
Begehungen in Sunshine Coast als Red point von Gareth Llewellin

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Zeige 1 - 100 von 141 Begehungen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Qualität
So 6. Jan 2013 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
26 In Between Dreams Sport 25m Klassiker

Mo 31. Dez 2012 - Mt Ninderry
Ocean Vista Area
26 25 Zazen Sport 22m, 9 Sehr gut
One fall on my first go

Do 20. Dez 2012 - Mt Ninderry
Caves Area
26 27 Absinthe (Absynthe) Sport 14m, 7 Sehr gut
nice and steep and continuous. Doesn't relent. Worth a star or two for sure.

Do 20. Dez 2012 - Mt Ninderry
Ocean Vista Area
24 Gone Windsurfing Sport 25m, 7 Gut
super tired at the end of the sweatiest day I can remember and my brain decided to downclimb after I'd just done the crux.Huh? Not too bad. This place is sort of like the pulpit with worse rock but there are some good routes here for sure.

Mo 25. Jun 2012 - Mt Ninderry
Sunset Buttress
21 Goanna Balm Sport 14m
mutual surprise between a huge goanna and I. No idea how it got half way up the cliff!

So 24. Jul 2011 - Mt Coolum
28 Eight Minute Abs Sport 12m, 7 Sehr gut
FFA. After about half a dozen goes I managed to latch the crux as a jump and then cruise to the top only to be too relaxed on the last move and my foot slipped! A few more goes up to the crux and I bouldered it out again, but statically and got both hands on the bucket with my toe still hooked! By this stage it was all I had left to drag myself to the top. It wasn't pretty on the last moves but was effective enough.

Mo 4. Jan 2010 - Mt Coolum
26 Three Men and A Ladder Sport 10m, 5 Klassiker
I think this climb is great. Fluffed it on an easy move on my second go but redeemed myself on the 3rd. Fantastic huge features, big holds and moves and really really steep.

2010 - Mt Coolum
25 5 Minute Abs Sport 12m, 4 Sehr gut
FFA. From the first bolt to the top. Worth doing in it's own right.

Di 29. Dez 2009 - Mt Coolum
26 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Climber Sport 25m, 12 Sehr gut
3rd shot after a long feeling 2 month break. A couple of sections are a bit awkward but the business section between the rests is really good.

Mi 7. Okt 2009 - Mt Tibrogargan
Halfway House
23 Bargearse Sport 15m, 8 Sehr gut
A worth addition I think. Not quite as sustained as E.R.G. but still has some tricky bits. Starts right of Voluptuous and heads right and up joining E.R.G. for 2 bolts then heads rights past 3 more bolts to an anchor.

Sa 3. Okt 2009 - Mt Tibrogargan
Halfway House
19 Hungry Beast Sport 15m, 7 Klassiker
Surprisingly good!!! Doesn't look much from the ground which I guess is why it was never done before, but your brain thinks its vertical or slabby even. It's actually 1m overhanging!

Sa 19. Sep 2009 - Mt Tibrogargan
Halfway House
27 DV8 Sport 30m, 8 Klassiker
2nd go. Bloody good. Really tenuous and desperate with a couple of hard clips. There are a lot of hard to hold holds in the first half.

Di 25. Aug 2009 - Mt Tibrogargan
Celestial Wall
24 Zenith Sport 25m, 8 Sehr gut
Managed to drag myself up this with new shoes out of the box, feeling seedy and with no warm up. But only just! Felt pretty hard in these circumstances. I did it 4 and a half years ago, falling off the last move at the end of a big enchainment day...

Mo 11. Mai 2009 - Mt Tibrogargan
Slider Wall
28 The Forty Metre Mile Sport 30m, 15 Sehr gut
Somehow managed to be fit enough to do this easily on my 2nd go!! Very surprised!

28 The Forty Metre Mile Sport 30m, 15 Klassiker
I somehow managed to be fit enough to do this easily on my 2nd go!! Very surprised! My secret: reach back and unclip 8 draws on the way to reduce drag

Do 12. Feb 2009 - Mt Tibrogargan
Slider Wall
23 Squealer Sport 21m, 6 Mega-Klassiker
So 30. Dez 2007 - Mt Coolum
25 Caught By The Fuzz Sport 10m, 3 Sehr gut
tricky start then steep on awesome stone to stop below roof of choss.

