
Routen in The Lighthouse

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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Beliebtheit Gebiet
(New route directly up arete)

Not in current guidebook but it was there last time I was. --Lee.

Unbekannt 12m Point Perpendicular
28/29 Peasants Direct

Abseil down to double bolt belay. Pre or stick clip 1st bolt. Follow the arete the whole way up

Erstbegehung: Tim Booth, 1 Jan 2021

Unbekannt 25m, 12 Point Perpendicular
19 Whalesong
Traditionell 50m Point Perpendicular
21 Schrapnel In My Backyard

Line of ringbolts left of the Mister Bean arete. Abseil down to small ledge with 2 glue-in carrot bolts as belay. Up past 4 rings and a mid-sized cam.

Erstbegehung: Lee Cujes, Erik Smits & Chris Trengove, 2007

Gemischt trad 15m, 4 Point Perpendicular
16 Staircase to Dracophyllum
Traditionell 53m Point Perpendicular
22 The Brown Streak

Erstbegehung: Greg James

Traditionell Point Perpendicular
18 Ancient Mariner
Traditionell 45m Point Perpendicular
15 The Poseidon Adventure

The wide crack / chimney right of the Krill-a-Whale buttress. Rap down the line to a 2 carrot bolt belay at a small ledge halfway down the left wall. Up the line passing two carrot bolts on the wide part at the top.

Erstbegehung: Ivan Valenta & Robert Dun

Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
22 Mixmaster

This ones for you Damo! A long steep pitch of mixed climbing following a weakness and corner system up high. Bring a full rack (doubles of hand to fist size cams and some wires). The first 15m is all trad then once the angle steepens it's spaced ringbolts and trad to the top. Belay off FH and ringbolt with long slings.

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith & Matt Brooks, 2013

Gemischt trad 55m, 8 Point Perpendicular
18 Albatross
Traditionell 50m Point Perpendicular
18 Krill-A-Whale

Start down to the left of the arete.

Gemischt trad 30m, 2 Point Perpendicular
22 Mind the Gap

Great position and cool climbing.

Gemischt trad 40m, 3 Point Perpendicular
20 Silent Sea
Traditionell 50m Point Perpendicular
16 Fat Man's Misery

The wide crack / chimney left of the Krill a Whale buttress. Rap down to the big ledge. Climb the right curving flake to a ledge. Either belay on the ledge or continue up the crack in one pitch.

Erstbegehung: Robert Dun / Ivan Valenta

Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
18 She Sells Sea Shells

A fun multipitch up excellent orange marbled rock. The easiest sport route on the lower cliffs, and conveniently right below the left end of Windjammer Wall. As with any route on the lower cliffs, good conditions are key to enjoyment. Keep an eye out for a breezy, low humidity day and the rock will be glorious. In other conditions it can be damp and slippery! As of June 2013 the final pitch has been partially de-bolted, so you will need to use trad gear on this pitch or finish up one of the plethora of classics on Windjammer Wall. First, get to the base of Windjammer Wall anyway you can (rapping down Man Overboard is probably the best). Walk to the far left end of the crag to where the vegetated ledge ends and a very narrow rock ledge begins (5m left of the base of the route Midnight Lightning and below the route Beside the Seaside). Edge cautiously along ledge for a few metres to find double rap rings below the route Beside the Seaside (p.66 in Climb Point Perp print guide). Rap 45m from these bolts to medium sized rock ledge about 10m above the ocean. There is a single RB to belay from. You will need two 50m ropes. You CANNOT use the anchors at the end of pitch 1 as a midway rap point as they are too diagonal and overhung to reach. The start of this route is actually shared with the start of the 2nd pitch of the old climb Hooray and Up She Rises (p.128 of the Climb Point Perp print guide.)

  1. 20m (18) From the single RB belay follow the bolts up and slightly right through a couple of bulges and lots of slopers to small ledge. Double RB belay.

  2. 25m (17) Left trending RBs to 'slot' and small bush. Climb past this annoying impasse anyway you can, then left and up to ledge left of Midnight Lightning and double RB belay.

