed them. Mick with one shoe made for an interesting day

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Mariella Stradiva
Di 22. Sep 2015
17 Remains Of The Day - mit PattyD Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Rob Medlicott
So 17. Jun 2012
Sometime in 2012, I think... Patty?

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Jye Purdon Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Little Red
Sa 8. Apr 2017
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Mo 31. Jul 2017
This was a good adventure. P1 Pretty tricky. Fell off seconding on the first real moves. P2 fine climbing once on route except you really ought to go straight up the easy blocky wall to the V high hanger. Don't traverse right and have to up and down climb half of Phoenix (most of which is disintegrating). Remainder of pitches were pleasant climbing on just-out-of-reach bolts and gear.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Sylwia Wood Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Grace Daff
Fr 16. Feb 2018
As at mid Feb, shade comes over at about midday, starting from the lower pitches. Do yourself a favour and climb this in winter or after lunch! We started climbing at 7:45am and were back on the ground about 12:30pm, using 2 x 60m ropes. It was hot.

17 Remains Of The Day
1 17 25m
Gemischt trad 25m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
So 20. Mai 2018
17 Remains Of The Day - mit Dan Moran Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
David Stone
So 20. Mai 2018
Great climb! Fourth pitch felt spicier than the first pitch though. Third pitch only had a few placements in some easier terrain, and fifth pitch took gear straight off the belay for around the first 10m. Dans’ first lead on gear, and was a pretty good intro for him.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Zoe Bridge
Mi 8. Aug 2018
16 Remains Of The Day
1 16 20m
2 15 28m Vorstieg durch James Hardcastle
3 28 m
4 1 30 m Vorstieg durch James Hardcastle
5 30 m
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
James Hardcastle
Mo 7. Jan 2019
Completed the climb, fist three pitches were definitely the best. Top two pitches were quite slabby and a bit mossy, complete with a couple of tenuous looking blocks which need to be used if you want climb at the grade.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit , Carole Eland Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
So 12. Mai 2019
Pitch 4 definitely brings the spice

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Jack Cartwright
Mi 12. Jun 2019
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
So 10. Nov 2019
Me and my friend climbed up to pitch 3 anchors today and cut the old rusty mallions off that a few people mentioned they were worried about and replaced them with new stainless ones .

16 Remains Of The Day (Remains Of The Day Linkup Carborundum Chimney) - mit Rachel Friedman
1 11 20m Verbindung Carborundum Chimney
2 15 28m
3 16 28m
4 16 30m
Gemischt trad 110m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Chris Baker
Do 19. Dez 2019
17 Remains Of The Day - mit , Alex Bishop, Jill
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch Grace Daff
2 15 28m Vorstieg durch Grace Daff
3 16 28m
4 16 30m
5 13 30m
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Grace Daff
So 5. Jan 2020
Having experienced the brutality of Tibro summer sun exposure on this exact route 2 years ago, I proposed an afternoon ascent with our party of 4. I gave us a 15% chance of rapping in the dark - pack your head torches, ladies. I painted a romantic picture of shaded, breezy climbing, engaging but well protected moves, victory Arnotts Shapes in the summit caves and a possible rap under twinkling stars.

The plan was for me to go first and link pitches 1 & 2 to avoid congestion at the belays. But, like a moron, I charged off up P2 of Phoenix, belayed Jelena up and then started up Phoenix's 3rd pitch. I think I must have been semi-conscious during the previous ascent and the heat had affected by ability to retain wayfinding information. Being pregnant wouldn't have helped either...

Anyway, it took up while to work out what the hell we were climbing, reorganise ourselves and get back on route, by which time we were joined by a third pair of climbers.

Unfortunately my mistake cost us a lot of time and caused a fair bit of congestion/waiting around at belays. It became apparent that we weren't going to be able to finish the climb but I encouraged Jelena to lead pitch 3, which she completed with outstanding grit in face of the daunting moves off the belay.

Despite the Shapes having to be consumed in the car not the summit cave, we had a wonderful afternoon adventuring together. And sure enough, we were still on the mountain rapping down in the dark. The full Tibro experience!

