
Far Side

  • Bewertungskontext: AU
  • Begehungen: 10

Zugang: Cania Gorge National Park contains many sites of aboriginal cultural significance.

Check this link before visiting any new sectors in the area: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/303740859.pdf . In summary, don't climb within a 4km radius of the Cania Gorge Tourist Retreat. This includes 3 Moons Camp.

Siehe Details & Diskussionen zur Warnung

Erstellt vor 3 Jahren



Einschränk. übernommen von Cania Gorge

There are significant sensitive cultural areas in the south of the park. At least five caves in the southern end of the park show evidence of long established aboriginal occupation. Do NOT climb near the tourist tracks, picnic areas, on private land or any where you may make a bad impression. If you are unsure don't do it till you gain more knowledge ie. use some common sense


Where there's a will there's a way!

Ethik übernommen von Cania Gorge

Trad climbers have been active at Cania since the 70's. All are encouraged to post their routes here. It's likely that some routes currently being claimed have been climbed before. Please keep this in mind when bolting. There are plenty of unprotected walls ripe for bolting but please leave naturally protected lines to those able to climb them in trad style. That way everybody gets to live their dream and we hopefully avoid conflict with the old guard. - JL



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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

The large corner to the right of the big orange face. Lots of different ways to climb so choose your own adventure.

Erstbegehung: Josiah Hess & Sam Gough, Aug 2023

Starts behind the large boulder. Chimney up to steep hand crack.

Erstbegehung: Sam Gough & Josiah Hess, Sep 2023

Start up steep fingercrack corner and then more easily up face.

Erstbegehung: Josiah Hess, Sam Gough & Dani Hess, Aug 2023

Erstbegehung: zac & Josiah Hess, 13 Aug 2021

Erste freie Begeh.: Josiah Hess & zac, 13 Aug 2021

Erste freie Begeh.: Josiah Hess & zac, 13 Aug 2021

Erste freie Begeh.: zac & Josiah Hess, 13 Aug 2021

Erste freie Begeh.: Josiah Hess & zac, 13 Aug 2021


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