Do 27. Dez 2007 - Mt Coolum
25 La Cucaracha Airhorns Sport 12m Klassiker
28 Weapon of Choice Sport 15m, 9 Klassiker
25 Hung Like A Fruit Bat Sport 8m, 5 Sehr gut
2nd shot but 2 years after the first so almost a flash!

23 Has It Got a Chevy Motor? Sport 12m, 7 Klassiker
Mo 24. Dez 2007 - Mt Coolum
28 Weapon of Choice Sport 15m, 9 Klassiker
Did another lap for breakfast but pulled off the final clipping jug on the way back down. Then I led it again without the. jug. It's harder now!! Maybe 28?

26 25 Cleared For Takeoff Sport 20m, 11 Gut
28 27 Weapon of Choice Sport 15m, 9 Klassiker
So 23. Dez 2007 - Mt Coolum
23 Has It Got a Chevy Motor? Sport 12m, 7 Klassiker
So 16. Dez 2007 - Mt Coolum
28 Weapon of Choice Sport 15m, 9 Klassiker
5th go Woohoo

23 Has It Got a Chevy Motor? Sport 12m, 7 Klassiker
Fr 14. Dez 2007 - Mt Coolum
25 Crazy Horny Sport 10m, 4 Sehr gut
After excavating 350kg of dust off this I finished equipping and sent after a night shift and only a few hours sleep! Sports a splendid 300mm long downpointing horn and if i doesn't then it used to!

So 9. Dez 2007 - Mt Coolum
23 Has It Got a Chevy Motor? Sport 12m, 7 Klassiker
good for getting the first pump out of the way.

So 2. Dez 2007 - Mt Coolum
23 Has It Got a Chevy Motor? Sport 12m, 7 Klassiker
Now clean and ready for action. Fast becoming the crag warm up. Might prove to be 23?

So 25. Nov 2007 - Mt Coolum
23 Has It Got a Chevy Motor? Sport 12m, 7 Klassiker
40 degrees overhanging on big holds! Great!! Clips at FMT's 1st bolt and finishes at Yoink's anchor.

So 18. Nov 2007 - Mt Coolum
24 Yoink Sport 10m, 6 Gut
I think i had tried this a few years ago

So 11. Nov 2007 - Mt Coolum
25 La Cucaracha Airhorns Sport 12m Klassiker
After a crazy dash from the gold coast, a belly full of wedding food and with minutes of daylight remaining, Oh and random local girl yelling up that she loved me a little bit and she'd do me cause i was a brave m fkr!! Eventful day. The route is heaps of fun also. Very steep with gynormous holds most of the way and a really interesting rest. Not sure if I used the best sequence so it might end up being 26?? time will tell

Sa 3. Nov 2007 - Mt Coolum
28 27 Gasoline Rainbow Sport 20m, 9 Mega-Klassiker
2nd shot!! What? My 1st 28 in a day!!! Hooray. Great route by the way Lee and JJ

Di 23. Okt 2007 - Mt Coolum
26 Wholly Calamity Sport 20m, 12 Mega-Klassiker
did 3 ever-shortening speed laps with lee and jj in about 40 mins car to car!!! Hillarious!!!!

So 16. Sep 2007 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
25 Back in Black Gemischt trad 75m, 4 Mega-Klassiker
Great direct finish to OotBaItB out the massive roof/corner above. The last section goes up 5m and out 12!!!!

So 1. Jul 2007 - Mt Coolum
28 Spoonman Sport 20m, 11 Mega-Klassiker
Hooray!!! My new hardest route. Have a go and tell me what you think.

So 22. Apr 2007 - Mt Coolum
23 Relative Affection Sport 18m, 7 Gut
slippery dip!! I did do it on TR ages ago before it was bolted.

So 1. Apr 2007 - Mt Tibrogargan
Desperation Wall
23 Pool Room JSV (Jousting Sticks Variant) Traditionell 8m Sehr gut
Skip th crack bit and go right through steep bulge past bolt. Merge left and finish up the headwall.

21 Straight to the Pool Room Traditionell 30m Klassiker
Looks unlikely from the ground but is much much better than you'd think. Great climbing! there is a little scrappy section near the start though.

Fr 23. Mär 2007 - Mt Coolum
26 Wholly Calamity Sport 20m, 12 Mega-Klassiker
Hooray! 20m and overhangs about 12. Keeps you pumping long time.