  3. 30m (15) Finish up 'Beside the Seaside'. You will need some trad. From above the anchors climb tricky fused corner for a few metres then romp up a series of grey walls and ledges past 2 rings to top of cliff. This was/is a partial retrobolt of Beside the Seaside. Alternatively walk along the Windjammer Wall ledge and exit via Man Overboard or Grey Mist.

Erste freie Begeh.: Rick Phillips, 2013

Gemischt trad 75m, 3, 10 Point Perpendicular
16 Peristalsis
Traditionell 40m Point Perpendicular
18 Upon a Painted Ocean
Traditionell 55m Point Perpendicular
18 Trade Wind

The broken crack line left of Fat Man's Misery and R of Destructive Wombats. Rap down to the big ledge. Climb the right curving flake to a ledge. Either belay on the ledge or continue up the crack in one pitch.

Erstbegehung: Ivan Valenta & Robert Dun

Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
22 Bondage and Discipline

Erstbegehung: Greg James & Mark Davies

Gemischt trad 40m, 3 Point Perpendicular
17 Gaia
Traditionell 55m Point Perpendicular
21 Destructive Wombats

Start: 4m right of corner. Straight up the wall past many cam placements and a BOMBER sling at half height!

Gemischt trad 20m, 2 Point Perpendicular
17 Little Red Riding Hood Direct

A much longer and better version of the original - starting from double bolt belay on small ledge on right side of arete, below the Levee Breaks terrace. Left and up quartz infused face (lots of FHs) to eventually join into original route at 15m at crack section (medium cams). Finish up original arete past bolt and cams.

Erstbegehung: Rick Phillips, 2013

Gemischt trad 30m, 8 Point Perpendicular
25 Sex, Bolts and Ice Cream
Traditionell 40m Point Perpendicular
16 Storm-blast

Juggy right facing open-book corner bordering the left side of the Atmosfear Wall. This route seeps for much of the year - with drainage coming down from the pools below the lighthouse

Traditionell 45m Point Perpendicular
15 The Comeback Trail
Traditionell 50m Point Perpendicular
21 R Proudly Penguin

Start: 2m right of corner. Up wall to flake then bolt to top. Watch the runouts!

Erstbegehung: Neil Plant & Robyn Cleland, 2000

Gemischt trad 20m, 1 Point Perpendicular
18 Rubble Without a Cause

This is the corner below where the lighthouse enclosure fence meets the cliff top.

Traditionell 40m Point Perpendicular
20 Greenpeace
Traditionell 50m Point Perpendicular
15 Spiders And Space Cadets

The corner between Proudly Penguin and When the Levee Breaks. Bridge up the corner and chimney with good protection. Take a sling for the big thread near the top.

Erstbegehung: Ivan Valenta / Jane Montgomery

Traditionell 20m Point Perpendicular
18 Return of the Whale
Traditionell 50m Point Perpendicular
19 When the Levee Breaks

Start just right of LRRH. Up the line with four FHs and pockets for cams or just run it out.

Erstbegehung: Greg James, 2000

Gemischt trad 20m, 4 Point Perpendicular
24 American Bikini Jam
Traditionell 12m Point Perpendicular
16 Hooray and Up She Rises
Traditionell 80m Point Perpendicular
20 Greg's Crack

The major crack line between When the Levee Breaks and Red Riding Hood. Start as for Red Riding Hood. Follow the hairline crack up the wall until the ledge. Climb the short pedestal and move right into the crack. Up the crack passing two bolts (on the right of the crack).

Erstbegehung: Greg James & Adrian Kladnig

Gemischt trad 20m, 2 Point Perpendicular
19 Real Men Have Man Boobs

Erste freie Begeh.: R Sonnerdale

Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
17 Little Red Riding Hood

Traverse out left and up, aiming for the nose. Up this to the top. There is a bolt hanger to get you past the fairly blank section on the arete. Double carrot belay on top.

Start: Rap into the embankment just to the right of the lowest point in the lighthouse fence.

