
Goat wall

  • Bewertungskontext: AU


The large wall on the other side of the river, overlooking the waterfall

Einschränk. übernommen von Horton Falls

A small trad crag from 10m to 20m overlooking Horton falls. If you park at the top car park near the bbq pit, walk down the trail for 25m and you will see the main cliff over on the other side of the river. Follow the trail down for another 100m to the first waterfall, cross the river on the rocky section and skirt around the cliff line on an obvious goats trail to gain access to the top of the cliff. Rap down or scramble down further down.


Rap down from above the cliff line or scramble down further along

Ethik übernommen von Horton Falls

Trad, many routes here need a lot of cleaning and loose rock is a very real threat. Plenty of natural gear placements around, however bolting could be needed on some of the more unprotected sections.



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A well protected line on jugs and a final crack. Tops out on gumtree belay out left.

Erschliesser: James vilimaa

Erstbegehung: James vilimaa, 30 Mai 2016

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