Mi 21. Mär 2007 - Mt Tibrogargan
Carborundum Wall
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Gut

Mo 19. Mär 2007 - Mt Tibrogargan
Desperation Wall
18 Tell Him He's Dreaming Gemischt trad 29m, 2 Sehr gut
Cruisey but fun start then steep conclusion. Originally I did it with no bolts but later added 2 and an anchor.

Mo 12. Mär 2007 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
25 Hyperballad Sport 15m Sehr gut
great rock and cool climbing even on a 35deg day! This one has had to wait since before i injured my hand (8 months ago!!)

So 4. Mär 2007 - Mt Coolum
26 Screaming Insanity Sport 15m, 9 Mega-Klassiker
26 Screaming Insanity Sport 15m, 9 Mega-Klassiker
26 Screaming Insanity Sport 15m, 9 Mega-Klassiker
So 4. Mär 2007 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
24 Strange Fruit Sport 25m, 10 Sehr gut
Do 1. Mär 2007 - Mt Coolum
26 Screaming Insanity Sport 15m, 9 Mega-Klassiker
26 Screaming Insanity Sport 15m, 9 Mega-Klassiker
So 28. Jan 2007 - Mt Tibrogargan
Clemency Wall
18 Tested Twisticle (right) Gemischt trad 35m, 4 Sehr gut
this time with Ross

Fr 29. Dez 2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Celestial Wall
22 Aphelion (Aphelion p3) Sport 87m Mega-Klassiker
I'd forgotten how good this was. with Adam again. I had previously 2nded in 05.

Fr 29. Dez 2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Halfway House
25 Dagda Gemischt trad 20m, 4 Sehr gut
very close to the onsight but Adam the funny man chalked up some blank rock at the crux throw in the hope that I would go for it...and I did! Bastard. Got it second go linking from the top of voluptuous.

Fr 29. Dez 2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Clemency Wall
17 Tested Twisticle (left) Gemischt trad 35m, 3 Gut
22 Caritas Sport 18m, 7 Klassiker
Do 30. Nov 2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
23 Punk's Not Dead Sport 16m Sehr gut
Mo 26. Jun 2006 - Mt Coolum
26 Screaming Insanity Sport 15m, 9 Mega-Klassiker
even better than I remembered

Di 2. Mai 2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
27 The Bends Sport 15m Klassiker
Di 18. Apr 2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
21 Big Empty p2 Sport 45m Sehr gut
more logical? than circlet

Sa 15. Apr 2006 - Brooyar
Point Pure
16 I'm Not Lichen It Traditionell 10m Gut
Goes up the obvious corner 5m right of Sunny Day. Not that bed really. Would be better without the carpet of lichen on nearly every hold. Might be 17 (I'm bad at grading).

Di 11. Apr 2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
18 My Karma Just Ran Over Your Dogma p2 Sport 45m Sehr gut
MKJROYD pitch 2

20 My Karma Just Ran Over Your Dogma p1 Sport 45m Klassiker
My Karma Just Ran Over Your Dogma

Sa 11. Mär 2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Slider Wall
22 Slider Sport 16m, 7 Klassiker
with Ross. A nice warmup for the routes to the right. FA: 28.11.04 + 26.2.05

Sa 18. Feb 2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
25 Bird of Prey p2 Sport 35m, 7 Klassiker
Some finger sized trad required for the top

25 Bird of Prey p2 Sport 35m, 7 Klassiker
Some finger sized trad required for the top

25 Bird of Prey p2 Sport 35m, 7 Klassiker
Some finger sized trad needed for the top

25 Bird of Prey p2 Sport 35m, 7 Klassiker
Some finger sized trad required for the top

25 Bird of Prey (Bird of Prey p2) Sport 35m, 7 Klassiker
Some finger sized trad needed for the top.

25 Bird of Prey p2 Sport 35m, 7 Sehr gut
Some finger sized trad needed for the top

25 Bird of Prey p2 Sport 35m, 7 Sehr gut
Some finger sized trad required for the top

So 12. Feb 2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
17 Walk the Line Sport 25m Sehr gut
Gets the stars only for the conclusion

So 5. Feb 2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
Massive Attack Gemischt trad 20m, 4 Sehr gut
The start turned desperate after a key rib broke off! Might still go

