
Launceston Buildering

  • Bewertungskontext: AU

Zugang: Riverbend + Crystal Palace Annual Closure

Riverbend + Crystal Palace crags are situated on PRIVATE PROPERTY - and are closed annually between June 1st - October 31st for the lambing season. There are NO exceptions to this rule. Please climb elsewhere during this period so as a community we can maintain good relations with the property owner - helping to secure climbing access into the future.

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Erstellt vor ungefähr zwei Jahren


Urban bridge and building climbs


Concrete and steel magic


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Under highway bridge near Tamar Marine. Run start at wall to flat edge, traverse right and mantle into vertical crack using the crimp on the bottom of the large steel beam. Continue right and finish through tight hands roof crack to top out onto the highway. 1x #1,2, and 3 cams is suitable protection plus some slings for top anchor

A 2m high roof fist crack with jugs hidden inside. Jug I beam rails at half way are used to transition between the two cracks

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Selected Guidebooks mehr Verbergen

Autor(en): Gerry Narkowicz

Datum: 2021

ISBN: 9780646841946

Cracks, sea stacks, big walls, remote exotic locations, volcanic columns, no crowds and your choice of the predominant dolerite, some quartzite and a little sandstone to remind you of the mainland. Many a wilderness climbing experience can be had within a 2hr car trip from the main centers. By Gerry Narkowicz. This guide features 1280 routes.

Unterkünfte in der Nähe mehr Verbergen

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Di 16 Mai
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