Erstbegehung: Steve Burns, Greg James & Bede Harrington, 2000

Gemischt trad 25m, 1 Point Perpendicular
18 whale watching cruise

The wide crack just right of battle cruiser. A #5 or #6 wouldn't be missed for the top half

Erstbegehung: Mark Feeney, 10 Jul 2020

Traditionell 14m Point Perpendicular
18 Wolf

Steep wall 2m left of arete with not a lot of pro.

Start: Left side of arete, exposed stance.

Erstbegehung: Roy Fryer, Owen McMahon & Cerin McMillan., 2000

Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
22 Sticky Date Pudding
Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
20 Whale order bride

Rap to same belay carrots as AHC.

Start same as AHC with gear, then rings on headwall.

Erstbegehung: Will Watkins & Nick le Frenchie, 2012

Gemischt trad 15m, 4 Point Perpendicular
17 Oarsome

Traverse left off ledge to hanging crack, great gear.

Traditionell 20m Point Perpendicular
26 Eviction Order

Low in the grade. Great climbing past 3 fixed brackets to a hard techy finnish on edges and monos.

Gemischt trad 15m, 3 Point Perpendicular
15 Women and Children First

Start on the Centurian Ledge as per Impact Zone. Step right onto a horizontal crack over the awesome exposure above the rocks below. One solid move then up the easy ramp to a two carrot belay at the top.

Erstbegehung: Ian Brown & Bob McMillan, 1989

Traditionell 12m Point Perpendicular
18 Moving Targets
Traditionell 30m Point Perpendicular
15 Impact Zone

Up the corner crack.

Same belay as WCF.

Traditionell 10m Point Perpendicular
20 Bad Luck Streak

Start: At the thin crack. Climb the thin crack until it ends at half height, step left to continue crack and up into the jams to top.

Erstbegehung: Joe Lynch Mike Law-Smith Phil Georgeff, 1988

Traditionell 30m Point Perpendicular
25 Plunging Testicles

Named after the huge Testicle shaped boulder that Greg and Steve trundled off the ledge on the first ascent.

Up wall past bolts and small cam placements on sharp holds.

Start: 'Centurion' ledge

Erstbegehung: Greg James, Steve Burns & Escaba, 2000

Gemischt trad 10m, 2 Point Perpendicular
19 When the Levee Breaks RHV

An alternate start to WTLB that takes in good placements for natural pro before rejoining the original line at the 3rd FH.

Gemischt trad 20m, 2 Point Perpendicular
22 Northern Exposure

Start: 2m right of RHLC. Straight up the wall - small to medium cams help in the middle.

Erstbegehung: Tony Burnell, 1992

Gemischt trad 30m, 6 Point Perpendicular
15 Two Ounces
Traditionell 30m Point Perpendicular
16 Centurion

Left hand edge of ledge, up corner. Don't get drawn into the overhang. Instead, stay on the left face to place pro before the crux move.

Start: Same start as RIR

Erstbegehung: Ian Brown & Bob McMillan, 1989

Traditionell 10m Point Perpendicular
25 Phat Dad's 40th

Abseil off Mako's Legacys rings. Recommend pre placing yellow camalot in pocket through crux and extending quick draw. Hanging belay off cams Follow crack up as for trad dadz, rest before blasting over overlap through crux and keep ya shit together for the spicy run out to top on the slab

Erstbegehung: Tim Booth & douglas, 12 Feb 2023

Traditionell 25m Point Perpendicular
21 Australia's Hardest Climb

Great steep climbing with some tough to read moves. Rap in to find two hard-to-see carrots placed directly into a horizontal ledge. Slabby start on polished rock (cams in horizontals) to high BR when the rock steepens. Continue up overhung face above past FH and a a couple more BRs.

Gemischt trad 15m, 4 Point Perpendicular
18 Typhoon

Left of Centurion is a section of vertical plates jutting out. After this section there is a small embayment. Typhoon is the crack in the right corner of the embayment. Abseil down the middle of the embayment until you get to a small ledge with a 2 carrot bolt belay. The belay is at the base of a seam in the slabby wall. Start up the slabby wall past 2 carrot bolts trending right. Then up the right corner crack.

