
Keyboard Basher Bloc

  • Bewertungskontext: AU
  • Begehungen: 8



Einschränk. übernommen von Plunkett Conservation Park

As popularity seems to be growing for the area, it should be noted that there is private property right in the middle of the conservation park. Before stumbling around the bush into private property, please look at a map with the property lines. If you can't find/Navigate a map, ask someone who knows. DO NOT, under any circumstances, go into the private property unless you have permission from the landowners. Unfortunately, the fence lines have seen better days and have fallen over in many places, so if you stick to the established areas, you will be fine.

UPDATE 20/8/2023

It’s now no secret that there is some incredible looking boulders in the private land, Corey Batten has been in touch with the landowners to request access to their property, and they have as kindly as possible denied the request, even if it’s just a meter over their property lines. Their reasons for the denial of access are:

Liability Concerns: Granting permission for access could expose the landowners to potential lawsuits if anyone gets injured while on their land.

Safety and Privacy: The Yarrabilba estate development has extended into the conservation parks, leading to an increase in people coming close to their homes. This situation has become unsettling for them, and they believe that allowing climbers might encourage others to think they have a right to access the land as well.

Personal Protection: The area contains wild pigs and dogs, prompting the landowners to have the right to bear arms on their property for protection. Allowing random access to their land could potentially interfere with their licensing for this protection.

the landowners fully recognise that the fences need urgent repair due to the sudden popularity of the area, they are working with park rangers to address this issue.

The land owners are kind people who deserve to live their life in peace, If you want any further information please contact Corey Batten.


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What goes around, comes back around down this way to- literally this is the down climb for this bloc. The furtherest left line, stand start hands matched on right tending mini corner and straight up the ledges to a easy mantle.

Erstbegehung: Jimmy Blackhall, Aug 2020

Erstbegehung: Jimmy Blackhall, 2020

Erstbegehung: Jimmy Blackhall, 2020

Erstbegehung: Jimmy Blackhall, 2020

Stand start in front of the wide grass tree in the white rock. RH flat hold and LH in crack pocket- move left and then big move up into black rock. Water your Zen garden moving right to a tall, committing top out- straight up the tallest part of this bloc.

Erstbegehung: Jimmy Blackhall, Aug 2020

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Selected Guidebooks mehr Verbergen

Autor(en): Jimmy Blackhall & David Jefferson

Datum: 2021

ISBN: 9377779499658

Hidden within the ordinary people of Queensland there exists a tight-knit community of scabby knuckles, grazed knees, massive forearms and iron-clad wills. This guidebooks seeks to shed light on this community and blocks of choice with all the information, skills and knowledge to open the door for you to explore all the bouldering that Queensland has to offer.

Autor(en): Simon Carter

Datum: 2018

ISBN: 9780958079068

A few years ago there was basically Frog Buttress and Coolum. Since then there has been more development than Barangaroo and South East Queensland should be on any climbers radar no matter what your style. Except ice climbing, definitely no ice climbing. But over 1250 routes with hard sport, multipitches and quality trad to make a great trip.

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