Sa 4. Feb 2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
22 Bird Of Prey p1 Sport 35m, 7 Sehr gut
Mo 30. Jan 2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
24 Somebody Else's Weirdo Sport 20m Sehr gut
So 29. Jan 2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
20 Staple It Together Sport 10m, 4 Mega-Klassiker
2006 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
26 Achilles Sport 10m, 5 Gut
Do 22. Dez 2005 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
11 Kronos Traditionell 23m
13 Jupiter Traditionell 39m
Mo 19. Dez 2005 - Mt Tibrogargan
Slider Wall
14 Monkey Swallows The Universe Gemischt trad 15m, 2 Gut
with Rob S and Aidy FA:20.11.04

Fr 16. Dez 2005 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
22 Four Seasons Sport 28m Gut
22 Four Seasons Sport 28m Gut
Sa 19. Nov 2005 - Mt Tibrogargan
NE Buttress Sector
21 El Scorcho Gemischt trad 110m, 15 Klassiker
A more direct option to sunburnt's second half. The 53m crux pitch is a winner but take half a dozen long runners to minimise drag!

Sa 29. Okt 2005 - Mt Tibrogargan
Clemency Wall
17 Tested Twisticle (left) Gemischt trad 35m, 3 Gut
with Ben

18 Tested Twisticle (right) Gemischt trad 35m, 4 Sehr gut
with Ben. I initially led this groundup with no bolts but added them after figuring out the best spots.

22 Caritas Sport 18m, 7 Klassiker
Had 2nd'd it prevoiusly with Adam on15.4.05 (celestial in a day). This time with Ben as part of 'the twisticle connection'

Sa 10. Sep 2005 - Mt Beerwah
Mosquito Wall
15 Ross Linker Fever Sport 16m Gut
funny name. OS'd all the routes here and did this new one in less than an hour...what an achievment!. Seriously, there are some cool routes here, just a pity they are short. Still worthwhile though.

Mi 17. Aug 2005 - Mt Beerwah
West Face Detached Pillar
13 Emma's Dilemma Traditionell 15m Gut
onsight barefoot solo (don't try that at home)

7 Why Can't It Be Longer Traditionell 6m Gut
onsight sandal solo

Mi 17. Aug 2005 - Mt Beerwah
Thanksgiving Wall
25 Mr Busy Sport 12m, 4 Gut
with Ross. Sharp with the left, slappy with the right. 1999 with Warwick. didn't lead it as it was still DC's proj

Sa 21. Mai 2005 - Mt Tibrogargan
Shadow Glen
25 Sweet Flower Girl Gemischt trad 10m, 2 Gut
short and thin. Probably a good first 25 for someone.

10 Inspiration Traditionell 13m Gut
Fr 20. Mai 2005 - Mt Tibrogargan
Slider Wall
23 Squealer Sport 21m, 6 Mega-Klassiker
7.5.05, 30.4.05, 19.3.05: Warmup. 12.3.05:Warmed up and warmed down on this today. Added extra first bolt aswell 26.2.05: Added awesome new DS to original route. 3 stars.

21 Overseer Sport 27m, 11 Sehr gut
with Rob Saunders 4.4.05: bolting now complete. FFA 19.3.05 Starts up the big corner right of Wailer and continues up the ramp for a further 5m or so. It then blasts up the steep left wall past 7 FH's to lower off. Steep moves on big holds. Very fun.

27 Hybrid Vigour Sport 24m Klassiker
What do you get when you stack a 26 on top of a 25? Up Wailer til its last bolt but then traverse right for 3m to the start of the business end of 'The Last Piece' finishing up this. 8 shots over 3 days.

Sa 7. Mai 2005 - Mt Tibrogargan
Slider Wall
25 The Final Piece Sport 17m, 6 Klassiker
3 more times... 30.4.05: 3 times. 4.4.05: tick. Naming seems to be difficult.... Soon.

24 The Vampire Master Sport 10m, 4 Sehr gut
doesn't relent

25 Wailer Sport 18m, 5 Klassiker
3 more times... 30.4.05: 3 times. also 4.4.05, 9.8.04 FFA 26.6.04

24 Howler Sport 16m, 5 Mega-Klassiker
one lap as the draw monkey 12.3.05: 2 laps today. I've now done this 87 times. One of my favourite new routes. FA:12.12.99

Sa 16. Apr 2005 - Mt Ngungun
Lower Cliffs Owl Pillar
4 Easy Solo Traditionell 13m
Sa 19. Mär 2005 - Mt Tibrogargan
Slider Wall
18 Swinger Sport 19m Gut
pleasant warmup. Improved with the addition of Squealer's 1st bolt. FFA was: 26.2.05


Zeige 1 - 100 von 141 Begehungen.

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