Erstbegehung: Ivan Valenta & Robert Dun, 2003

Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
21 Trad Dadz

Abseil off the back of buttress on makos legacy anchors. Hanging belay on cams left of Bung Eye. Unreal positioning. Follow finger crack up then dog leg left and over bulge into wide crack. Follow this to top (Same exit as SBA ice cream.)

Erstbegehung: Tim Booth & Andrew Glover, Jan 2023

Traditionell 25m Point Perpendicular
19 Czech Mate
Traditionell 20m Point Perpendicular
19 James Hardy 1000

Put up the weekend of the Bathurst car races, and named accordingly to annoy James. Abseil down and set up a belay in Voyager. Step right and head up the right corner crack. The crack is fused at the top.

Erstbegehung: 2002

Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
21 Struggle Streets

Thin flake with 3 FHs right of Destructive Wombats.

Traditionell 25m Point Perpendicular
16 Voyager

On February 10th 1964 the navy destroyer Voyager was sunk off Jervis Bay when it collided with the aircraft carrier Melbourne. 82 men died in the incident. Left of Centurion is a section of vertical plates jutting out. After this section there is a small embayment. Left of the embayment there are a couple of cracks in the cliff top. The Right crack is Voyager and the Left crack is Destroyer. Find the 2 carrot bolts at the top and Abseil down the line to a good ledge in an embayment. Up the left corner crack.

Erstbegehung: Robert Dun / James Hardy

Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
16 Grey

Erstbegehung: Phil Georgeff, 1988

Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
19 Froffwidth
Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
21 Destroyer

Atmospheric. The next crack left of Voyager. Rap down Voyager and set up a belay on the step about 1m below the main ledge, use the rap rope to backup the belay. Traverse left along the break and up the crack. Good protection once you are in the crack.

Erstbegehung: 2003

Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
16 Whistle
Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
19 Natural Selection
Traditionell 20m Point Perpendicular
20 Battle Cruiser

A nice clean crack with excellent easy to place protection. The next corner crack right of Hollywood Boulevard. Rap down the corner to the grassy ledge (as per Hollywood Boulevard). Walk around the corner (stay on the abseil rope) and set up a belay. Up the corner crack.

Erstbegehung: Robert Dun / Ivan Valenta

Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
15 Test

Erstbegehung: Phil Georgeff, 1998

Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
16 Hollywood Boulevard

There is a west facing orange wall about 10m right of Coleridge. Hollywood Boulevard is the corner crack at the left side of this wall. Rap down the corner to the grassy ledge. Up the corner cracks.

Erstbegehung: 2002

Traditionell 20m Point Perpendicular
19 Melody Lines
Traditionell 15m Point Perpendicular
17 Sunset Strip

The broken twin cracks 2m left of Hollywood Boulevard. Rap down the corner to the grassy ledge. Step left and up the cracks with good protection.

Erstbegehung: Ivan Valenta / Robert Dun

Traditionell 20m Point Perpendicular
23 Liquid Daze

Up small corner (bolt) to wall, then tending right slightly past more bolts.

Named in honour of the second who had a hangover and had recently been listening to a Philip Glass song "Liquid Days"

Erstbegehung: Greg James & Adrian Kladnig, 1992

Gemischt trad 30m, 4 Point Perpendicular
26 Bung Eye

The bolts left of Bondage and Discipline.

Erstbegehung: Zac Vertrees, 2006

Gemischt trad 20m, 1 Point Perpendicular
21 Rapt in Rubber

Exposed - Traverse left near arete past bolt, up past more.

Start: Same belay as 'Centurion'

Erstbegehung: Greg James & Steve Burns, 2000

Gemischt trad 15m, 3 Point Perpendicular
23 Liquid Insanity

Up corner, then left passing bolts to arete, up arete with cams. Near top, traverse back right and up final bolt line.