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Chris Baker
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch Chris Baker
2 15 28m Vorstieg durch Rachel Friedman
3 16 28m Vorstieg durch Chris Baker
4 16 30m Vorstieg durch Rachel Friedman
Gemischt trad 110m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Rachel Friedman
Do 19. Dez 2019
A bit sketch, lots of lichen. Slipped halfway up the fourth pitch and sprained my ankle hitting the little ledge, so called it a day.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Jake Forker
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch Jake Forker
2 15 28m Vorstieg durch Jake Forker
3 16 28m Vorstieg durch Jake Forker
4 16 30m Vorstieg durch Jake Forker
5 13 30m Vorstieg durch Jake Forker
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Di 17. Dez 2019
17 Remains Of The Day - mit dave Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Mi 29. Jan 2020
17 Remains Of The Day - mit Kyle Addy
4 17 20m Vorstieg durch Kyle Addy
5 13 30m Vorstieg durch Kyle Addy
Gemischt trad 50m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Alex Mougenot
Do 27. Feb 2020
Simulclimbed after bailing off the major crackline to the left - chossiest rock on Tibro! But me a rap-in job.

Simuling this was fun! Yarded off every bolt on second to keep up with Kyle hahaha.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Mel, Kate
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch Bruce Schneider
2 15 28m
3 16 28m
4 16 30m
5 13 30m
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Bruce Schneider
Fr 15. Mai 2020
17 Remains Of The Day - mit Mel, Todd Naylor, adon, OJ
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch Bruce Schneider
2 15 28m
3 16 28m
4 16 30m
5 13 30m
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Bruce Schneider
Sa 6. Jun 2020
Mel put the draws up. OJ's rope.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
So 24. Jan 2021
Almost didn't make it up the first pitch seconding (how embarassing), ended up having to take off the gear bag and haul it up behind me. Turns out we climbed the wrong first pitch (I think we may have been on First Contact) which made for some interesting route finding to get back on track. Some really fun climbing after that with great variety and some decent exposure. Pitch 4 and 5 are standouts. Props to my partner for his patience on the first pitch, and leading the rest after my arms prematurely gave out.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Angie Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Ben Day
Di 26. Jan 2021
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Louis knox
So 7. Feb 2021

17 Remains Of The Day
1 17 20m
2 15 28m
3 16 28m
4 16 30m
5 13 30m
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
So 21. Feb 2021
Bailed on the last pitch because the Tibro Pterodactyls were nesting about 20m off to the left and started to look a bit stressed

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Simon
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch Bruce Schneider
2 15 28m
3 16 28m
4 16 30m
5 13 30m
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Bruce Schneider
Di 9. Mär 2021
Bailed after the third pitch because it starting raining. Will return to complete.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit steve van den berg, robbie francisco Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Jack Seawright
So 18. Apr 2021
Came to climb Patience Crack but it was a waterfall, so we did this one. Interesting to note how efficient it was climbing this route with a 70m rope and 3 people by putting the second climber in an alpine butterfly.. 3 pitches only just short enough to pull it off. Second pitch was quite nice, although some of the holds were weakened by recent rain.. chimney and crack on the 3rd pretty cool too! 4th pitch was low-key hard (me and robbie both slipped so lucky steve led this one ) Lost the line of bolts and could only make 1 piece of gear work in the 5th pitch so that was abit deathy. Good intro into the art of route-finding and placing gear without the option of a frog splitter crack. I did both poorly . Highlights of the day included the sunset rap, robbie coming all the way out just to get from paddington to windsor for his car, the steaming gris gris discussed during the car podcast actually happening to steve on the descent, being off the boys for captioning my photo 'handsome jack' as if it wasnt already obvious.. some good laffs

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Aaron
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch Aaron
2 15 28m Vorstieg durch Bruce Schneider
3 16 28m Vorstieg durch Aaron
4 16 30m Vorstieg durch Bruce Schneider
5 13 30m Vorstieg durch Aaron
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Bruce Schneider
Fr 14. Mai 2021
17 Remains Of The Day
1 17 20m
2 15 28m
3 16 28m
4 16 30m
5 13 30m
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Mega-Klassiker
So 16. Mai 2021
A great route. The sport parts are challenging and thought provoking for the grade, the trad parts are easy.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit OJ
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch Bruce Schneider
2 15 28m
3 16 28m
4 16 30m
5 13 30m
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Bruce Schneider
Sa 29. Mai 2021
Just did the 1st pitch for a bit of fun.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit James Anthony
1 17 20m
2 15 28m
3 16 28m
4 16 30m
5 13 30m
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Cameron H
Do 8. Jul 2021
Climbing was pretty good, position and scenery were great. The falcon was chilling about 10m from us watching while James climbed the last pitch! Second pitch had the best climbing.

