

Start: Right of TC-FR. Shares pitch 1 with Zoomers On Speed.

  1. Straight up

  2. Out left from belay, above overlap, trend Left to belay.

  3. Straight up to 3rd belay

  4. Crux pitch: Straight up, passing an old Petzl bolt to very loose top-out. This pitch merges with TC-FR.

(Route length is approximate)

Historie der Route

1989Erstbegehung: Chris Frost & Jon Pearson



Breite/Länge: -28.20391, 152.72726


22 Schwierigkeitsgrad
22 Mark Gamble


Sport bolting is a big no-no here. If you place a bolt here, you'd better have a damn good reason, even then, expect it to be chopped.

übernommen von Mt Maroon


Sehr gut
Vergiss es

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Schlüsselworte in Bemerkungen

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Datum: 2021

ISBN: 9377779499658

Hidden within the ordinary people of Queensland there exists a tight-knit community of scabby knuckles, grazed knees, massive forearms and iron-clad wills. This guidebooks seeks to shed light on this community and blocks of choice with all the information, skills and knowledge to open the door for you to explore all the bouldering that Queensland has to offer.

Autor(en): Simon Carter

Datum: 2018

ISBN: 9780958079068

A few years ago there was basically Frog Buttress and Coolum. Since then there has been more development than Barangaroo and South East Queensland should be on any climbers radar no matter what your style. Except ice climbing, definitely no ice climbing. But over 1250 routes with hard sport, multipitches and quality trad to make a great trip.

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