Start: Start as for 'Liquid Daze'

Erstbegehung: Greg James & Adrian Kladnig, 1992

Gemischt trad 35m, 4 Point Perpendicular
22 Titan I Am

The Point's first route bolted with titanium. Rap from carrots to reach semi-hanging belay with foot ledge (double rings). Long, pumpy and well-protected climbing with 10 bolts and one or two obvious medium cam placements, or run it out (safe).

Erstbegehung: Lee Cujes & Sam Cujes, 2013

Gemischt trad 25m, 10 Point Perpendicular
16 Coleridge

Start: Start on same ledge.

Erstbegehung: Peter Blunt & Ian Brown, 1988

Traditionell 40m Point Perpendicular
24 Liquid Insanity Direct Finish

Start: As for 'Liquid Insanity' but dont traverse back right, continue up arete.

Erstbegehung: Greg James & Adrian Kladnig, 1992

Gemischt trad 35m, 5 Point Perpendicular
24 Delusions of Grandeur

Overhung and very very exposed - even for Point Perp standards. This is a mixed route - only 3 bolts in the lower half - the rest is cams in horizontals - try not to pump off placing them! Rap in down the finish corner of Women and Children first - clipping into gear/bolts on the way down to stay connected to the rock to ridiculous hanging belay on lip of roof. Climb up and right through short chossy section to rooflet, over this (reachy) then straight up face and steepness above. Cams from finger to wide fist size required.

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith, 2013

Gemischt trad 20m, 3 Point Perpendicular
20 Guiding Light

Many cams!

Up white corner grove to block, step right. Continue crack to the right end of a big roof. Step right and up to break, up then left to big orange headwall.

Start: Same as for banksia and coleridge.

Erstbegehung: Ian Brown & Tom Williams, 1988

Traditionell 40m Point Perpendicular
19 Anchovy Express

Up groove passing carrots.

Nice wall take lots of small cams and wires.

Double carrot belay

Start: On halfway ledge as for Two Ounces

Erstbegehung: G. James & P. Bridges, 1998

Gemischt trad 30m, 7 Point Perpendicular
17 Neptune

Appears to have been rebolted. Wide corner crack with carrots as well as some gear & thread opportunities.

Erstbegehung: Werner Steyer / Robert Dun / Kate Wright, 2004

Gemischt trad 15m, 4 Point Perpendicular
25 The Whip

Start as for 'Mind the Gap'. After placing cam in big pocket, traverse right past one ring bolt to the arete (cams in pocket and in flakes- make sure you have a #2 C3 to protect final crux). Enjoy the view then punch up the arete. Great exposure!

Erstbegehung: George Broadfoot, 2013

Gemischt trad 25m, 3 Point Perpendicular
19 Superliner

The first arête right of the lighthouse fence. Excellent protection. Find the 2 carrot bolts at the top and abseil down the arete to Ring bolt belay. Climb up passing 10 Ring bolts , a couple of cams and a thread (120cm sling handy).

There is a lower start only 5m lower for this bring x5 carrots

Erstbegehung: 2003

Gemischt trad 35m, 7 Point Perpendicular
23 Fuzzy Logic

Climb off the block staying out of the corner passing a few FHs and many medium cams. Is slightly run out at the top, but is easier and you can put in some big cams if you really want.

Start: Rap in to an exposed triangular block with 2 FH for belay.

Erstbegehung: Greg James, 1992

Traditionell 25m Point Perpendicular
17 Lithgow Girls
Traditionell 45m Point Perpendicular
24 Mister Bean

Clip first bolt of FL, then make way to arete passing another bolt. Follow arete passing 8 more bolts with one hidden around the left. Apparently grade 26 if you don't use the holds on the left of arete (but given one of the bolts is around there... .

Erstbegehung: Greg James, 1992

Sport 30m, 10 Point Perpendicular
24 Atmosfear

Continous steep climbing on mostly big holds. Currently the right most line of bolts on the lower wall. Easy start up jugs then the angle starts to steepen and the holds get smaller. Keep fighting through a pumpy section to jugs. Finish up superb polished rock heading slightly left to double rings on ledge below top pitch of All Guns Blazing.

