
Cookie Cliffs

  • Bewertungskontext: AU
  • Fotos: 1
  • Begehungen: 6




Neat set of conglomerate cliffs very close to Wolumla. A good spot for some low-grade trad climbing and top-roping on short routes. The cliff is quite crumbly but will clean up well.

Einschränk. übernommen von South Coast

A lot of rock, a lot of private land, and a lot of bush.



Head south on Scott St in Wolumla, turn right on to Momsen St and follow the road up the hill (becomes Mine Lane) until you reach two gates next to a water tank. Park and follow the fire trail behind the righthand gate up the hill. About 25 metres after the 'Yurramie State Conservation Area' sign, turn left uphill for 50 metres until you reach the crag.


Grafik zur historischen Entwicklung

Tales of people climbing here in the past, but recent development comes thanks to the pioneering crag echolocation of Marley Faulkner, the climbing wizardry of Cellestine Janiola, and the equipment of Tim Hall

Einige Inhalte wurden unter folgender Lizenz bereitgestellt: © Australian Climbing Association Queensland (Creative Commons, Attribution, Share-Alike 2.5 AU)


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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

Easy stemming or climbing up obvious middle crack

Erstbegehung: Marley Faulkner, 29 Dez 2022

Easy laybacking up crack on solid rock.

Erstbegehung: Cellestine Janiola, 29 Dez 2022

Start as for 'Return of the Crumb' but continue out diagonally right away from the crack on good smaller face holds.

Erstbegehung: Tim Hall, 29 Dez 2022

Bouldery start up towards the big crack before heading left up the face for a slightly crimpy top.

Erstbegehung: Cellestine Janiola, 28 Dez 2022

Start as for 'Holding Cell' but continue straight up the obvious overhanging splitter crack for some fun (if short) overhanging jams and laybacks.

Erstbegehung: Tim Hall, 29 Dez 2022

Obvious platform and open-book corner towards the right end of the crag. Stem on small gear, with small runout at finish. Helmets currently essential.

Erstbegehung: Mark Hoggard, 12 Feb 2023

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