17 Remains Of The Day
1 17 20m
Gemischt trad 20m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Scott D
So 22. Aug 2021
First pitch as a sport route.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Umberto Schena
Mi 6. Okt 2021
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
So 10. Okt 2021
17 Remains Of The Day - mit Aaron
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch Aaron
2 15 28m Vorstieg durch Bruce Schneider
Gemischt trad 48m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Bruce Schneider
Di 12. Jul 2022
Had to bail after two pitches because the rain was heading our way.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Aaron
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch Aaron
2 15 28m Vorstieg durch Bruce Schneider
3 16 28m Vorstieg durch Aaron
4 16 30m Vorstieg durch Bruce Schneider
Gemischt trad 110m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Bruce Schneider
So 31. Jul 2022
Thwarted again! Had to bail on the 4th pitch due to the water still dripping out of the rock making things too slick to climb. Bummed.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Alex Bishop, Grace Daff, Jelena
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch Alex Bishop
2 15 28m Vorstieg durch Jill
3 16 28m Vorstieg durch Jill
4 16 30m Vorstieg durch Alex Bishop
5 13 30m
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
So 5. Jan 2020
Super fun day out, didn't get to finish the climb as it was going to get dark and the 5th pitch wasn't that inspiring anyway. Nice to be out with the ladies with two parties on the multi, it definitely took a bit longer than it should have with some route finding fun and belay sharing but we all had fun and got to do some fun adventurous climbing. I don't think I used much gear on the 3rd pitch and the crux of it was bolted.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Thomas Zambon Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
So 22. Okt 2023
Felt like just another QLD run out climb. Fun.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Pitch 1 only Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
David Whybrew
Mi 15. Aug 2012
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Adam Sanders
Mi 28. Jun 2017
First outdoor send!

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Harrie Van de Linde Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Mo 15. Jul 2019
17 Remains Of The Day - mit Milan Holec Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Ranata Holec
Sa 6. Jun 2020
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Mi 6. Mai 2020
17 Remains Of The Day - mit Big Steve
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch Big Steve
2 15 28m Vorstieg durch Big Steve
Gemischt trad 48m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Lauren Hunter
Do 23. Dez 2021
Couldn't see the start of the 3rd pitch, instead went too far right to Phoenix and did the 2nd pitch of that. Still fun. Rapped off when we couldn't find pitch 4 of Remains...also because it was raining and didn't need another epic today.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Anthony Lidbetter
So 7. Aug 2022
Last two

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Niklas Bergstrom
1 17 20 Nachstieg Vorstieg durch Niklas Bergstrom
2 15 28 Traditionell Vorstieg durch Leila
3 16 28 Nachstieg Vorstieg durch Niklas Bergstrom
4 16 30 Nachstieg Vorstieg durch Niklas Bergstrom
5 13 30 Traditionell
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
So 19. Nov 2023
Nice climb, full shade in the afternoon this time of year, and was able to manage with a single 60m rope which was a bonus. A bit more difficult than expected climbing with a back pack on. Due to our late start we had to miss the last pitch 5.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
So 14. Okt 2012
swung leads with Mike Law

17 Remains Of The Day - mit cris and tobias Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Fr 17. Jan 2014
awesome 7 hour epic!

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
So 2. Aug 2015
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Patrick Timm
Di 29. Dez 2015
Nicer and easier than I thought it would be. 1PM start worked a treat, had the whole thing in the shade with cool temps and a nice breeze.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit kingo Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Hyahno Moser
So 23. Sep 2018
17 Remains Of The Day (Remains Of The Day P1)
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch Maxine Hunter
Gemischt trad 20m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Maxine Hunter
Sa 22. Feb 2020
17 Remains Of The Day - mit Milan Holec
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch Milan Holec
2 15 28m Vorstieg durch Milan Holec
3 16 28m Vorstieg durch Milan Holec
4 16 30m Vorstieg durch Milan Holec
5 13 30m Vorstieg durch Milan Holec
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Klassiker
Milan Holec
Sa 6. Jun 2020
Good climb. Well bolt with some trad section enjoyed

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Klassiker
So 9. Mai 2021
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
So 10. Okt 2021
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Klassiker
Paul Slattery
Fr 17. Aug 2007
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
annette miller
Fr 8. Feb 2008
With Mark. Led p's 2&4. First pitch is a sandbag - more like 17 than 15.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Lee Cujes
So 19. Jul 2009
Guiding Kym < 2hrs - pitches 7-11 of the day..