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith & Matt Brooks, 2013

Sport 50m, 18 Point Perpendicular
20 Seahawk (Top Pitch only)

The top pitch of Seahawk from DBB. Carefully up the brittle undercut start then march up and slightly right through band after band of different rock types. This pitch is quite overhung but juggy most of the way.

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith & Matt Brooks, 2013

Sport 35m, 13 Point Perpendicular
20 Repulse

The face left of Whalesong with squillions of carrots - that are very hard to spot from below. Start on the left side of blunt arete at the foot of the buttress. Although generally the rock is excellent on this route, there are many large detached flakes that should have been removed with a hammer by the first ascent team. Be warned - get your belayer to wear a helmet. Don't believe the print guide topo - there is NO lower-off anchor at the top of this climb - just two carrots. You will need to finish up Superliner to get off.

Erstbegehung: Robert Dunn & Werner Steyer, 2004

Sport 30m, 12 Point Perpendicular
23 All Guns Blazing (Top pitch only)

Undercut start to (shock horror) short bolted corner crack. When this ends pick your way up pumpy pocketed headwall until blistering crimpy crux at smooth orange section. Finish up long section of large sandy pockets. Retire. 13 bolts.

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith & Matt Brooks, 2013

Sport 36m, 13 Point Perpendicular
20 Wedding Party

Easier variant to Seahawk's second pitch. From belay ledge climb right clipping first two bolts of Seahawk, then keep traversin right and up white polished wall past two expansion bolts to ledge. Climbed on Neil's wedding day!

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith & Jono 'Bestman' Schmidt, 2013

Sport 15m, 4 Point Perpendicular
28 High Society

Impressive steep arete, overhung on both sides. Bolts still good as at 2020. Fantastic easier climbing to a stout final section.

Erstbegehung: Zac Vertress, 2006

Sport 25m Point Perpendicular
22 Captagon

A long pumper on pockets. A touch overhung. It's the ringbolted route squeezed between Destroyer and Voyager, but starting much lower on tiny 'ledge' with ring bolts.

Erschliesser: Neil Monteith, 26 Okt 2014

Erstbegehung: Heath Black & ben lane, 19 Mär 2016

Sport 28m, 11 Point Perpendicular
24 Wifey's cookin one

Rap in off double rings to double rings at ledge. Up then punchy second half with a big chuck to a pocket to finish

Erstbegehung: Tim Booth, 12 Nov 2017

Sport 10m, 8 Point Perpendicular
26 Kalani

Rap in off ring and carrot. Down to double ring belay. Moderate move past 1st ring and punchy crux near top. Enjoy

Erstbegehung: Tim Booth, 20 Mai 2018

Sport 13m, 8 Point Perpendicular
27 Rani

Abseil off double rings to ledge. Double ring belay. Pre clip 1st ring as little spicy move down low. Cruise to mid height for punchy crux then go for ze sumeet

Erstbegehung: Tim Booth, 11 Jun 2018

Sport 10m, 8 Point Perpendicular
23 Sieze The Day

Rap off carrots, clipping some bolts on way down otherwise your stranded in space. Belay off double rings at small stance..Climbs switches on at halfway mark, if you don't like mono's you won't like this

Erstbegehung: Rick Phillips & Paul Devine, 2012

Sport 28m Point Perpendicular
23 Two Minute Hate

Short punchy face. This is NOT a three star route. Maybe one star.

Sport 12m, 5 Point Perpendicular
18 Hooray for Hippies

Best to rap off carrots for Sieze The Day access, and stop on good size ledge (enough for 3) belay off two rings, start looks intimidating but its fairly easy crux at mid height and the very top

Erstbegehung: Rick, Paul, Gilles, Big G & Jonesy, 2012

Sport 28m Point Perpendicular
27/28 Lawson, git the Dawg

Erstbegehung: Tim Booth

Sport 10 Point Perpendicular
25 Zaks piker

Erste freie Begeh.: Tim Booth

Sport Point Perpendicular

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