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Bill Strachan
Sa 24. Mär 2007
First 3 pitches, i lead pitch 3

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Bill Strachan
Sa 24. Mär 2007
I lead pitches 1,2&4

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Trent Williams
So 3. Aug 2008
Lead p1, p2, p4. Linked p1&2 together. Climbed in 2.5 hours with last two pitches after the sun went down.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Durchschnitt
Garry Saunders
Sa 10. Nov 2007
Pitch 1 undergraded. Suggest 17. Other pitches OK. Some rock pitch 4 you don't dare crank on.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
mark naumann
So 10. Feb 2008
led 1, 3, 5 pitches

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Klassiker
Dan OS
So 16. Sep 2007
5 pitches of joy, great mixed climbing, well bolted and protected. Johan led pitches 1, 3 and 5, I led 2 and 4. Deserves an extra star.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Klassiker
Bernie Walsh
Sa 23. Okt 2010
great climb with enough spice to keep things interesting. With Ross

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Brian Stokan
Mo 7. Mai 2007
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Pete McGrath
Do 30. Jun 2011
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Todd dawson
So 8. Apr 2012
lead all 5 pitches as Juan forgot climbing shoes, busted a few holds on way, and saw a snake on 3rd pitch. fun days climb.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Matt Schimke
Di 15. Mai 2012
Lead pitches 1,3,4. Pretty good in parts.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Klassiker
So 17. Jun 2012
Awesome! Leading the start of P3 is exciting! Led 1, 3, 4 and 5. Rob led 2. Gear required: #1 C4 top pitch 3. Single set C4 #0.3 to #2 and set BD stoppers on pitch 5. Rest is bolts. Rapped the route with 100m half rope (50m rappels) in three pitches, only just managing to link 4 and 5 with rope stretch. Linked 1 and 2 easy. Grade is a stiff 17 and pretty consistent the whole way except P5 at about 14.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit agodwin Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Scott Godwin
Sa 15. Mai 2010
With Andrew.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Klassiker
Bruce McDougall
Mo 7. Mai 2012
17 Remains Of The Day - mit Dan Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Mo 15. Jul 2013
Pitches 1, 2, 3 and got rained off so rapped. Dan led 1 and 3, I led 2. Pretty sketchy first pitch in the wet.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Sa 23. Nov 2013
To get to project

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Sa 8. Nov 2014
Led pitches 1, 3 and 5

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Pete Ashenden Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
michael obrien
So 16. Aug 2015
One shoe, one barefoot onsite accent after throwing 2 left shoes in my pack and not realising until roped up and about to climb... Cant let a missing shoe ruin a sunday adventure!

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Chris Ahlgren
Mi 13. Apr 2016
Completely beat out my expectations . The climbing was harder and more interesting than I imagined it would be. Only put in a few pieces of gear: 1 piece at the top of the 3rd at the "short crack' and 3 pieces on the 4th. A single rack of cams, BD .3-2 should do the trick. Also 10 draws, with a good few of them on shoulder length slings to extend past edges and reduce drag on some of the more wondering sections. The belay at the top of p3 belay sucks. Watch those loose blocks! Lead all 5 onsight

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Hamish Macnicol
So 8. Mai 2016
17 Remains Of The Day - mit Scott Braithwaite Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Kurt Doherty
Fr 20. Mai 2016
Quick reccy for the upcoming Glasshouse's Rocktrip. Great route—the middle two pitches are the two standouts, particularly when linked together, while the final two were quite dirty and generally not as enjoyable. We also linked P4 and 5 to get the route done in 3 pitches overall. Could get away with minimal rack; we only needed 3 cams and a hex. Can just get down in 4 raps on a 70m with stretch if you aim for the start of Patience Crack.

P1: Kurt, P2 and P3: Scott, P4 and P5: Kurt

17 Remains Of The Day - mit nathan jackson Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
So 26. Jun 2016
Easier than I was expecting wet and slippery in a few places 4 hours car to car

17 Remains Of The Day
1 Vorstieg durch Me
2 Vorstieg durch Liam
3 Vorstieg durch Liam
4 Vorstieg durch Me
5 Vorstieg durch Me
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Alex Mougenot
Mi 10. Aug 2016
Not particularly exceptional climbing, but a great route for sure! First pitch was a rude surprise compared to the walk I was expecting haha. Climbed it in 3 pitches. Gotta love a nice long pitch. You get really good views of the entire summit cave going up this and traversing from the top across to Trojan.

EDIT: Did not notice the nesting peregrine falcons notice. Did not see any falcons nearby while on route, though. Only flying in the distance. Does anybody know where they usually nest? The only time I saw a falcon was when we were on the summit.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Peatey
1 Vorstieg durch Me
2 Vorstieg durch Peatey
3 Vorstieg durch Me
4 Vorstieg durch Peatey
5 Vorstieg durch Me
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Mo 31. Jul 2017
Decent route, somewhat spoiled by the dodgy 3rd pitch on gear and questionable bolt placements on p4.

Enjoyable and safe at the grade.

Don't go too far right along the ledge on p2 and accidentally head up Phoenix...

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Morag Stewart
So 20. Mär 2016
17 Remains Of The Day - mit Dani Hess
1 Vorstieg durch Woodie
2 Vorstieg durch Me
3 Vorstieg durch Woodie
4 Vorstieg durch Me
5 Vorstieg durch Woodie
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Josiah Hess
Sa 25. Nov 2017
Feels good to be climbing again after ~10 weeks off due to injury

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan
Ken Thrash
Mo 11. Dez 2017
17 Remains Of The Day - mit Fraser Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Fr 29. Dez 2017
Nice climb and a good adventure. The nut of the left bolt of the third anchor is loose.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Peter O'Sullivan
1 Vorstieg durch Dave OS
2 Vorstieg durch Dave OS
3 Vorstieg durch Dave OS
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
Dave OS
Fr 12. Jan 2018
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
David Jefferson
Sa 5. Mai 2018
Generally a fun romp broken up by the typical Tibro ledge or weirdness. Mucked up the first pitch by going too high to an anchor above and left of the ledge and had to abseil back down to the lower anchor and traverse over. Other than that no dramas. Minimal trad rack required and I daresay the entire thing could be done with about 2 cams, if sizes were chosen wisely.

17 Remains Of The Day
1 16 20m Vorstieg durch James Hardcastle
2 15 28
3 17 28 Vorstieg durch James Hardcastle
Gemischt trad 76m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
James Hardcastle
Mi 2. Jan 2019
Only managed to climb the first three pitches before retreating to make it back before dark.

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Marek
1 17 20m Vorstieg durch John Pownall
2 15 28m Vorstieg durch Marek
3 16 28m Vorstieg durch John Pownall
4 16 30m Vorstieg durch Marek
5 13 30m Vorstieg durch John Pownall
Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
John Pownall
Sa 11. Mai 2019
Nice route. Nothing too special, but worth doing. About 4 good placements on the whole thing, and the grades are not really in line with other routes here (eg Zeitgeist is a walk in the park compared to this 17 - even the 15 pitches on this had “moves”; possibly just the old school grades at play?).

17 Remains Of The Day - mit Cam Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Gut
Gelöschtes Konto 1029878616
So 12. Mai 2019
Can be a bit mossy on the 4th and 5th pitch. Really nice line with varied climbing. Well worth it. First pitch as per Phoenix which works well so that you don't have to climb down and traverse right.

17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut
peta barrett
Di 18. Jun 2019
First two pitches were good. Second pitch has a rather exciting start.... The third anchor is looking pretty rusty but couldn’t find a better option. Third pitch I’d have enjoyed more if I had a couple of offset wires but otherwise good. Fourth pitch also rather exciting but the fifth was pretty cruisy. Nice morning out. With Phoebe seconding. .


Zeige 1 - 100 von 156 Begehungen.

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